John was being beaten to a pulp by the spiritual monster who was attacking John spiritually and attacking his spirit flow and spirit circuits. The summoner used undead and powerful monsters to overwhelm John further well the strategist attacked John's magic flow and magic circuits. Naturally the magic flow was extremely unstable and if interrupted would self destruct with a great chance of killing the individual when the magic circuits were attacked it would cripple and sometimes kill the individual. However John was using his monsterish abilities to survive and natural abilities to keep himself going. At the same time the other individual was preparing to put enslavement magic on John. John was also having his physical flow and physical circuits healing flow healing circuits and everything attacked by the monsters of the summoner. John was fighting an impossible battle. Gradually his resistances to interference to magic flow magic circuits spirit flow spirit circuits and everything else were born and gradually improved. John. The act of resistance to the attacks to magic flow was believed to be impossible unless one spent their entire life training to protect themselves from it the same for other bodily flows and circuits however John was accomplishing this in the process of battle and doing it to not just one flow but all flows and all circuits. Overtime John began to rise once more as a monster that was known as the greatest tank. However that's when the enslavement was completed and put on John. John was a beast and fought through the pain caused by the enslavement power as well as fighting through the pain caused by the other attackers. John gradually built resistance to the power of enslavement. However that's when the spiritual monster smirks and says "It's time to end this"