A New Partner

He could barely stop himself from running over there and grabbing it. He wasn't as excited as when he found Moy's egg, considering he didn't know how hard it would be to find violet potential eggs then. Since then he knew that he would be able to find more in the future, although he didn't expect it to be so soon.

He didn't feel anything watching this time, so he doubted the egg was a plant, and was much more likely just general good luck. He sadly couldn't tell what was in the egg just from looking at it. There was a science behind that, where people could tell what pokemon was in an egg from the different patterns and sizes and how they vary, but he hadn't put the time into studying it, considering he only cared about the potential of an egg.

Luckily, when his mom went to get the egg there wasn't as much confusion as last time, and the storekeeper was able to say what pokemon the egg was from. Without any fanfare he mentioned it was a dwebble egg. If it was his old life he would probally be pretty disapointed, but in this life as long as it had violet potential he didn't care. Plus crustle's evolution in this universe was pretty cool.

Some might think it would be beneficial for him to be a psychic type trainer due to his psychic energy, but he disagreed. The reason most people focused on training a single type is so that they can learn all the tricks for that one type, and have their older pokemon teach the younger ones. He didn't really need to do that, plus he much preferred the varity of all the different types.

In this universe their are over 1000 pokemon because of all the new evolutions and baby forms, not to mention variant evolutions which can sometimes be considered a new form or a completly different evolution. Like with the wormadam forms compared with scizzor and kleavor. Still with his enhanced intelligence it wasn't a diffuculty to memorize all the new pokemon in this universe.

During crustle's evolution it would take the huge rock it carried on its back and fuse it into its own body, basically becoming a gaint rock crab. This came with the normal benefits of evolution, increasing its stats all round, but also removed the weakness of the possibilty of dwebble and crustle's shell being taken from them. Plus even with the shell it wasn't a perfect defense, since they had to come out of it to attack, evolution removing this weakness also.

His mom had simply paid for the egg and then they headed home. He says simply paid for, but in truth it was ridiculously expensive, a little more than $300,000. The reason for this massive price difference between Moy's egg and the dwebble egg, was because this dwebble egg was meant to be going to the top floors, compared to the bottom one Moy came from. It was clear that this dwebble had talented parents, but he was sure whoever was selling it would regret it if they knew how talented this dwebble was.

The reason he knew this dwebble wasn't from the wild was because it was very illegal to get pokemon eggs from the wild, and a store like this one wouldn't be selling such risky goods. The reason it was illiegal wasn't only because it was increadbly dangerous for the person getting the egg, but it often, and understandbly, set off the mother pokemon often ending up causing injury and death to people who happened to be near by.

This didn't necessarily mean it was illegal to have wild pokemon eggs. After all, although rare, it wasn't impossible to find nests with no mother pokemon. In this case some of the region's rangers would check the area to see if they could find the mother, and if the couldn't the person who found the egg was free to either sell it or raise it themselves.

As soon as his mom and him got home he went up to his room to study up on dwebble. Moy was still practicing in the backyard. He didn't have to turn the gravity to his room down just yet, due to the fact that pokemon eggs were protected from enviormental influences as long as they weren't too drastic. It seemed enhanced gravity was included in the not drastic enough category, though he suspected if it got to be too much, the egg would be destroyed.

The store clerk had said the egg had about half a month before it hatched so he had to make all the plans he could in that time. The easiest thing was the training plan, since it was much like Moy's of practicing moves and increasing energy, except this time with physical exercise thrown into the mix. The second easy thing was getting another gravity braclet for the dwebble so it could always be training like him.

By far the hardest part was choosing what type of rock for dwebble to carry, and eventually merge with. Sadly he couldn't just give it some metal, due to the energies in dwebble's body still being part rock type. Some rocks were heavier, adding more defense, while some were lighter increasing speed. In the end though, dwebble and it's evolutions were mainly defensive, so that is what he would be focusing on.

As he was looking through the densest rocks on this planet he came across something incredible. When scientist in this universe were looking to see how the structure of the planet worked, they sent down a pokemon called coalossal. Being a fire and rock type it could resist the high heats and pressure the farther it got into the earth. It had eventually reached the edge of solid and liquid and had to come back up, but not before bringing some samples of the rock back from the edge of the mantle. Left unsaid was the fact that this coalossal must have been immensly strong to have gone down so deep.

It was found that this rock was so hard and dense that even a ginormous coalossal was only able to carry back a few boulders of the stuff. This material was great for research in the sciense industry though, so it was often gathered, even if a small bit was an enormous expense. When he had been reading up on this material he knew almost immediatly it was perfect for his dwebble.

It wasn't even that hard to get, he just had to ask his dad and he was told that they practically had the stuff laying around. Turns out even if the stuff had great research purposes, the material itself was pratically useless due to its extreme hardness and weight.

It was only a couple of day's after he got dwebble's egg that he had to leave the house again. Part of the agreement with the government that allowed him to stay home instead of going to school was that he would take the standerzized tests starting at age ten and he was ten now, off to take his first test.

His mom had driven him to the testing center and after many hugs and kisses finally let him out of her site. He loved his mom but she could be very doting at times. As he approached the testing center he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose. Kids were crowded around it, yelling, running and screaming. It was so insufferable he just wanted to get this over with. He somewhat expected this though, and managed to convice his mom to drop him off last minute to hopefully avoid socializing.

It seemed he wasn't completly in luck though, because he soon felt somebody reach out to touch his soulders through his psychic energy. Although it wasn't an actual perception of his surroundings, that was something he would be training later, he could still vaugly sense it. He sidestepped to avoid the hand and quickly turned around to look at the offender. As he did so they started speaking.

"Hey there I'm Hugo Jones. I hadn't seen you before so thought I would introduce myself, want some tips for the test?"

He stared at this kid, and couldn't help but scoff. This was the so much the sterotypical little brother fatty he couldn't help but cringe. He had the dumpling cheeks and everything. If he was a normal protaginist they would strike up a friendship that would last ages, and consist of him giving this kid plenty of resources, while fatty gives him some easy to find information in the early stage, while also constantly dragging him into trouble throughout his life.

Even more sterotypical could be this fatty telling him he wished to be a master food taster, and he would even get a munchlax as his starter pokemon. Perhaps the fatty even approached him because they thought he was from a poor background and would need the help.

Luckily enough he wasn't a normal protaginist and just walked off as soon as he noticed the doors to the testing center open. He thought he heard a faint sob behind him but was probaly imagining it. The kids were quickly split into groups, and the groups into seperate rooms. As he took his seat and got settled the tests were handed out to everybody.

As everybody got their test the main proctor stood up from his seat and said "Let the annual grade five, Saffron City test begin!"

That was certainly dramatic, he thought. Also he hadn't realized he was in Saffron City, it was very much a real city compared to the games, maybe he should have actually looked to see what was on this test. Luckily as he flipped through the packet he realized it shouldn't be to bad.

There was six categories consisting of pokemon studies, pokemon batteling, pokemon raising, math, science, culture. Everything except the culture section was extremelly easy with the hardest question supposed to be to give a move that was four times effective on geodude. The only section that even had a chance to screw him up out of these was science due the different rules but of the universe, but it seemed the fifth grade basics were still the same.

Culture was a different story considering it wasn't something he had studied at all. He could only hope that some of the psychic culture lessons carried over to the normal parts of that region. One thing he had noticed though was that everything in this world was english, strange espically with all the different cultures.

All in all it was clear he had passed the test with five of the six parts probally answered correctly and hopefully some on the last one. He simply handed in his test, got a suprised look from the proctor, probally for handing the test in two hours before the end time, and walked off. He called his mom with a new phone from one of his birthdays, and went off back home.

It was a few days later that Peter came back from his vacation, and Moy was ready to battle with her new body. As Moy and him made their way to the field he starterd encourging her.

"You excited Moy? As long as you give it your all I'm sure you'll be able to win."

"Don't worry! Moy will do her best and show that man who is the boss!"

"I know Moy, let's get em!"

It's not like Moy and him hadn't won any fights with Peter, but they were few and far between, mostly because as soon as they won Peter would up the difficulty.

"It seems you two are in a fighting spirit! Don't get you hopes up just because you've evolved and broken through. You aren't the only on with evolved pokemon! Go Corvisquire!"

"Your up Moy! You got this!"

As the corvisquire took to the field he quickly cam up with a plan through his battle experience and psychic energy.

"Moy, gravity, rock tomb, thunder!"

"Corvisquire, double team!"

It might seem like he had made the same mistake as his first battle where he used too many commands at once, but it was exactly the opposite. As gravity was used the corvisquire fell out of the sky, it then had no time to react to the rock tomb dealing big damage on it and lowering its speed. With its bad speed on the ground coupled with this, it had no chance to dodge the thunder controlled by Moy. As soon as it got hit it was knocked out, giving it no time to execute its orders.

This was no real suprise, and was due to Moy's own talent and hard work starting to show. Even if she was just in the beginner of the elite stage, by holding off on evolution and training to the max she had managed to beat a corvisquire who was already a peak elite rank, of course her talent was also an added bonus to this.

"Ah, it seems you've got me beat. I currently don't have any professional level pokemon on me, so we'll have to postpone our battles for a couple weeks as I go to collect them. Great progress Daniel, I look foward to seeing what you do in the future."

It was only a week later that Moy and him got to watch dwebble hatch. As the egg broke a dwebble quickly clawed out, only it wasn't a normal dwebble instead of the normal needles it had for claws, its claws were more like an actual crab's claws that could open and close. He quickly hooked up a telapathic link with the dwebble and felt that it was a girl. Currently her only thought was to get a shell, so he brought out a huge amount of the mantle rock or, U-28.

She quickly skadaddled towards the rock and started spraying out a fluid from her mouth onto the rock. This was an acid that was specially designed for dissolving rocks unique to the dwebble line, but even it was having trouble with U-28. She was still getting through it though, if slowly. He had gotten a lot of U-28 because dwebble would automatically chose the size of shell that was right for them and melt it out.

After a couple hours she had finally managed to make a big enough hole to fit into and quickly crawled into it. Her shell was a little smaller than a normal newborn dwebbles, but the fact it was even close was telling of her talent, considering how much denser this rock is to most other dwebble rocks.

As she got cozy in her rock she seemed to notice him in her mind and gave a short and brisk "Hello, father."

Peter Hold P.O.V

Daniel and his partner Moy had made rapid progress in the time that he had been teaching them. Even when he first met them it wouldn't be fair to say they were complete novices, far better than he could say for most people, never the less someone his age. In these three years they had only made rapid progress in command and battling ability.

The fact that they were able to beat his corvisquire was a great suprise, considering the supposed big difference in strength between the two. He was expecting to not win handily, but at least somewhat easily. Clearly he was wrong, and now he had to pay for that by making a big trip in returning to a place that he had just been. It seems he will have to prepare much better pokemon if he wants to keep up with those two in their next fights.