First Love

It's good for me atleast, as it distracts those kids from focussing on me entirely. And honestly, I am not interested in finding out about that couple, there is not any particular reason for it, it's just that I don't care and I have a lot on my plate as always.

Our maths teacher is absent today, so everyone is divided into several groups and gossiping or playing some games. While me and Ji Hoon both are reading our novels, I am reading "Everyday Sexism" by Laura Bates and as for Ji Hoon, he is reading "As You Like It" by Shakespeare. Sometimes, I think we both are really similar.

I tried to avoid his eyes as it would make me vulnerable and I'll end up talking with him. Ji Hoon tried several times to talk to me but he resisted himself. I'm glad he did.

It's peaceful for me as females of Team Hexagon is not here. But, I saw Jeon Jungsuk approaching towards me or is it Ji Hoon, I'm not sure but he directly strode towards us.

"Hey guys! What's up man?" he tried to be as cheerful as he can and I got my answer, he is here for both of us.

When I noticed Ji Hoon didn't even astray his eyes from his book, which is so rude of him, I gave Jungsuk a smile and said in a very polite manner "Hello! We're good, what about you?" I really hate these small talks, but I can't be toxic so I'll have to endure it.

"We?" Ji Hoon scoffed at my reply.

"I mean, I am good but I don't know about other people" I instantly corrected myself.

At this Jungsuk smiled with his eyes. While Ji Hoon went back to reading.

"Would you mind if I sit with you for a minute?"

"Ofcourse not" I replied with great ebullience.

He hauled an empty chair from the back and sat right beside me. I didn't know by "with you" he meant me.

He cocked his head towards me and gave me a cheerful smile. He is so different from other Hexagon members, I wonder why did he join them. I couldn't resist myself from giving back him a smile.

Our smile froze at the sound of Ji Hoon slamming his book shut, he gave us a sidelong glance.

His frozen eyes which once had an ocean gave us an intimidating look. And I realised this is the first time, I saw his face after such a long time, but as usual nothing has changed in it. He looks ethereal as always.

Jungsuk got the cue and immediately shifted his seat towards Ji Hoon.

I mentioned " You know what Jungsuk, there is this advice you can either take it or throw it"

"What? What?" Jungsuk asked curiously.

"You know.. Jealousy is a disease" I quipped.

At my remark Jungsuk started guffawing as he understood for whom this comment was, while Ji Hoon scoffed as if what I said was silly. This made me furious, so I looked straight into his frozen eyes with cold gaze and without even realising we were both in a staring contest with each other, as if we're competing for who has colder gaze.

"Guys guys guys! I am also here, please stop" but we still didn't stop as none of us is ready to give up.

Jungsuk turned his head entirely to the Ji Hoon, I can't see his face but I am sure he is pleading "Amigo, gals are like this, they are stubborn over silly things. Try to understand my boy"

After this, things got warmer here.

"So amigo, do you have any love?" Jungsuk's this question is for Ji Hoon and I am also really curious about it.

Ji Hoon whispered something in his ears and Jungsuk looked a bit weird after that, an expression which is difficult to define.

Aah! I really wanted to know, so I whispered "What did he say?"

But Ji Hoon heard me, and chimed in "Oh! Are you that curious?"

Jungsuk cut us in "he said none of your business"

"Oh!" I stifled my giggle as its so like grumpy Ji Hoon.

"Hey amigo, who was your first love?" this question is from Jungsuk to Ji Hoon but I am contemplating about it in my head, and I realised I don't have anything like that, I hardly got to know about Ji Hoon other than my mom, there is no one else but I look forward to Ji Hoon's answer.

"I did have one, well, to be more precise, I liked someone"

"What! You had a first love" I don't know why I'm so shocked. And I feel so betrayed that he didn't tell me about it even though we were so close. But on a second thought, were we really close?

"Yes So What?" he replied matter-of-factly.

"Aah! Good for you, why would I care?"

"Guys! what has happened to both of you?" Jungsuk asked in frustration.

"What would happen to us!" we both replied at the same time.

"I can't with your lover's quarrel"

"What love!" we both yelled simultaneously.

"Friends, actually I was here to clear some of my friends doubts, they were continuously worrying about what happened to both of you all of a sudden?" when I looked around us I saw students eyes transfixed on us, desperately waiting for Jungsuk to go back and clear their doubts.

"Nothing has happened to us" Ji Hoon responded calmly.

"Anything else sir?" I asked sarcastically.

Jungsuk gave a sheepish smile and said "Well I had some more doubts, about some sort of clubs and all but I don't think we're in right atmosphere for that"

"Definitely not!" I shouted and Jungsuk scurried away.

"This guy I swear!" I murmured.

Then my eyes fell on Ji Hoon and it made me furious as his first love came in my mind. I gritted my teeth.

"Someone got a lover and never ever told me, I guess I was nothing for that someone." I indirectly attacked Ji Hoon.

"Someone was lost for whole damn week without even a notice, was that fair" he retorted.

"It's not about being fair or what, and also it happened after I told you to stop contacting me while you had a love ever since the beginning" I yelled but I think I was way too loud as everyone in the class heard me.

"So what? We never discussed about such things" he yelled, as loud as I was.

"Arrogant bitch!" I commented and left as I can't face him anymore. I need some fresh air.

I reached on the terrace and throughout the way upto here I was mumbling about Ji Hoon.

I breathed in as much air as I could which helped me in letting go of my rage.

Now I think of the whole situation in a whole different way. It's true we never discussed about things like these and also why would he tell me, who was I to him? He is the one who knows everything about me, I don't know anything about him. It was one-sided friendship or whatever it was, I don't know what to call our relationship.

My self-talks got disturbed when I heard some moaning sounds.

"Who's it?" I whispered.

I moved in the direction of that sound.

"What!" my eyes widened at the sight of two members of Hexagon kissing each other.