Romance Ignited With The Alpha.

Clara had some doubt about what Kane had told her. Indeed, she had no proof that Kane was the one behind her release. This is because, she never saw him make any move which suggested he was breaking any spell.

"How do you expect me to believe that? Do you think, you can brainwash me this time around? Show me your evidence that you were behind my release?"

"I don't need to show you any evidence because the evidence is already there. You knew, there was no one capable of breaking that spell except I?" Kane reminded her.

"Yes, I remembered you used the magic I taught you to hold me hostage. You know, I regret that because you were never worth it."

"I have never misused it before. Believe me, you could have been killed in less than 24 hours if, I hadn't intervened."

"What do you mean?" Clara asked in a manner that showed she was confused. "Can you clarify your words?"