Kent's sister Erica came home.

Erica is a cute, well-defined silver-haired girl on the verge of becoming a woman.

She's currently 17 three years younger to that of Kent's current age.

Her beautiful hetero chromatic eyes glisten in deep crimson and light sky blue.

This, one of her many strikingly beautiful features.

He pretend to be as usual, suppressing his feelings, Kent move and continue what he was doing.

"Didn't I tell you to rest."

Erica approached Kent, scolding him.

"Don't worry, it's ok, by the way how's your day at school?"


Erica was silent for a few seconds before replying.

"That annoying Jacob is there again."

'Jacob… Jacob…?'

Kent thought for a few seconds, recalling a certain rich kid that has a crush on his sister.

Jacob is one of the sons of a certain famous rich businessman in the Philippines.

Their families business is inclined onto the field of energy drinks and alcohols.

Unlike other rich spoiled brats out there Jacob is a bit different, Jacob is both a smart and kind person that didn't discriminate over status.

In his past life Jacob showed sincere feeling towards Erica, he would always step up trying to protect her, the man even died trying to protect his sister.

In his past life, Kent despised the person, cautious that he might bring harm to his sister.

"Why don't you accept his feelings?"

Kent ask as he was cutting the carrots to tin.

Erica preparing the plates paused, accidentally dropping the plate she held.


The plate dropped to the concrete floor, shattering.


Some fragments did a cut on her skin.

She was dumbfounded, unable to believe her brother's sudden change of heart.

She has a bit of a liking to Jacob due to his attitude and the way he behaves.

Jacob also matches her preference for a man.

"How careless of you."

Kent approached Erica after picking up a band-aid.

"Oi, come here, let me clean that cut."

"Brother you're not joking aren't you."

Erica asked in a weird expression.

"Hmm… the dude is kind and seemed to be sincere towards you, either way it's your life and your choice."

"Weren't you always against him, what with that change of mind."

'UGG… I didn't take that into account I completely forgot about that, the two of us were close in my past life that I forgot that I despise the current guy.'

"You've grown into a fine woman now you should try deciding on what path in life you wanted to take."

Kent immediately answered out of a whim.


She was stupefied to her brother's answer.

She run off rushing heading straight to the toilet, she splashed water on her face that had turned red unable to believe the current reality.

Kent finished preparing the table the brother and sister started eating, Erica happily chatted about her experience in school.

Finishing their meal, Erica head straight to her room.

Kent on the other hand stayed in the living room.

11:00 PM

Erica was asleep.

Kent went outside, walking through the streets.

He looked up, staring at the bright moon and sparkling stars up above the sky.

'I need to first find money, what's the best way to earn a large amount in a short time.'

In his past life, Kent was only able to join the New Genesis after a concerned friend of his recommend that he could earn money while playing the game.

That time, Kent's aim for playing the game was the abundant items and materials that can be earned in game and be used for an exchange into cash.

The New Genesis didn't allow players to exchange real cash into game currency or game currency into cash.

But a loophole exist where players are allowed to trade in game items and materials into real cash.

In his past life Kent became a famous online merchant, he sold items, materials, and information in exchange for cash.

In the end, he regretted his action.

The money did help the siblings have a better life in Earth but in the end when Apocalypse Genesis descended all the money he earned was thrown to the side as it became useless.

"This place should contain a bit of spiritual power."

Kent arrived at a small riverside where a lonely small tree is situated.

Few cars passed bye being that the current time is 11:00 PM nearing midnight.

He could sense a bit of spiritual and magical essence in the place.

The place seemed to be a bit creepy, as an eerie silence and cold breeze accompanied the wind.

Kent jumped up from a safety fence, arriving beside the lonely tree.

"This place isn't quite bad."

Kent thought, sensing the near non-existing spiritual and magical essence in the place.

Earth was said to be a beautiful world where spiritual and magical essence is abundant.

However, due to mankind's development, the beautiful ecosystem got polluted, the magical and spiritual essence in the surrounding was filled with impurities.

Powerful humans that was said to had surpassed the limitations of a human body, the one's famous martial artist and magic users that roamed the lands stayed on the mountains avoiding the polluted civilization.

Some might found the thing a joke and full of crap, but people of a higher status mostly those that has great connections in the dark side of the world knew such fantasy like stories we're real.

In Kent's past life these Transcendent humans was the most renown and most powerful force.

Even do most them wasn't able to have a head start and was only able to join the game after the apocalypse descended, most of them already possessed incredible prowess that when adjusting to the new world wasn't that much of a problem for them.

There the one's who benefited the most when the world turned upside down.

Kent after circling the lonely tree sat down and did a meditative posture sitting beside the creepy tree near the small riverside.

Soon, Kent clear his mind, throwing all the unnecessary thoughts to the back of his mind and shifted his attention to the current state of his body.

This was what he was truly concerned about. He has begun observing and analyzing his body.

Living for more than hundreds of years in a world of utter chaos made him have a near fanatical thirst for power.

If he ran out of essence or mana in such a world, the Kent of that time wouldn't have been able to survive for even an hour.

He didn't have anyone to rely on, after his sister and companion's death he became a lone man.

What help him used to survive in such chaotic world wasn't something like a powerful background, nor some promising future ahead of him, but rather, his fine control over mana and essence.

Kent spent a few minutes of careful inspection and discovered no abnormalities whatsoever.

He began gathering mana and spiritual essence in the surroundings.

Guided by his unbelievable perfect control, the mana and spiritual essence in the surroundings begun to flow smoothly like a silent river.

Two different forms of essence begun to unite into one, forming a union of power.

In the beginning, Kent control it to flow smoothly but as time passed bye, ten minutes later, the smooth flow of mana and spiritual essence turned into a surge of waves like an underwater wormhole.

This is the most critical period for his as one mistake could cause him too unable to used magic and spiritual power for quite some time.

Normally, one should gather energy as smoothly as possible, but such cowardly technique is nothing but an action only pathetic bookworm individual would do.

Kent someone who didn't follow the rules and the norm did studies and research for a much better future.

In such situations, the built union of mana whirlpool and spiritual core he'll build is as fragile as a vase, but if one were to do things intensely, the mana whirlpool spiritual core would adjust itself to fit the host actions becoming a sturdy thing.

In the first place, such action of creating both mana whirlpool and spiritual core at the same time should be impossible.

Moreover, fusing them together.

Yet Kent who just returned from the far distant future is doing the impossible.

Moreover, the technique Kent using didn't just create a sturdy source, another benefit is a much larger early energy capacity and essence recovery rate compare to others.

This is a spiritual magic cultivation technique Kent developed after years of study.

One must know that an early higher source capacity and essence recovery rate is the most important procedure during the first foundation.

Growing such promising early foundation would give the user a far more promising future.

The surging magic and spiritual essence started slowly stabilizing.

A few minutes later, a marvelous multicolor spherical orb and an octagon shape magic ring manifested inside Kent's upper liver part near his small intestine.