Beginning Of Love Life- 2

I don't know what got into me but, after proposing, I started sobbing, in Ji Hoon's arms.

"Wait a minute, did you just propose to me?" Ji Hoon said, astounded.

I kept sobbing while hiding my face in his broad, muscular chest. So he again asked "Does it mean that we're in relationship now?"

My tears stopped coming out but to hide my embarrassed face, my head is still lodged into his chest.

"Does it mean you're my girlfriend now?"

I can't even bear to look at him, how can he expect me to talk? I am just standing there like a statue, whose face is covered with Ji Hoon's chest and all I can feel is his warmth, and his scent.

"Am I your boyfriend now? And you love me? O my god, this is surreal!"

I hit him lightly on his chest with my fist and said "Stop teasing me"

"I am not! I really can't believe"

To make him believe me, I explained my feelings. "When I saw you with Yeji today.. I felt a different kind of pain in my heart, a pain which I'd never felt before. And that's when I realized that I love you. And, love maybe terrible for heart health sometimes, but the absence of it can be just as bad."

"Ohh! So I have to thank Yeji, for making you spill your feelings"

"Shut up Ji Hoon!"

After a brief moment of laughter and teasing, Ji Hoon instantly became serious and said "You know, I hesitated a lot before confessing to you and even regretted confessing some times."

What's with this man's duality, just a few minute ago he was all chilled, now look at his serious tone.

"Why?" I asked

"Because confessing your feeling is like a gamble. You either get it all or lose it all"

"‌And even though we get it, we'll end up losing it eventually. Because, nothing lasts forever." I completed his previous sentence.

"Right. Nothing lasts forever and it'll probably hurt if you lose it all. But what matters is that you've had it at one point." Ji Hoon always say the positive things.

"True.." I agreed and said "You know, I think that I liked you from day one, as I've always admired you. But I knew and still know that I don't deserve you but I promise you I'm going to try every day to be someone who does"

"You're already enough to me, I don't want anything else. Just You. And don't ever say such things again, it hurts my feelings." he said while looking at me fiercely.

Without saying anything to his words, I kept on talking about my feelings "I was reluctant from the very beginning but then, today, I urged myself to listen to my heart and here I am"

"And I am glad that you did" his gaze are softer now.

"It was not easy for me to believe you and even at some point when I believed, I thought, you might be just attracted to me and you'll get over me after two-three days. I was and am afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"What if you get sick of me?" I turned my face to not look at Ji Hoon, because his eyes always sends me in trance.

"I won't!"

His reply is short, but is filled with emotions and seriousness.

When he noticed, that I'm not saying anything, he repeated himself with more intensity "I really won't!"

"Promise?" my question is also as laconic as his answer.

"Promises doesn't matter to me"

His reply filled my eyes with water, it feels like my heart's collapsing.

"I promise!" but he promised.

"But you just said, promises doesn't matter to you" I barely managed to say this.

"But it does to you.."

My heart stopped beating because now it's crying, inside my body. Tears of joy.

And I released a sigh of relief.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me Ji Hoon."

I am finally confessing everything.

"You helped me in smiling when I was broken from inside. That's the first memory I have of you. I'd never been treated this kindly by any guy or girl before, and I'd never walked side by side with a guy either. You're the first kind man I've ever met. And all this is still so astonishing to me"

"You are also the first guy who hung out with me. And when you proposed to me, I thought, my heart would burst. At first I couldn't believe you, because, I'd had situations where men come up to me to ask me out or offer to buy me a coffee. They were guys who'd lost bets or rock-paper-scissors games, who had to ask me out as part of their punishment. I was the perfect girl for that. The guy's friend would be standing a few feet away, pointing at us and laughing. That hurt me terribly."

"Ha Na.." he groaned in his husky voice

I kept my index finger on his lips and whispered "Let me speak today"

"Something was different with you, no matter, how much I tried to avoid you, deep down I felt you drawing closer and closer. And at last, your eyes, made me believe you. Because eyes never lie."

"I love you Ji Hoon."

"I love you too Ha Na" he whispered. He kept his voice deliberately low, so that he won't steal my chance to talk.

"I've never said these words before and it makes me realise that you can love yourself, only after you've learned to love someone else. And I'll try to love myself more."

I hugged him, a proper hug, a warm hug. That I'm experiencing for the first time.

He hugged me back, so tightly as if he will never let me go.

I can feel his heart beating, it feels as if his heart has slipped into my arms, no, into my body, and become a part of me.

This is it. The beginning of my love life.