Naruto 33 (18+)

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, brother, don't,"

Judy tried to push Kakashi's head from his nipple, Kakashi immediately sucked and bit his small nipple hard making Judy cry.

"ah, ah, ah, no, ah, ah, ah, brother woo woo woo"

Kakashi's hands are always squeezing the porcelain white buttocks smooth and plump like squeezing the breasts vigorously and carelessly rubbing them. With a big ugly penis that goes in and out of his hole very quickly and brutally as if to vent his very pent-up desire.

The boy who was beautiful and dazzling like a holy elf bathed in lewdness and eroticism made him look like a fairy who was tainted and destroyed by the devil of hell.

"woo woo, brother, slowly, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, it will break brother woo woo"

"Little baby, I'm a big brother who can destroy your body" Kakashi said hoarsely with bloodshot eyes staring at Judy's pretty face that was covered in red color with obsessive and paranoid obsession and paranoia carrying a strong possessiveness within him, vigorously moving his lower half quickly and brutally venting. His feelings for the lover he's been dreaming of all this time, his idol as well as his brother who is currently only crying helplessly and voluntarily giving his beautiful body to be destroyed by himself brings a great sense of satisfaction to him.

His dick was getting bigger in Judy's pleasure hole, as a sign that he was about to come out, making Kakashi go in and out of his hole faster which made Judy overwhelmed and cry helplessly feeling his brother's movements.

"woo, woo, brother, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, slowly woo woo"

"Papapapapapa" kakashi inserts his big dick hundreds of times in Judy's hole until a comfortable moaning sound comes out with cum shot into Judy's hole making his flat stomach slightly bulge.

"Brother, ahhh, hot woo woo" the feeling of fullness and heat that was inside his made Judy uncomfortable with his white body covered in many bite marks and red with swollen red lips and his butt that was already red with small bite marks and made his tired and fell asleep.

"Honey, you only belong to brother," Kakashi said in a hoarse tone and full of strong possessiveness.

Kakashi looked at the sleeping baby with his porcelain white face covered in lewdness of his own making, and Kakashi affectionately kissed Judy's forehead and gently cradled his in his arms with his penis still embedded in hole him.

They both fell asleep with the erotic scent still wafting in the room .


Konoha Street

"Obito!" Rin called to Obito who was walking with a sweet and bright smile.

Obito turned to Rin who called out to him from behind and stopped his feet.

"What is it Rin?" Obito asked Rin with curious eyes

Rin walked over to Obito and sheepishly lowered his head.

"Um..." Rin nervously said With a blush

"I like you" Rin said quickly and looked straight at Obito's face making Obito froze.

"What do you mean?" asked Obito surprised

"Will you be my boyfriend Obito??" Rin said in a loud voice, she who realized her voice was too loud immediately blushed and lowered her head by occasionally stealing glances at Obito waiting eagerly for an answer from the boy she liked.

"Sorry Rin, there's someone I like!!" Obito replied firmly with a serious face.

Rin who heard the rejection answer from the boy she liked was immediately sad and embarrassed.

"It's okay Obito" trying to smile gently with tears flowing in her eyes.

Obito saw Rin crying immediately felt guilty.

"Sorry Rin"

"I'm going home first" without hearing Obito's answer, Rin immediately ran away from Obito with tears flowing.

Obito who saw Rin who ran away just stood there not following.

"If you like me, then I will feel an extraordinary sense of happiness like flying to heaven!!..hah..." Obito said sadly with a sad grin on his face looking at the dark night sky illuminated by the moon and stars.

"Judy… when will you be mine honey?" he asked with a crazed grin on the corners of his lips with his eyes full of paranoid and obsessive.