Ch-9: Very tiresome.

"He's healthy and there are no signs of internal injuries or wounds on his body. Furthermore his body though still on the thin side, seems to be adapting well with the weather these days. He has had not one cold or fever for the last few days. In conclusion My Lord, it is just as he has said. The situation that happen nearly a week ago was an misunderstanding."

The family physician carefully slid Bonny's health report onto his Master's desk. Ever since the third young master of the house returned from his kidnapping a few days ago, the family had been secretly anxious about Bonny's state.

Leo. The Daniels Family doctor, was an late middle aged man who served the family for a 45 years of his life. He is exceptionally familiar with the health of the Daniels family especially Bonny's.'

Born prematurely and without any magic or attributes the young child Bonny, was very sickly ever since he was born. He would be feverish almost every other month for at least a whole week if his health wasn't examined regularly. And it would be worse when he would go out to drink and gamble away. He was like a fragile porcelain doll that could break at the faintest touch. The whole household was very worried about him.

But because of his sharp tongue, demanding tone and arrogant attitude a lot of servants had been dismissed or quit their jobs. Because of this the present servants were very wary of him.

Lord Eric L. Frances Daniel, the master of the house carefully ran his deep eyes through the details of the report. But there was one aspect that he was very curious about. He glanced at a tall silhouette that casually leaned against his office door, their blue eyes focused absent mindedly outside the window.

"Aiden." Lord Eric called. "What are your thoughts on Bonny's current behavior?"

Aiden, Bonny's butler who had remained quiet this whole time had spoken up for the first time this morning. "He's changed." He stated simply.


Aiden's gaze met Eric's dark amber eyes and paused for a second, carefully organizing his current thoughts. There was a lot to say and a lot he had seen from his young master this past week that had surprised him and intrigued his curiosity. So why would he throw his odd little master under the bus? Though he would like to admit the him 2 weeks ago would do exactly that. Present him had changed his mind as his master had seemed to change. Changed so much that he would even go as far as to say that Bonny was a whole different person entirely.

Yes, a whole different person?

Shrugging his shoulders Aiden responded clearly. "Being put in a life or death situation, one would choose to acknowledge their flaws and change for the better. Or for the worse. My Lord I feel that young master Bonny has changed for the better. It seems that he has started to mature and has notice that life is vastly too short and he should begin learning and attempting to make a mark on this world. With his weak body, his legacy is in jeopardy and that it would be best to change now before it's too late."

Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. But in the end ignorance was bliss.

"Eh." Eric nodded appearing to agree and accept this answer. "I would like for you to tell my son to join his family for breakfast this morning. There is something important that I would like to talk to him about."

Aiden nodded and left leaving the two adults to finish their conversation.

The Lord furrowed his brows in confusion. The strangeness of his son became more and more apparent as the days passed by. It wasn't just his appearance but as well as his personality. His major changes were evident when he stepped foot into the south wing where his late wife had died. And decided to read the whole library of books day after day non stop. Having witnessed it all himself he had went into a trance for the rest of the day afterwards. His third son spent his days either inside the library garden or his bedroom reading silently with the intent to finish all the thousands of books inside the mansion.

Refusing all his attendants help and insisting on doing the work all by himself. Even going as far as to wash and dress himself. And most of all he had not even spoken a single disrespecting word to anyone in the estate or rushed out to visit any local Taverns or any Brothels. He was very behaved and detached except for when he communicated with his Butler and occasionally had conversations with his family.

This drastic personality change was the outcome of his life after being kidnapped.

"I will continue the young masters weekly check ups and let Aiden continue his daily monitoring and notify you if anything out of the odd happens. "

Nodding his head in agreement, Eric sent away the doctor.

As the door closed shut the Lord shut his eyes and leaned back on his chair. It would not help his youngest son at all if he kept regretting and blaming himself. He'll just have to make sure Bonny was even more well and happy then before.


At the same time on the other side of the house inside a red and black room within the main mansion held a quiet young man who sat criss crossed on his bed with a book in his hand as he stared absent mindedly into space. Pondering the idea if he should tell his newly profound follower, that this world of his was nothing but a fantasy webnovel on earth, written by a popular novelist on the internet. And if the demon would react with his usual sly smirk and laughter of amusement. Or would he get angry at the mere idea of being a fictional character?

Well, who knew. Zhao WuTian shrugged closing the last book in his hands before tossing it to the side in a large pile of fully read books. He sighed tiredly. Only time would tell with that one.

"Finished reading?"

Zhao WuTian stood up ignoring the voice that belonged to his current stalker and walked into his bathroom to take a quick shower. Who would have known that signing a contract meant he would be constantly followed around and watched.

During these past few days he had learned three major things; 1) Levi can choose to be visibly and invisibly seen by anyone he pleased. Which means that if there was another person in the room currently, they would only see Bonny. While Bonny could see both the person and Levi that stood next to him. 2) Levi could somehow be in more then one place simultaneously without anyone noticing. More than two days ago Zhao WuTian had found out that the name of the body Levi had inhabitant was Julian Roan. The Kings loyal high General who supposedly left the Daniels family to return to the castle in celebration for the Crown Princes birthday. 3) Levi was very knowledgeable on almost any and everything. Which in hand came in handy in helping him understand this world better.

But aside from those three important details he notice other things that he would temporarily not acknowledge at present.

It wasn't long before Zhao WuTian walked out his bathroom fully dressed and stood in front of his bedroom mirror in contemplation. No matter how he looked at it, this body of his was more on the thinner side then his original. Bonny inhabited zero attributes of magic causing a weak constitution but it went beyond just being frail. An average persons body that held no magic was way healthier then Zhao WuTian's present body. Even a child could easily push him down.

There was not an ounce of muscle or fat on his body. Just squishy, soft pale skin. Evidence of a long pampered life with looks that were genderless. So genderless that if he didn't check between his legs at one point in time he would've assumed he was a women.

In Zhao WuTian past life he would agree that his looks were also top tier. But just with a glance one could tell he was a male. Not just by his looks but by his build and stature. He wasn't a muscle man but he had a slim athletic built, standing at 6'2 in 1/2 almost reaching 6'3.

But now.

He gently poked himself.

He was barely reaching 5'12. And with his weak health that height was surprising in itself.

If he couldn't do anything magical he had to at least work out a bit. Surely that wouldn't kill him. And he also desperately needed to get a tan. He was starting to look like a ghost the longer he stayed indoors. And his long hair that touched the floor did not help his look at all.

"Very tiresome." He mumbled.

'It's fine.' A velvety voice sounded within his head. 'You look fine little rabbit.' Zhao WuTian looked over at Levi who lazily sat on his bed, his long slender legs casually crossed over each other as he leaned his elbow on his knee, cupping his cheek with his hand. 'You look very enticing.' He spoke half heartedly.

"Surely your not attracted to real rabbits now are you?" Zhao WuTian questioned sarcastically as he tried to fix his hair into a bun.

"No." He chuckled. "Just ones with fangs." Levi answered, as a sudden knock came from the door.

"You may come in." Zhao WuTian announced.

The bedroom door opened right after, in walking his butler.

"Young master Bonny." Aiden called monotonously, not an ounce of respect in his voice. "Lord Eric would like for you to join him and your brothers for breakfast this morning." Looking at a large ball of messy curls as Bonny's attempt of a quick bun Aiden wanted to role his eyes.

Zhao WuTian glanced at Aiden through his mirror before continuing to fix his hair. "Tell father I'll be right there."

Yet Aiden stood still staring at him with a look of undisguised annoyance. Confused by this, Zhao WuTian stopped what he was doing and turned around ignoring the demon laying comfortably on his bed. "What's the matter?"

"Would you have me do it instead young master?"

"Do what?- oh!" He looked at his violet tangled hair and nodded sheepishly, knowing he indeed was making an even worse mess than before, though all he wanted was his hair out of his face. "Yes. That would be better."

Grabbing the comb out of Bonny's hand he began to meticulously unravel strands of hair that wrapped around a blue ribbon before softly brushing all the hair back. Setting down the ribbon Aiden pulled out a silver hair pin decorated with a blue peacock and neatly wrapped it around Bonny's hair, pulling the locks into an elegant bun. While parting two pieces of hair from each side in the front to softly dangle halfway down onto his shoulders as the ends mingle into the bun. His movements were careful but fast finishing everything within less then 2 minutes. Astonishing even Levi who secretly watched in the corner.

Aiden observed Bonny from head to toe to make sure everything was in place. And surprisingly this time he didn't have to do too many last touch ups in fixing the cloths. "Finished."

"Thank you." Zhao WuTian expressed.

Aiden nodded lightly before coldly darting his gaze towards the bed. There was nothing there but for a long time since he came in here it constantly felt like he was being watched. And this wasn't the first time he felt this way. Recently some time ago every time he's around Bonny it would always feel as if there was a third party present. With his extraordinary sixth sense he was always able to feel even the slightest shift in the air and pin point the exact direction. But time and time again he would see nothing.

His blue eyes furrowed darkly. 'Magic?...'

"Is something wrong." Zhao WuTian tapped Aiden on the arm. "Didn't you say my father and brothers are waiting for me?"

Taking one last glance Aiden removed his gaze. "Yes. This way Young master Bonny."

Watching both of them leave the room. A callous smirk curved it's way onto Levi's lips as a small simple thought crossed his mind. 'Should I kill it?'

There was something he had notice for a while now, since he had met the Daniel family. This 'young' butler of theirs was more than a wolf in sheep's clothing. He hadn't cared about it before as the original Bonny wasn't worth mentioning. But the current Bonny was different. And this butler of his was dangerous, and so Zhao WuTian needed to be careful. So Levi decided to kindly warn his little rabbit of the tiger that was near him.

But of course nothing was free.

Levi smiled devilishly at the idea of Zhao WuTian finding out later on just how much his help would cost. And just how far of a hole he would soon unconsciously dig himself. Laughing eerily, black smoke encircled his body before he disappeared leaving the vast room completely empty.