Naruto 21

"Judy, do you want to come with me somewhere?" asked Obito hopefully.

"Go where??"

"It's a beautiful and historic place!! "

"mmm..okay!! Let's go!!"

"Wh.. what??" Obito asked stuttering, he couldn't believe Judy wanted to go with him. It's just like a dream that he doesn't want to wake up from this dream, a beautiful dream.

"I said come on!!" Judy who looked at Obito who was still in a daze immediately grabbed Obito's hand and led him away.

Obito who saw the hand held by Judy immediately turned red all over his face down to his neck.

"Are we left or right?" asked Judy confused to see which direction to go .

Judy who didn't hear the answer immediately turned to Obito, but what he saw was Obito with a face that was red like a boiled crab.

"What's the matter with you Obito?? Do you have a fever??" Judy asked worriedly while putting his white hand to Obito's red face. But Obito's face turned red when touched by him.

"It does not matter!!"

"Let's go straight!!" Obito pulled Judy's body to its destination.

Judy saw two very large statues separated by a steep ravine.

The light mist that enveloped it because it was noon made this place look clear and very beautiful.

Judy saw the statue on his right was very similar to the face statue carved in the village, namely the statue of the first hokage.

And as Judy looked ahead, he saw a statue with a face she didn't recognize.

"Where is this Obito??" Judy asked Obito while gazing at the scene.

"This is the valley of the end, this place is the place where the legendary battle between the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara!!"

"Who's he??" thought Judy looking intently at all the sights here.

"What do you see Judy?" Obito also looked ahead.

"Who is Obito, is he the uchiha Madara mentioned who fought with the first hokage??"

"Yes.. it is a statue of our ancestor from the uchiha clan, namely uchiha Madara!!" Obito said proudly in front of Judy.

"He is the most powerful person in the uchiha clan and he is the one who built Konoha village together with the first hokage!! And I will become a bigger person than him!! Hahahaha(^∆^)"

"Hahahaha you are so confident Obito!!(^•^)"

"because I'm the genius of the uchiha clan, if I open my eyes then Kakashi will definitely lose the fight with me!(^∆^)"

"Not my best brother!!(^∆^)"

"You don't believe it??, you want to see my ninjutsu? This is a very powerful B tier ninjutsu from our uchiha clan!!"

Obito made a seal on his hand

"Fireball Jutsu!!" He opened his mouth to let out fire but all that came out was smoke.

"Puh... hahahaha (^∆^)" Judy only saw the smoke coming out of Obito's mouth making his stomach hurt from laughing.


"Hehehehe…('^∆^)" Obito scratched his non-itchy head in shame.

"hahaha (^∆^)."

Obito who saw Judy smile immediately laughed with him.

Obito looked at Judy's beautiful face gently and looked at happily him.

He was happy to see Judy laughing because of him.

If it's for you, I'm willing to do stupid and silly things.

It doesn't matter if you treat me like a clown or a fool, as long as I see you happy because of me.

It doesn't matter if I look like an idiot forever, as long as it's me that makes you happy.

Judy I really like you , So can you always look at me.

I will do anything for you to see where I am.

"obito thanks for bringing me here and cheering me up!!"

"Mm!!" Obito nodded his head while smiling stupidly and ridiculously making Judy not know whether to laugh or cry.

"I want to go home!!, Can you take me??"

"I will take you!!"

They both went out of the forest back home.

Judy's house

Obito dropped Judy in front of his house.

"Obito do you want to stop by my house?" asked Judy offered.

"Can I??" Obito scratched his buck awkwardly.

"of course!!(^•^)"