Authors Thoughts.

Hello! So I'm back again with another story that has gotten stocked in my head for days now and while I still have a lot of pending works, I am currently dealing with writer's block in my current WSA2021 work mostly. Hehe.

Anyways this is as it named Author's Thoughts so, I'll just write what my thoughts are here about the story or maybe my random thoughts in general, and when some of you read it, you might laugh, think I'm crazy, support/cheer me on, ignore or make fun of me. Anyways I would just like to come back here one day and I'll be like.

Wow, you wrote such a silly thing here 😂 or I would cover my face in embarrassment since dark-skinned don't blush🤣. Anyways here I go.

So, if you've read all my currently 6-7 works now😂 you'll notice I might have probably been improving or maybe not. Either way, I don't plan on making this book contracted but if I'm given the opportunity and it's well written I'd prefer signing a non-exclusive contract.

This Novel is meant to be a Horror/Thriller story.

The tags should go as such [#Horror #Thriller #Multiple-Pov's #Switching-Pov's #Sisters #Love&hate relationships #No romance #Lots of Vulgar words #A little mixed with RL story #Comedy #Drama #Dark world #character growth for each character]

That would be all for now, If I do remember anything I'll add to it.

This is currently under the novel series but if it ends up being short, like lesser than 100 pages, I'll just move it to a short story. But with the way, I'm looking at it. Let me correct that, from my perspective, it looks long because so many things would be happening but not at once.

Hopefully, I am planning to write a character story or thoughts per page so basically, 1 page=1Character Pov/Thought.

Let me give you a little spoiler. Since we have no synopsis.

This book is about me and My sisters at first, I know it might be deep and probably webnovel wouldn't want me to write about such but webnovel this is my story, and anything I want to do with it I'll do it!

The story contains some real-life incidents which I wouldn't tell anyways. So you can all just guess which is true and which is a mixed-up fantasy. Real-life events / Fantasy horror-filled events.

Some deep in-depth with our lives [BTW I got their permission].

Some painful yet fun moments etc.

I'll also be using our real names so just have fun reading without a second thought. As this chapter is named it's all my thoughts. So you guys can just read freely without remorse!

Yes! Before I forget I wouldn't be explaining most things or going into detail with most things. Eg Characters looks[I have no idea how I'll describe myself, It has always been one of my insecurities. But if you do follow me on Instagram, I'll upload my picture with my character introduction so, how does that sound!? Just maybe the loan I got will pay off and I'll finally get the chance to make some perfect edits.]

Eg. "Don't worry about"👉She said in worry 👈 it wouldn't be included. Instead, I would be giving you guys a very hard job. please try and add those yourself.

My new style of conversation would be in comic form. I am also hoping that if this book is done and over with, I'll just make a comic of it although I don't have drawing skills I know my almighty I serve will bring someone precious I can work with for me. This is how the conversations would go

Hope: you piece of shit!? What have you done!?

Honour:well duh? As long as it works!.

Comfort; Honour!? Fuck! Why did she end up with us!?

That's it. What do you think!?

Also, I don't plan on having a particular stable word count. I plan on writing a chapter for as long as I can.

WC starting from 500-1000 or 1500. I'm not sure so I'll just keep writing till I get to where I am to 'end it.

It might seem like I come up with different novels but I haven't completed a single one but well. I know they would be completed one day! Hopefully, a day when I go to leave alone, have a laptop and peace of mind. That day would hopefully come, right?

I think that's all. But if I do have more to add I'll do just that. You can also inform me of what I missed out on.

Thank you for giving this book a trial.

I plan on updating on days I'm available which also means I can't guarantee a date of release.

I love Nursing but I'm just getting fed up with all the stress that I'm going through right now and my wish is to quit for some time so I can focus on writing and maybe I can finally make the money my mates are making before my debts choke me up and forces my hand in finally ending my own life.

Wow, I feel relieved. Probably this story concept is good. I've always needed a therapist maybe I can make this my little therapy session / Diary. Should I? Any free therapy?

All I'll have to do is write what I'm feeling here and you can just comment on what I need to do? How does that sound?

Anyways! Today is my elder sister's birthday! And now that I think about it maybe I should add her and my eldest into this and force them to read it? Wow, they would all know what I'm feeling inside! But also they would know what I think about them?? This is definitely gonna be a roller-coaster ride!

Happy Birthday, Jenny! #10 February is the day! I love you!.