Kiss Of Deceit.

Deep, in the forest countryside of Ashville lived a wolf clan called the Nazan. They have lived in this isolated part of the country for about two hundred years since, their arrival from a faraway land according to legends. It was made up of different wolf packs, headed by Alpha Conri. He had a promising son called Kane. Unlike his father, Kane was a young wolf who loved adventures and often sneak out of his wolf's clan to a certain human village, miles away from their abode. It was during one such of adventures, he met and fell in love with a human girl named Clara.

Clara is the daughter of the almighty Ferahon, a powerful witch at Entebbe. A town miles away from the werewolves' settlement. Earlier in the day, she received a message from one of Kane's messengers to meet his secret lover at a forest far enough from Entebbe. It was here she waited for hours until, Kane showed up at last.

"Why do you kept me waiting for so long?'' Clara asked. Much to her relief. "I have been waiting here all day and still, there was no sign of you until now. Now, how fair is that, tell me huh?''

"I'm so sorry my love,'' began Kane, while maintaining an intense look at her lover. ''Something came up. It was something that has to do with my people and I had to take care of that before, coming out. Please, forgive me! I will make sure that, it doesn't happen again. Not again! My love,'' he attempts to go down on his knees but, was quickly stopped by Clara who pulled him by his shirt.

"Hey Kane! You don't have to do that. I haven't asked you to go down on your knees and beg for my forgiveness but, here you are doing it,'' she smiled at him. "How romantic? Kane! How romantic that was!''

"It was? Are you serious about that?'' He succumbed to her little effort of trying to stop him from going down on his knees. ''Hey! I was only trying to apologize to the woman I love. I was trying to make her understand why I became a disappointment and couldn't keep to my words,'' he drifted closer to her. Their bodies touched before he scooped her from behind and carried her in his arms. "I swear to God, I'm not going to do that again. You can believe me on this,'' he kissed her forehead and grinned at the same time.

Kane knew he needed to distract her if he must carry out what was in his mind. He wondered how foolish she must have been to meet up with him after, the horrible act she carried out the previous night. In the surrounding bushes lays his wolf brothers in ambush and awaiting a signal to attack.

"If you do that again, I will have your head cut off and set on my eating plate for dinner,'' she grabbed his shoulders and hold on tight, while in his arms.

Clara feels safer in his arms and more loved, than in any other man she has ever been with. Just what made this alpha so unique is beyond her understanding. She was a witch and the magical powers in her has made it difficult for her sexual satisfaction to be attainable by any man except alpha Kane. She knew only him could match her. Perhaps, that explains the eternal love she has for him but, there is only one problem. They can never be together as long as he is a wolf and she is a witch. It was a forbidden love the practiced. She gives it less thought from time to time and simply hope fate will decide in their own favors.

"Oh you mean, the little peck on your tiny forehead or what? Could that be the reason why I'm having my head chopped off for dinner? Sure honey, you may go ahead and have my head as your dinner but, who will ever love you again like I do?'' He joked. "I know it cannot be what I'm thinking right now or can it be Clara? This is the first time you are issuing a threat to me. What happened and what change you?'' He laughed as he saw the expression of disbelief on her face apparently, because of his last words.

"Put me down!'' she commanded with a weak voice. She wasn't serious about her command. She was only trying to return the little tease that Kane had given her. "Will you put me down at once? Kane! I want to stand to myself feet so, I can take a long good look at you.''

"There is no need for that since, you are going to chop off my head if I do as you have said. I tell you what, why don't you start right there? You can make a great cut from there you know?" He teased.

"Oh god! I have heard enough! Big head! Put me down now! Before the count of one to eight, you must do that,'' threatened Clara. "One!'' She began counting.

While she counts, Kane echoed with the corresponding numbers left to be counted by her.

"Two!'' Echoed Kane.


"Four!'' echoed Kane again.


"Six!'' He laughed a bit this time, as he mimicked her voice.


"Oh! Here we go, eight and the final number!'' Said Kane. "Your ultimatum is over, now what?'' Kane grinned. He seemed to have enjoyed himself from the little numbers they had counted.

Meanwhile, he had hardly finished asking her about her next move when she started struggling to get off from his arms. However, that never happened instead, she ended up pushing herself closer to him, and got buried tighter in his arms.

Kane kissed her deeply, while she tried to mumble some incoherent words. After that, with Clara in his arms he began walking where she had tired her horse to a tree branch.

"I asked to be a dropped down but no, that never happened instead I ended up kissing you,'' she began. "Now tell me, how fair was that? She stroked him on his chest. "Can you drop me down for goodness sake?''

"No! No! And no! And that's my final answer. I'm not ready to drop you down now not until, we get to your horse," he smiled at her. "I thought you have forgiven me your royal highness? Oh never mind! It's obvious I have not been forgiven.''

"I could have forgiven you but, I'm afraid this not going to happen again. You have ruined your chance,'' she clung very closely to his neck as they continued moving in the direction of where her horse was grazing. "Yes! That chance was ruined when you decide to carry me in your arms, like a baby against my will."

"Hey! That sounds ridiculous. Hahaha! I never knew my act of kindness was against your will mam. I guess I'm just finding out now," he glanced at her, expecting a swift response. Now what? What are going to say honey? Just spill them out at once."

"Nothing! Were you expecting something?'' She asked. "Just don't drop me anymore.''

"Ahaa!" Exclaimed Kane. "Now you have been caught red handed. You could have told me, you wanted some more ride in my arms. It wouldn't have been difficult you know. It would have been easier if, you had opened up. The way I see it now, it's not going to be free anymore. Every lift from henceforth, has a price,'' he grinned at her excitedly.

"May I know your price?''

"Oh yes! For every meter I walked with you in my arms, you will pay me back with a kiss each. That, implies one kiss per meter. Now, that's what I call a fair price. No doubt you must be glad about my generosity and fairness. And one more thing mam! I suggest, you start paying your debts now.''

"Ahaa!" Shouted Clara. "You don't need kisses honey. What you need actually, is a series of hot resounding slaps! Now, how about that? How generous am I with that? Huh?" she gave him a wicked smile. "Are you going to drop me now or not?''

"We are almost there. So, there you go,'' he dropped her to her feet beside her horse.

The horse neighed almost immediately he dropped her to her feet. "Your horse seem to recognize I was not trying to hurt you. Did you see how it responded immediately your feet hit the ground?" He smiled at her.

"What if my horse thought otherwise?" She asked. "Have you thought about that? Your ass would have been laying on the ground right now and those grins on your face would have also been shriveled. Oh! That would have been great also to watch." She grinned at him in retaliation.

"I'm not worried if that happens. You know why? Because, the responsibility of tending to me will fall on you. Don't forget we are all alone in this forest? There will be no one to help you pull me up honey so, before you start jumping and smiling like an overfed monkey, think again honey!''

He noticed the sudden unfriendly expressions on her face because, of his last sentence. Once again, he threw his arms around her and tried to hug her but, Clara seemed not to be interested in what he was doing. He knew she was only pretending to angry so he could apologize to her, yet again or maybe she has suddenly discovered his little secret. He argued within himself that, he had been acting very nice in such a way she would never discover what he was up to. Weird enough, she has been playing along and acting naively as if, she has no hand in what happened the night before.

"Listen up honey, if you are trying to make me go down on my knees again and beg for your forgiveness simply because, I told you the truth, that's not going to happen again!" Kane sounded even more serious this time. He had suddenly remembered the misery she caused him and almost blew his cover.