Later on Lucy and her team are exhausted but victorious Emily rises all of the enemies back from death to join her own army Lucy says "It's over Emily we've won" Emily looks at the now recovered Dragon God and his team and says "Seems like the tables have turned once again" The Dragon God says "Your dead!" Emily says "No but you are" Emily effortlessly kills the Dragon God and his team she than brings them back to join her army as generals Lucy says "Emily we've won" Emily says "Yes it's finally over" At that same moment John defeated Rouge and captured them Rouge is stripped of all equipment weapons and put in sealing restraints that sealed away their power and regular restraints to keep them under control and contained. John led Rouge to the dungeon locked away he than arrived watching over the group from above Lucy says "Do you think he's won yet?" Emily smiles and says "I think he will be just fine" Jade says "Master why don't you come down from there?" John jumped off the gate landing gracefully on a Dragon corpse he says "I'm here" The girls wrapped their arms around John while Emily orders her army to gather all the corpses. That day Lucy Jade Beth and Flare come with John to check up on Rouge they were worried about John seeing Rouge alone because Rouge could still pose a huge threat but by going with him they could help him if things got challenging although they were no match for Rouge they would still be able to put up a fight and with John they would have no problem dealing with Rouge in a worst case scenario.