The Pokemon Raid

It started off as a day like any other. Moy and Meta had just finished a few battles with Peter and he was farther instructing them in training, in between the time before he set off to spare with scyther. When he was sparring, they would just continue their training.

As he was giving some tips to Meta about increasing her mastery of power gem, something happened. Power gem was a move alot of Dwebble couldn't learn, but due to having mastered rock polish recently it gave Meta the ability to learn it and a couple other moves.

All of the sudden he heard blaring loud sirens throughout the yard. At first he thought it was some sort of home siren but they were much too loud to be that. They sounded like what he imagined the british air raid sirens to sound like. Or, more ominously, what he expected the endbringer sirens to sound like in the worm universe.

He think he would have heard if their were endbringers in this universe though, but it was clear something bad was happening to put the city to put it on alert. Before he knew it he heard his mother rushing towards him with his enhanced senses. As she entered into view she quickly spoke.

"Oh there you are Pumpkin! I was worried you had run off. Come follow me to the basement, I'll explain once we are there."

That was certainly weird. He was always in the backyard at this time, and when he rarely does leave the house it was more often than not with his mom. Still he just assumed that this whole thing had gotten her frazeled. Undestandable, considering it seemed to be something big. Still he did as told and followed her, bringing Moy and Meta with him of course.

Soon they arrived at the basement. It was only them there, dad wasn't home, Sabrina wasn't around, Peter had already left, and Scyther was off to wherever he went whenever he wasn't being taught. There wasn't even a private chef considering mom made all the food, plus the cleaning staff only came once a week.

As they made there way into the basement he soon noticed how fortified it was. The door looked like wood but he quickly felt it was actually meatal, and with his basic psychic senses he could tell they were surronded by concreate, although he wasn't experienced enough to know how much. He had only been down here a couple of times when he was younger and explored the house, and he hadn't been back since.

As they entered the basement mom quickly closed the door behind them. As she did so he finally started to ask questions.

"What's going on mom, what's all this about?"

"Oh honey, I should have tol you sooner, I just didn't want you to worry. You see outside of cities, its a dangerous place with all the pokemon. Often times pokemon can be pushed out of their habitat by competing pokemon. When this happens sometimes that group of pokemon will flee to the city."

"I've known about that mom. I thought the rangers would just redirect the pokemon though, to places were they would be more suitable to inhabit. I don't see how that would lead to such drastic meausures being taken."

"It doesn't, I was getting there pumpkin, don't interrupt your mother. Like you said the rangers will often redirect things like that, but a small ethnic battle isn't the only reason pokemon may attack the city. There are a few others, like if the whole area outside the city got a new leader and didn't want any of the old pokemon living under them. It could also be beacuse of a big battle making the surrounding land temporarily uninhabitable, though that usually also serves as a warning sign for neaby cities. In these cases much more, and often stronger pokemon will attack the city making it impossible to just move them"

"Why had I never heard of this before mom, it seems like an important thing to know."

"Shake ups in the enviorment surrounding a city don't happen often. The last time Saffron city was attacked was about 40 years ago. Plus with advances in technology it has become easier to predit the coming of these attacks, making the damage much less severe with more time to prepare. Because of this its normally only something that is briefly covered in school. Daniel and I had planned to tell you soon but it seems we ran out of time befire it happened. Sorry about that honey, you must have been so worried."

He could even see a few tears in her eyes as she said it, so he did the only thing he could do and went over to give her a hug. He wasn't that worried, but he wouldn't refute his mother now. After a while he spoke again.

"Mm, its okay, I understand mom. It seems like you weren't expecting for another attack to happen so soon. If the damages are so little why are we still in the basement?"

"That's because you can never be too safe. You should know that. Plus, a flying pokemon can slip through the front lines every once in a while, attacking some people in the city."

"Ah, I get it. Out of curiousity what happens, to the pokemon who attack the city?"

"The more docile and weaker ones are often subdued, and relocated or used as pokemon. The stronger ones that can't be subdued on the spot sadly have to be put down."

That was certainly... harsh. He undestood why he it had to be done, espically in this world where it was easy for a pokemon to kill a person. But this wasn't like the novels that had mindless beast tides. Pokemon were often human levels smart, but it was their feral instincts that lead them to attacking the city.

He couldn't imagine having Moy and Meta being killed, considering they acted so much like humans. It was a proven fact though that pokemon that were raised by humans were often smarter than their wild counterparts, due to growing up around and learning from humans. As he was about to continue thinking though he heard Moy pipe up.

"Daddy, daddy! Can we go out and fight the bad guys!"

"No, of course not Moy, thats a horrible idea. Even if the pokemon are weak you should know to never willingly go into a battle when unprepared. Although that does make me curious, mom do you know how strong the pokemon in these attacks typically are? Also how long will we have to stay in here for?"

That unprepared thing he told Moy was true, but it was more of just an excuse to not nag him about going into battle. How could they not be prepared they were in their house with all the materials they could ever need. In fact he wouldn't be opossed to Moy and Meta getting some real combat experience, but he had refused Moy for a couple reasons.

First, was he didn't know how strong the enemies were outside. He doubted they were weak though. Although, with Moy's high level she was probaly much stronger than the vast majority of them, of course to really know he could just ask his mom like he has.

The main reason why was because he would draw too much attention. He was only twelve but already had a master rank pokemon. Even if a seventeen year old got a pokemon with suffiecient talnt, and raised it to master rank in six years, like he had, they would still be 23, and even that was ridiculous. Instead most civilian master rank trainers reached that rank in their early to mid thirties. It seemed as he was thinking that mom finally came up with the answers to his questions.

"It obviously depends, but judging by the pokemon around Saffron city their are probaly only a couple master ranks. This is due to cities generally being built in places where there are relativly weaker pokemon around. As for how long we have to stay here it will probaly only be about an hour. By that time an elite four class trainer should arive and be able to handle everything."

True to her words, almost an hour later the alarms around the city ended and they finally left the bunker. After doing so it felt almost like a normal day after, with him still training with scyther, and Sabrina starting to teach him how to sense his surroundings better, considering she couldn't teach him physical strengthening.

Later that night though, when he checked the news, it clearly listed the damages done by todays attack. The outer parts of the city was partially damaged, although not badly, but the major thing was that their was two hundred deaths, mostly from civilians but also some from trainers who responded to the attack. After an elite four level trainer showed up the pokemon were quickly repelled though.

It was certainly weird to be reading through that report, knowing all this damage was happening only miles from his home, while he was sitting cozy compared to the people who experienced the attack first hand. He could practically feel his blood boil at the thought of getting to fight in a battle like that, and he was sad he missed it.

It was probaly for the best though, even if Moy was among the peak class of the raid, she wasn't at the rank yet were lower ranked opponets met nothing. Plus, she had only just entered the master rank. Although she was strong for her level she could still be overwhelmed. This normally wasn't as much of a problem for atrainer who had an average team of four similarly strengthed pokemon, but Moy's only help would be an advanced rank Dwebble. Although Meta was a tank through and through, she wasn't at a high enough rank to effectivly protect Moy.

Still it wasn't like he could improve their training, they were already giving it all they got. It seems at this point what he needed was time for his pokemon to grow stronger. Not that only time mattered, battle would still rapidly increase their strength, but time was what he currently had. A lot of it too, because before he knew it three years passed and he was fifteen years old.