Naruto 12


Ninja school

Judy sat obediently in his seat staring out the classroom window.

His ocean blue eyes were exquisite, like two clear and deep blue gems. The warm morning sunlight by the window splashed on her blue irises that contained a sea of beauty. Anyone who sees those eyes will be sucked into them.

His beautiful face that was white as soft as jade emitted a holy light all over his body that made people want to be near and by his side.

"Little baby...what's wrong?...".Kakashi pulled Judy's body into his lap, staring gently and pampering.

Judy stared at Kakashi's face with silver hair covering his curly black eyelashes.

Clinging to his chubby white cheeks was like snow in a mess from being hit by the wind blowing from the window. His clear blue eyes turned bright blue that shone like blue clouds above the dazzling sky.

White teeth showed as his beautiful rose-red lips opened his mouth, a small red tongue popped out of His mouth as he replied back to Kakashi's words.

"It's okay brother" Judy smiled gently at his brother making his smooth white face like porcelain shine even more radiating warmth all over his body.

Kakashi lowered his head into Judy's white buckling, breathing in the milky scent.

Judy casually leaned his head against Kakashi's shoulder regardless of what Kakashi was doing.

A boy sitting in the corner of the room looking at all the sights with scary eyes. His eyes stared at Judy's obsession like the eyes of an eagle looking at its prey.

Judy felt the chill in h body make his shiver.

Staring around with innocent blue eyes makes people want to create another nuance in his eyes .

Kakashi who felt Judy's body shaking, gently stroked his back, calming the little baby's mood.

Judy felt a soft caress down his back, he hummed softly like a flirtatious little cat to his master.

Kakashi looked around warily but he didn't see any strangeness, Kakashi again slid his head around Judy's neck, breathing in the comfortable scent.

Their atmosphere is very calm and harmonious, making a lot of boys bite their fingers in class out of jealousy and girls' eyes sparkle when they see their harmony (Fojushi base).

Suddenly Asuma came to both of them

"Judy I want to show you something extraordinary..." Asuma said with a proud face as if showing something great to Judy.

"What is that?." Judy looked at Asuma with a confused and curious face.

"Look at this!..." Asuma moved his hands to make a ninjutsu move.

"The psychic beast summoning technique...."

Suddenly the fog appeared, when the fog disappeared, a small monkey appeared from the fog which made Judy amazed to see it.

" this your psychic beast Asuma?...can this beast talk?..." Judy stared wide and amazed at Asuma.

Seeing Judy's beautiful eyes fixed on him made Asuma feel heat all over his body.

"Judy's eyes are on me..." thought Asuma with a silly smile.

Judy looked curiously at the little ape that was summoned by asuma.

"Is this a psychic beast that accompanies ninjas to fight in this world…" thought Judy curiously. His clear blue eyes gazed gently at the little ape.

"I'll definitely have a psychic beast too and I'll take it to the system room later....hehehehe..." Judy's smile brightened thinking about it.

"Will I ever have a psychic beast that is cute and can talk...." Judy thought again as he thought about what summoned beast he would get.

"When I open my eyes I'll get a psychic beast that's stronger than him and must have grown up.... hahahaha..." Obito gave Asuma a mocking look.

Asuma, who was happy because of Judy's gaze and admiration, was immediately interrupted by a mocking voice from Obita.

" think having a psychic beast is easy..huh...moreover you're just a crane's tail...don't dream of opening your eyes..." Asuma glared at Obito in annoyance.

"Are you saying.... I am the genius of the uchiha clan and will definitely open my eyes.!!!" Obito glared back at Asuma.

The two of them stared at each other, their eyes meeting each other creating the illusion of clashing lightning sparks.

Judy who saw their fight was immediately confused by it.

Meanwhile, Kakashi who saw the fight between the two of them immediately pulled Judy's body into his lap, leaned Judy's head against his chest and looked at Judy's attention without paying attention to the surroundings.