It was already three o'clock in the morning. Soon, it would be dawn and light would crack through her window.

But Hazel couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in bed, unable to put either her mind or body to rest.

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Rain was pouring heavily outside. 'The weather matches my current mood,' she thought with some annoyance.

Her heart ached every second. Something in it expanded, consuming her completely. Nothing she did would reduce the ache.

Her imagination started to run wild. She could vividly imagine Zac with his beloved woman, cozily wrapped in his arms.

Damn it, why did she always have to think about him!

She cursed her thoughts for always running back to him. He was allowed to love whoever he wanted. And what he did with his lover was none of her business. She had no right to dwell on his thoughts.