Chapter 1 Prologue

In May 1980 Fidel Castro -- In an effort to normalize relations with the Carter Administration Opened the Harbor at Mariel, Cuba with the apparent intention of letting some of his people join there relatives in the United States. Within Seventy two hours 3,000 U.S boats were headed from Cuba , in the next few weeks it became evident that Castro was forcing boat to carry back with them not only their relatives but the dregs of his jail population by the time the port was closed 125,000 Marielitos , Had landed in Florida , 25,000 of them had criminal records this is the story of that minority those they call Los Banditos.

The Prologue is shredded diagonally by the blade of a stiletto and in the empty black void we ... Cut to

The Disembarkation : From the Harbor in Mariel, Cuba vessels of every nation waving masses , demonstrations.....

The crossing ; Sun and Storm

The landing Key West

The flag of the united states choppers swooping over the ragged coastline of the keys. Emerald waters dotted with fishing trawlers and pleasure craft an America The Beautiful - type theme surging over this.

The Processing

Long lines. Immigration and nationalization officials ,Customs , Public Health , FBI , Church and Relief Organizations , Babies bawling , arguments over paperwork this was the chaos Castro Caused this was the 1980's . Refugees being interviewed by tv news , people crying , people eating , families huddled on the floor...Chaos. The Music theme continuing stately calm as we cut to a man seeing a full closeup of the man known as Tony Montana. We proceed to the processing hall where we see what Tony fully looks like.

Tony's Appearance

We see the scar faced one in the young angry prime of his life . We dwell first on the scar which he likes to scratch now . And then we move to the eyes pure in their fury. Finally we encompass the face -- the face of a man about to explode -- Muscle , tissue , brain -- A man willing to live or die and on the increment of a moment , Inflict or recieve either one . He is clothed in rags crossed with holes , His shoes broken cardboard his hair unkempt . His complexion sallow from prison. A conversation with Tony Begins .

Okay so what do you call yourself...huh?

Como se llama?

Antonio Montana and you, What you call yourself ? (Smirking at the officers)

Where'd you learn to speak the english Tony?

Uh ,(Smirking again) In a school , And my father he was from the United States , Just like you ya know? (Continues Smirking) He was a yankee. Uh, He used to take me a lot to the movies. Ya know I learn , I watch the guys like Humphrey Bogart ,James Cagney . They teach me to talk , I like those guys. I always know one day I'm comin' here, United States .

So where's your old man now? He dead, He die Sometime , somewhere? Mother? She dead too

What kind of work you do in Cuba Tony?Ah, you know ,things. I was, uh, this, that Construction business , I work a lot with my hands , I was in the Army. Any family in the states Tony any cousins brother in law anybody? No Nobody , Everybody's dead.

You ever been to Jail Tony? Me? Jail? , No way , No. Been in a mental hospital?Oh, Yeah. On the boat coming over ,(Smirks) ,(Smiles)

What about homosexuality Tony? , you like men huh? You like to dress up like a woman? What the fuck is wrong with this guy man? he kidding me or what? Just answer the questions Tony, Okay, No. , Okay, Fuck No!! (Scratches head).

Arrested for vagrancy Marajuana? Never Man.. Heroin, No ,no nothing Cocaine Nah .

Where'd you get the beauty scar tough guy eatin'pussy? (Raises Eyebrows) How am I gonna get a scar like that eating pussy , This was when I was a kid ya know? Mm-hmmm You should see the other kid you can't recognise him. And this? Well that's nothing , that's from my sweetheart , sweetheart my ass! We've been seeing more and more of these , Some kind of code these guys used in a can , Pitchfork means an assassin or something , You want to tell us about it, Montana or you want to take a little trip to the detention center. Okay , You got me. I was in the can one time for buying dollars. Big, Big deal , That's pretty funny Tony , Well, That's true it was a canadian tourist. Hmmm ? What'd ya do ? Mug him first? Get him outta here!

Come on! , So I fuck up , Let me talk to this guy! Please! let me talk to him a minute! You a communist? huh? How'd you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do What to think what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep , Like all those other people , Baah Baah!

You wanna work eight , ten fucking hours , You own nothing, you got nothing , You want a chivato on every corner , man , looking after you watching everything you do? Everything you say man. Do you know I eat octopus three times a day? I got fucking coming out of my fucking ears man. I got the fucking Russian shoes my feets coming through. How'd you like that? what'd you want me to do stand here and do nothing? Hey i'm no fucking criminal man. I'm no puta or thief. I'm Tony Montana, a political prisoner from Cuba. And I want my fucking human rights now! (Slams Desk Angrily) Just like the President Jimmy Carter says Okay? Carter should see this human right. He's really good What do you say Harry? I don't believe a word of this shit They all sound the same to me. That son of a bitch Castro is shittin all over us. Send this bastard to freedomtown let them take a look at him. Get him outta here. You know something. You can send me anywhere Here there , this , that it don't matter There's nothing you can do to me that Castro has not already done ,Get him outta here