Ch-3: Who?

It wasn't long before Zhao WuTian stepped off the dock and onto the land of Razia. The Captain didn't see him off as he expected, as the other suddenly appeared to be in a rush to leave. Which Zhao WuTian didn't mind as he too seem to have encounter a situation himself. He was suddenly attacked by a young boy in a tailored black and white suite. Well to say he was attacked would be an overstatement but never the less he was in contact with a stranger.

"Young Master where have you been?"

Correction, a stranger the past owner of his body knew. "Umm...? Who are you exactly?" Zhao WuTian asked. With his body engulfed in a big bear hug he couldn't help but stiffen. 'What the hell was going on here?'

The hug tightened causing Zhao WuTian to let out a low groan in pain. His body was a bit on the thin and tender side, such rough actions would at times hurt him.

"Young master don't play like that." The young boy let go, looking at his master with a smile. "It's me, Aiden your butler." He gently touched his masters forehead. "Did you have too much to drink?"

'I have a butler?' Once again Zhao WuTian had to rake his brain for any memories resembling a butler. Lucky for him it didn't take long as he recalled that somewhere within chapter one it was briefly mentioned that there was, indeed a butler by Bonny's side who had served him for a couple of years. A young butler name Aiden who was 3 years younger then him. So to answer his own question, yes, he did have a butler.

Taking a safe step back Zhao WuTian carefully looked at his butler, a charming face greeted him. An appearance that would have a horde of girls falling in love at a glance. A pool of deep bottomless, crystal blue eyes that were mysterious and immeasurable as the sea. Short, loose curly chestnut hair that framed his defined face perfectly. His lips tipped downward at the end, the color a dark red like individual rose petals. Aiden was eye catching, a bit too eye catching for Zhao WuTian taste.

For some reason as Zhao WuTian looked at this butler of his, he couldn't help but find him a bit strange. Though Aiden was smiling at him the smile never seemed to reach his eyes. The youth's gaze didn't appear happy or concerned, unbefitting of his worried tone. It was more on the impassive and uncaring side, cold and irritated if one paid closer attention.

'Okay' Zhao WuTian inwardly noted. 'My Butler is a wolf in sheep's clothing.' He had to be a bit more careful around this person. Who he noticed had been, secretly watching him with skeptical eyes, since he stepped foot onto the dock. Not that he would point out such a thing when the original body didn't.

So why would he?

There was no doubt about it, that Aiden carried a lot of hostility towards him. But it wasn't enough that would threaten his life, which was all he really cared about. It was fine with him, he had no quarrel with his Butler pretending to be a bubbly, nice-caring youth. But that didn't mean he would let his guard down around the younger, just because he didn't feel any killing intent coming off from the other.

There was nothing bad in being a bit more cautious. Just because he couldn't feel any killing intent, didn't mean it wasn't there. It just meant that Aiden had great experience in hiding it.

But then again, what did Zhao WuTian know? He was a professional in the art of literature, not war. For all he knew, he could be making something out of nothing. After all he only read one chapter of the novel.

"Young master. Why aren't you saying anything, is something wrong? Are you sick? Did something happen to you? Are you hurt anywh-"

"I'm fine, thank you." Zhao WuTian interrupted. "No need to worry."

Aiden gave a small smile and said. "As long as your fine I won't worry." Stepping to the side he gesture forward. "It's late, let's get you home now."

Zhao WuTian nodded noticing the sun slowly disappearing on the horizon. Indeed it was getting late and he wanted nothing more than to sleep right now. He would figure things out about his situation later.

He quickly walked forward, his butler following steadily behind him. The teenagers expression was cheery as ever.

Zhao WuTian was indifferent to it. The only thing on his mind was a soft bed. Holding that in mind it didn't take long before he reached his home. As soon as he entered he felt a couple of scornful gazes land his way. And automatically he could feel a headache coming on, causing him to slowly rub the side of his temple. He seemed to have sensed some trouble heading his way.

And he was right.

"There you are!" An angry voice shouted. "Can you ever just go a day with out making trouble for us!"

'Who?' Zhao WuTian felt his mood sank seeing a tall man with short, fiery red hair approach him at high speed.

He looked to his right toward his butler only to find the teenager no longer there. He was gone. Somehow within the time he stepped through the front door Aiden had vanished.

'Just my luck.'

It was the originals half older brother, Liam.

"Pirates?!" Liam seethed, gaze dark and cold. "You stole from damn pirates!"

'Uh, no. But your brother probably did.' The book didn't go into detail on how Bonny was constantly winning those games. It just said he was good at gambling.

Good how?

Zhao WuTian didn't know.

"Do you think I'd be a live if I did. It was a misunderstanding." Said Zhao WuTian.

Though he was bluffing earlier it seemed that word got out. And that in the end, someone did see him get kidnapped.

Most likely it had something to do with that butler of his.

Thinking this he didn't waste another second and walked away. Returning to the place that was now his bedroom. He fell onto his bed with a deep sigh.

'Comfy.' He thought.

His bed was very large and comfortable. Totally different from his twin sized bed on earth.

He was going to be living the life of luxury from now on. Something he didn't disagree with. But it was something he was going to have to get use to.

Now for the reason behind his rebirth and why he transmigrated. He would definitely like to know, if it was share coincidence or someone's plan. In all the reincarnation and transmigration novels he's read. One thing he had learned was that there was always someone or something controlling things behind the scenes.

It would be nice to hear their reasonings for his rebirth but he wasn't in a rush to know all that.

He snuggled into the pillows. 'With time things will begin to unravel.' All he had to do was take things slow.

Even if he could never find out why he was here. He would be completely find with that. He'd enjoy this life the best way he could. And no one will get in the way of that.

He'll live a lazy life of books, food, and sleep. What could be better then lounging around and doing nothing?