New Partner(s?)

It had been a year since Moy had evolved, he was now sixteen, and it feels once more like nothing had changed. Moy was about half way through elite four rank, making great progress considering how much harder it was to increase strength after quasi elite four. The quick progress was most likely due to the lingering effects of evolution. If he was lucky, Moy would be able to hit peak elite four by the time he goes on his journey.

Meta had also just entered the quasi elite four. She was already 15 feet squared, and she would probaly be as big as the biggest Mantor before she even evolved. The reason for her fast increase in strength was due to Moy. It's a proven fact that once a pokemon breaks through to the elite four rank on somebodys team, the following pokemon will increase in rank quicker, at no detriment to themselves.

Scientists don't know why this happens but suspect its a similar phenomenon to what happens to the trainer when one of their pokemon ranks up to elite four. You see, the trainer also gets physically stronger from their pokemon once it gets to elite four rank. Although it wasn't a whole bunch, he himself had also been feeling the benefits.

Sadly you didn't get any special abilities fed back, it was a pure increase in strength and resiliance, that increased as the pokemon's strength does. Due to both these phenomon happening once a pokemon reaches elite four rank, its speculated it has something to do with the pokemon's forming of a truth.

Of course these benefits couldn't be handed over just be trading pokemon or stealing them from someone. No one was sure why, but it seemed pokemon linked to the trainer who taught them for the majority of their lives, having all benefits go to this person. The mechanisms of this link, and how it decided who the benefits belonged to, were unkown.

Although Moy and Meta had made great progress, it was certainly slowing down due to their increased strengths. He was also slowing down in learning, though not as much. At this point he had already finished learning his reflex enhancement, and was working on his senses, something that would hopefully be finished when he leaves. At the same time Sabrina was still teaching him teleporting, and although not as complicated as telekinesis, even with his talent he would probaly only master it when he leaves, just like his sense enhancement.

His training with Scyther had only sped up due to the benefits of Moy, with Scyther starting to use the most basic of moves. Moy's feed back also allowed his gravity training to increase to the point he was already at 24X. Of course at this point he wasn't only training with Scyther, instead he was also battling with Peter's pokemon to practice with more varied opponets that were around his strength.

This gave him great experience with how to fight different pokemon, and also gave him a good idea of his actual combat strength, with his scythe and psychic abilities combined his strength was currently, just barely, the professional rank. This was pretty bad considering the strength of his pokemon, but for a human it was absolutly amazing.

If he hadn't gone through all the rigourous training since he was young, he would be like most other humans. Unable to even beat a novice level pokemon. Being able to compete with a pokemon that was stronger than the majority of peoples pokemon was truly incredible

He might not be helping out in any of Moy and Meta's battles anytime soon, but after a while in this world he realised that likely wouldn't be possible for a long time. Instead what all his training over the years had given him was the ability to survive even without his pokemon by his side. Not that he ever expected them to leave it, but just in case.

It was a few weeks after his sixteenth birthday and he was once again off to an egg shop. He was old enough now to the point where mom didn't have to come with him, even if it took her some convincing to let him leave the house alone. Moy and Meta would be staying home, since if they didn't they would be stuck in a pokeball all day.

Pokeballs in this universe were strange. Their was only one type of pokeball, that being the standard one. He expected that to be due to the fact that you couldn't just throw a pokeball at a pokemon and expect it to stay in. Their were no catch rates here, instead if you wanted a pokemon you would have to convince it to come along with you.

Also, whenever a pokemon was in a pokeball it was fully aware. The surroundings were designed to feel comfortable, but it wouldn't be wise to keep a pokemon in pokeballs for too long, due to the fact they still need to eat, use the bathroom, and could easily go crazy if kept in their for too long.

Because of this pokemon often weren't in pokeballs for more than a couple hours, only going inside when they need to be transported short distances without being affected by the surrounding enviorment.

By the time he finished his musings he once again arrived at the egg store that was getting the new shipment. He watched from the corner, his presence already accustomed to by the unloaders under the excuse was studying to be an egg identifier. As he was getting ready to walk off yet again in disapointment, he once again saw that beautiful purple sheen from an egg in the last crate.

He immediatly went to grab it, ignoring the weird looks from the unpackers. As he made his way to the cash register he couldn't help but think how lucky he was. And he was, quite literally, lucky. In this universe luck was a real thing and each person had varying amounts of it. This was proven by scientists by having some people flip a coin a hundred times, and although most were 50-50, skewed slightly left or right, some people got more or less than statisticly expected, consistently, proving they had bad or good luck.

He had also done the test in his free time, and got 91 of his desired side out of a hundred flips, which was record breaking. Without his insane luck he doubts that two violet talented eggs would have just so happened to be delivered to the same city, espically in the time span of less than ten years. If that's how luck really worked anyway, considering it was still a mystical law that couldn't really be studied.

As he was checking out the cashier spoke up to him. "Found an egg that caught your fancy huh. I can see why, Turtwig are real rare, espically around these parts, good luck on becoming an appraiser, that will be $700,000, have a good day."

Replying, "You to, thanks" he quickly walked off, able to pay easily with the money his mother had given him. As he wasn't really practicing to be an appraiser, he didn't actually know it was a Turtwig egg, but he couldn't help but be excited. Although Turtwig wasn't his favorite Sinnoh starter, that would go to Chimchar, it was still a violet talented pokemon, and that took precedence over all else.

As he left the store practically trembling in excitement over his new partner, he soon noticed a duo following him through the divine sense Sabrina had helped him develop. It didn't reach that far, only about 50 feet, but due to haveing mastered the ability he could see everything, as if he was looking at it all through his own eyes. Even if fifty feet sounded short, it was much larger than other psychic's divine sense due to his energys purity.

Of course, considering he could sense people following him in that range it was clear they were doing a bad job at stalking him, and were

more just walking behind him from a distance. They looked relatively like generic thugs, hoodies on, with black hair, and an average face. He did what the normal protaginist response was and ducked in an ally to force a confrontation.

He wasn't that worried, he doubted they would be too much for him to handle and if they were he knew he had bodygaurds following him, if only for the brief brushes they made aginst his field every once in a while.

As he waited in the ally they soon approached. Without waiting for him to speak up generic thug one spoke up.

"Hey kid! Hand over all you money, we know you have some!"

Generic thug two spoke after, "Yeah!, and hand over that egg too while your at it, we got pokemon, and we aren't afraid to use them!"

As generic thug two said that they both released pokemon. With number one releasing a Pidgey and two a Rattata. He couldn't help but dead pan and think these guys must be stupid. There were cameras throughout the whole city and as long as he reported them to the police they would easily be found.

If they planned to kill him to silence him, that would be even more stupid. They clearly knew he had money so somebody would look for his body, and killing him would leave to an even more serious investigation, and eventual punishment. He couldn't help but think they must be on some of kind of drug, the reason for most crimes in the streets in cities, considering anybody sober would know they would get caught by all the cameras.

He cleary wasn't actually planning to give over his stuff. The humans were clearly weak, he would be able to take them out with a literal flick of a finger. Although the pokemon were both ordinary rank they were clearly malnourshied. They could probally handle a weak pat at best.

So that's what he did, in a burst of speed it was clear none of them could follow, he flicked the two men on the head, knocking them out cold, and lightly bent over to pat the head of the Pidgey and Rattata, knocking them out. He could have handled that even quicker by using telekinesis, but he didn't have anything handy and he didn't want to deal with the hassle of ripping stone out of the ground.

He didn't want to deal with the aftermath, so he quickly called the police on his phone, yes phones existed, and went on his way. The Jenny family did exist in this universe, but they mainly dealt with pokemon crimes and wouldn't be handling this.

He soon returned home with no farther incident and happened upon Moy and Meta training.

"Hey girls! Come over here and meet your new partner!"

Like always Moy was the first to respond of the two, "Ohoh, what is it what is it, will it be super strong like us!"

Meta spoke soon after though, quicker than normal, "Will it also like rocks?"

"Yes Moy, I'm sure they will be strong. Ah... I'm not sure they will like rocks, but they might with their future ground typing."

Before he knew it another week passed but Turtwig's egg still hadn't hatched. This wasn't that unsurprising considering it could take some eggs upward of two weeks to hatch. Tonight Moy, Meta, and him were sleeping outside because Meta had finally grown large enough that her rock couldn't fit in his room, at a wopping 14 feet high, she carried 210 feet cubed of the heaviest rock on the planet on her back.

He wasn't complaining that much about sleeping on her back considering they had a comfy tent and it was also good practice for all the nights they would probaly have to sleep in the wilderness.

Moy and him were just settling in upon Meta's back in a tent when it happened. In his divine sense all of a sudden, without warning, he felt two presences appear. He couldn't tell what they were as they were blocking out his divine sense. One was massive, pressing down on him to the point he almost couldn't breathe, although the other one wasn't to be ignored, the only reason he could barely feel the effect of its presence was because of the strength of the other presence.

He soon got used to it though, partly because of all his training, and more importantly, the pokemon, what else could it be, was not actively trying to hurt him. If it was it could probaly breath on him and he would die. He also quickly noticed that the ground beneath him was shaking, before he soon remembered that the ground was Meta.

Opening his eyes he didn't realize he had closed, he quickly rushed outside the tent, with Moy following behind, even if she was also shaking, though less than Meta. He quickly realised what the presences were as soon as he left the tent.

The smaller one was an Aegislash if absolutely massive. The other one was an even bigger Kleavor. They were both just standing their looking at him, before the Kleavor spoke, actually spoke!

"Mm, I suppose you shall do, here child take this, and raise it as if your life depends on it, because it does."

Then without warning they were gone again, the Aegislash having not even done anything. And in front of him was yet another egg, with a glourious violet sheen on it. For a second he was confused, thinking Turtwig's egg must have rolled from the tent, but he soon realized that the egg in front of him clearly looked different.

Connecting that with what the Kleavor had said it was clear this was most likely its egg, and if he had to guess it would be with that Aegislash he saw earlier. Considering the Kleavor spoke in a male voice he suspected he was holding a Honedge egg. Sighing he walked back to the tent with Moy soon following behind him.

"What was that Daddy?"

"I don't know Moy, I don't know."

He had his suspicions though. If he had to guess that Kleavor was a quasi god ranked pokemon. He didn't even have words for that. Quasi god ranked pokemon might as well be almost a myth. They represented the peak combat power that humans held. Their were only four quasi gods known to the masses, those being Lance's Dragonite, Steven's Metagross, Cynthia's Garchomp, and Alder's Volcarona.

That didn't mean their weren't more quasi gods, just that any known ones were hidden from the public eyes. In fact he suspected that the quasi god trainers had probaly run into at least a few wild ones before.

Kleavor POV

He had watched the kid for a couple weeks now and he has to say he was impressed, if only slightly. When his mate had said she felt a good canididate to take care of their child he could barely supress his rage. Who could take better care of his child than his wife. But then she had told him that her child wasn't normal. There was nothing wrong with it per say, but she wouldn't be able to teach their child to the best of her abilities.

He hadn't understood at first, but as he watched the human, he soon suspected what had happened to their child. And if what he thought was right, he could understand why she wouldn't be able to truly teach their kid. Plus their probally wasn't a better kid to have raise their child then this one. He was truly dedicated to bringing the best out of his pokemon and himself, something he could appreciate as that was the only way he was able to get the strength he had today.

In the end he couldn't think of someone better to raise his and his mate's child. Though if a single shaving of harm was done to their child by this kid, nothing in this world would stop his wrath.

End Kleavor POV

As he was calming down from the sudden scare of meeting a quasi god it didn't take more than a few days for Turtwig to hatch. It was certainly a big event, with him holding onto Honedge's egg as Moy and him sat next to Meta's head while they waited. Before long the egg glew a bright white light, and in its place, took a Turtwig.

A huge Turtwig mind you. This wasn't suprising considering that the Turtwig line was a supersized line of pokemon. This basically meant that every increase in talent, even at the base form, lead to a massive increase to size, and they got an even bigger boost everytime they ranked up. This could lead to some massive pokemon, like hundreds of feet long Gyardos, since the Magikarp line was also supersized.

Moy was pretty much the oppisite of this, barely growing for every increase in rank even with her talent, and Meta was somewhere inbetween.

So of course with a violet level talented Turtwig how could it not be big. It was just born but it was already three feet tall. That was to be somewhat expected, however the unexpected was Turtwig's shell, or rather lack of one. When most Turtwig first start out it has a small sapling that grown on their head, and their shell is made out of compacted dirt.

When they evolve into Grotle the sapling moves under Grotle's shell to better protect itself, and it can do this because Grotle's shell softens up allowing for some leaves to peak through. When it becomes Torterra the shell is completely fertile dirt, and the tree grows atop Torterra's back providing energy and strength for Torterra.

However his Turtwig didn't have the compacted shell of its kind, and instead its shell was completly soft dirt like a Torterra's. And upon Turtwig's back grew a small sappling, much more developed than one normally atop a Turtwig's head.

This was a great thing as he expected it would allow Turtwig to start gathering strength a lot quicker through the tree, making it grow stronger and possibly even bigger. Not to mention the whole process of a Turtwig evolving was to get a tree on its back, so he had no idea what would happen as Turtwig evolved now.

Lost in his thoughts he soon noticed the Turtwig rubbing against his leg, he reached out with his mind and connected to theirs.

"Hey there Turtwig, lets get you something to eat, how does that sound?"

A young girlish voice responded in his mind saying, "Ok Mommy! Food!"

So that's a thing. He really hoped she didn't turn ou to be another Moy. He loved Moy, he really did, but two Moy's seemed like too much even to him.

Another couple of day's passed and before he knew it, it was time for Honedge to hatch. In this time he got to know Turtwig better and finally gave her, yes a her, gender ratios weren't a thing here, but his luck had been weird, a name which was Alba. This after the scientfic name of tree that looked similar to the one who grew on Torterra's back.

Luckily enough Alba wasn't completely like Moy, she also seemed to have picked up some mannerisms from Meta, being more calm at times, and also had a natural caring personality, hating to see the others get hurt in battles.

They once again gathered around Meta to watch the Honedge egg hatch, though this time their was an extra pokemon in the form of Alba to watch the event unfold.

The egg, just like all the othes he had witnessed, burst into a white light and out flew a kid sized Honedge. Except it wasn't a normal Honedge, instead of the normal sword, it was a scythe fitted for the size of a young kid, with the signature honedge tassel hanging off its end, and an eye on both sides where the hilt would run through the blade.

Not only that, it was also shiny. Not that being shiny was all that rare, pokemon came in all different sorts of colors in this universe, the term shiny was just a pokemon outside of the usual color palette and wasn't all that rare here. But still, it looked much cooler than normal, with a blood red blade and tassel, a pitch black handle, and two glowing purple eyes.

He was curious how Honedge would evolve in the future, he hoped it didn't gain a shield, although he doubted it as with a new form evolutions were often very different. He was excited about the prospect of using it in battle though and was curious about how it would work out. He was drawn from his thoughts as he felt Honedge's tassle rub against his skin. Looking down at it he was soon shocked to see it flow into his skin becoming a part of his arm.

As it dissapeared into his arm he soon heard a voice in his head, "Hello Master, Honedge at you service."

He had a feeling this would be a pattern, between the mutant pokemon, the different nicknames, and the fact that Honedge was once again a female.