Stitching together his body was the same they also would remove body parts and burn the wounds closing them endlessly. They then used flash grenades, sonic sound grenades white noise generators torturing him; they then put him through illusions, hallucinations and mirages messing with his view of the world to the same extent as everything else. They than tortured him trying to quicken his reaction speed reaching the same level of torture as everything else. They then forced him to try and hide his presence and be stealthy, torturing him until he reached the same level as everything else. At the age of 14 the government was almost completely through him. The government placed him in an illusion that passed for reality. The boy grew up in a happy family, had friends and was an amazing student even living his dream. However he comes home early one day to find his wife with his father, brother, cousin, grandfather, best friend's coworker who was apparently out sick, his boss, the neighbor and mailman all having an affair with her. He was forced to experience this every single day endlessly. Then everything ends and the illusion is stopped. The government use torture to make him more atheletic and flexible with gymnastics and other training so he could fully use his body. He was forced to become the host for plants as they grew inside of him and infected him with their diseases; he was then healed in the healing chamber again and again. They then used him as a subject for them to inject plant cells and poison venom into him as well as face nature. He was given forced amnesia as they erased his memory and restored it or changed his memory endlessly to the same extent as everything else.