John leaves along with Sarah when Jackson finds them Jackson says "You two are strong come fight me" John and Sarah clashed against Jackson Jackson defeats both of them than says "Your both very skilled warriors respect we should do this again sometime" Jackson leaves allowing John and Sarah alive. Two days later John's depression began no longer able to hide from it alone he says "You don't know what you have until it's gone" John gradually weakens as loss regret and other emotions begin to take over two weeks later he had already lost a fourth of himself. A year after that tragic day Sarah and the Unicorn girl sit together "Jade what I do you think?" Jade says "He's too dangerous to approach" Sarah says "Agreed" John had long since lost himself Rage insanity emptiness bloodlust have taken over turning him into a savage beast he has become thousands of times more powerful and dangerous but lacks his usual warrior self now he is just a brute force animal. One day a powerful legendary Monster attacks Sarah and the Unicorn girl Jade. Sarah and Jade find it an unbeatable foe without any good weapons or tough armor they are in trouble however John saves them and fights the monster. The overwhelming power of the Monster is immensely greater but the savage John's power quickly grows as does his emotions that fuel his savagery. John's savagery evolves overtime as it continues increasing fueled by the wild emotions within him. Soon all trace of John's humanity vanishes becoming a fully savage beast however than came a new evolved version of John's wild emotions.