Lunch bag

Liliana lost control over herself and her stance, but Tristan caught her by wrapping her waist and then he crushed his mouth on hers. Liliana began to feel weak in the process of his lips locked with hers.

It was more like sucking something from her because she wasn't in her right senses as she kissed him back. With that, he changed to his human form and when he pulled out, he let her go, causing her to fall as if she was lifeless. 

... ... ...

Liliana found her mind and stood up slowly, touching her head. Everything she saw was spinning. 

She looked at his room, and it was a total mess then, she looked up at his face. She shook her head. "What am I doing here?" She asked without stammering, widening and shutting her eyes as she felt dizzy and tired suddenly.

Tristan smiled.

"I'm guessing you brought this bag," he lifted the bag, and she remembered she was there to give him a welcome gift.

"Oh, right," she said. "Whoa! Your room is so messy, do you need help?" She asked, looking pale and sick.

"No… No need," he answered.

She didn't notice his tattoos because he had put on a shirt. "Alright, if you say so… Good night," she said, and then stumbling, she went out of his house, but she felt something else happen. What could have happened? She tried to remember, but it was useless. Maybe she was just hallucinating.

The next morning, Liliana left for work while Tristan walked down the street to no good. 

He eventually found something evil to do. Tristan saw a couple walking side by side, but a ghost was beside the girl looking sad and betrayed. She couldn't see him. So, he went to have a conversation with the ghost.

"Do you want revenge?" He asked. Turns out the ghost risked his life because of the girl a few days ago, but now she was already over him and had moved on! 

The ghost agreed, and Tristan gave him an assuring evil grin before turning to the couple that was about to cross the road. They were just waiting for the red light and when the cars stopped, they proceeded. But unfortunately, an unexpected truck came at full speed and hit both of them before crushing them to the ground. The truck drove away as if nothing happened. It was all Tristan's doing.

Everyone present at the scene looked at the lifeless beings in horror as their systems were scattered to the ground, and their blood was also streaming on the ground.

Tristan then saw their spirits leaving their bodies before vanishing, meaning that they were dead.

He turned to the ghost and offered an evil grin before walking away. He felt really good seeing their blood spilling, just then he got a call and went to a hidden place to vanish.

Liliana returned home early that evening but couldn't find Tristan and until the next morning, he never returned home. She was ready for work when she saw him ready to go inside his house. 

"Good morning, Tristan," she greeted, and his dark eyes turned her way. She told herself she'd get used to it. 

He was her friend and also her neighbor, so she had to. "How was your night?" She smiled, but he ignored her and went into his house.

His reaction did hurt her feelings, but she let it go and entered her car before driving away.

When Liliana returned, she was very excited because she was able to save a child who had heart disease. Although there was no cure, the child could still live. The parents were happy.

Liliana walked to her door to find a letter. She took it and went in. When she opened it, it was the copy she asked for. Took them too long. 

Therefore, she wore her slippers and went to Tristan's house, he was home.

Liliana rang the doorbell and heard the words come in. Come in? No…

She felt it was unsafe to go into his house, so, she screamed that she only needed to hand something to him.

Tristan opened the door. She could see his tattoos over his neck and arms and that was because he had a black T-shirt on, and he was smoking. Thank goodness she never went in or else she'd have suffocated. 

"Umm, I came to get my lunch bag and give you the copy of the papers you signed," she said simply.

Tristan went in to get the lunch bag, he handed it to her, and she gave him the document. "Good night then," she managed to say because the atmosphere was already covered in smoke. Tristan didn't utter a word and closed the door. What a rude man!

Liliana entered her room and opened the bag, the plates inside weren't even washed! Gosh! He was so dirty… 

She went to her kitchen and washed the dishes. Should she make another meal for him? She wondered, but he hadn't been so nice to her. His action screamed that he didn't need or want her presence. He wasn't interested in friendship.

Liliana began to have thoughts about accepting him in, but everyone was the same to her that was why she let him in, and even if he was bad, he'd still have some good in him. At least a bit.

Liliana decided to make him dinner, but when she was done and left for his house, he had left. 

Tristan wasn't home anymore, he must have left for something. She went back to her house and preserved the food.

When morning arrived, Liliana went to work without seeing her neighbor, while Tristan returned home when she left. He was drunk. He had drank and had fun with some female humans, and he enjoyed it just as he always has. 

He was satisfied for the time being. He went into his room and took off all that was covering his body and slept completely naked.

When he woke up, it was already night, and he heard knocks on the door. It must be that annoying landlady of his. Didn't she get the fact that he didn't need or want her? The food she brought the last time, he trashed and never ate it. He wore some clothes and went to his door.

"Good evening," she greeted but didn't receive a response, only his dark eyes spoke mean words to her. 

Liliana looked down… Hurt. "We agreed to be friends," she murmured, and he felt a hint about what she was feeling. 

Sucking out someone's memory had some effect, he'd also feel the way the person felt about that memory. While kissing her then, he saw the memory of her parents being dead. He felt bad.

This time, she was feeling lonely as she was missing her parents. 

He regretted kissing her because he was having a hint of her emotions and feelings. If only she never saw his tattoos and he didn't deliberately want to scare her that night. 

"Well, I brought this for you," she outstretched the lunch bag to him, and with a frustrating sigh, he declined.

"I don't want it," he simply said. 

Liliana swallowed the hurt, he wasn't appreciative at all. She looked into his dark eyes and they displayed no emotions. 

"Okay," she accepted it and left his doorstep.

Tristan groaned. "I'll have it," he called her back. "You can bring it back," he said.

"If you don't want it, Tristan. It's okay, I'm not forcing you to have it," she said, and to her surprise, as she was about to take a step away from where she was standing, he was already in front of her. 

She gasped and looked behind her to check if she wasn't hallucinating. He took the bag from her. "I'm guessing this-is mine," he uttered. Liliana stared at him with her widened eyes.

Tristan walked into his house after making her feel a bit good. But what has gotten into him? He threw the bag to the ground and groaned. It must be because he sucked her memory.