A Kiss Of Reunion.

"What happened back there, Lora? How could you leave without letting anyone know? This is unbelievable! Now, you almost got yourself killed," Clara blew hot.

"Clara, I'm very sorry for my actions. But, you and I know that I have been banned from coming to the castle, that's why I left at the entrance to avoid invoking the wrath of our mistress," Lora replied.

"Yes, she banned you from entering the castle but, that ban was because of me, and now, i'm back. Why should she uphold her words again if the purpose of doing that does not exist anymore?"

They were almost getting close to the castle as they talk. Kane knew he can not enter the castle with them therefore, he will have no choice but to part with them.

"I'm sorry Clara I can't walk any further beyond this," he avoided their eyes meeting and looked down as he spoke.