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Zac was shocked. A hint of astonishment flashed across his face. "What did you say? Pardon me?"

Again, she took a deep breath, and her expression became calmer. Figuring out what was behind the matter was the main purpose of her coming here today. She couldn't be too impulsive to irritate the big demon.

"Christina said that you had helped her plan the whole thing. You asked her to drug Hanson and pretend to be pregnant, so as to destroy our engagement ceremony,"

she repeated it again. Before coming here, she had planned to look for Christina first. Unexpectedly, she went abroad and hid herself, afraid that she would be blamed by him. So she asked him directly.

"Damn Christina!" Zac frowned in anger, with a deep imprint on his forehead.

Hazel stared at him without a blink. She didn't want to miss the subtle change in his expression. She asked, "Did you do that?" She asked in a gentle tone rather than an angry one.