The unique goblin not knowing a thing or two about Kent's [Twilight] and [Bloodlust] mistakenly used his trait Golden Precognition Eyes that allows him to see through his own future outcomes but also to those that around him.

Using the Golden Precognition Eyes on Kent triggered the special effects of both [Twilight] and [Bloodlust] resulting to the current situation.

The goblin rolled in the ground, blocking his eyes in pain, unable to endure the excessively unbearable pain in them.

"How nostalgic… before you're the one who's looked down on me with pity, now however it looked like the positions had switched."

Kent said in a deep cold voice devoid of emotions.

"Unfortunately, unlike you who laughed and let me run, me however wouldn't let you slip and give you the chance to live. So, Goodbye!"

Kent unsheathe his sword coated in both [Twilight] and [Bloodlust] swinging it down straight to the unique goblin's neck, successfully beheading the creature.

[Congratulations You have successfully subjugated a unique existence destroying its plot armor ending its supposed fate]

[Congratulations, you have gained the title – Conquer Of Fate]

Title – Conquer Of Fate

Conquer Of Fate, the title is granted to beings who successfully break the shackles of fate disrupting the natural flow of time.

The title allows the host to negate all types of actions that could disrupt the user's fate negatively.

Perfect resistance against any form of curse attacks.

100% increase in users hidden luck stats.

• Unique Skill – [Fate Stasis]

Fate Stasis, a mystical power obtained by a few special individuals.

Special Effects

1. Curse Of Misfortune

Completely nullifies the target's hidden luck stats for a considerable time period, during this period targeted individuals might suffer unexpected unlucky events that might lead to their demise.

2. Blessing Of Luck

Boost the user or the target's hidden luck stats for a considerable time period, during this time period targeted individuals or the user might gain unexpected rewards and opportunities that could lead to a better path.

Kent expected that he might gain a title but not this good of a title, compared to his other titles this one is the greatest.

Moreover, when it comes to title unique skill granted the [Fate Stasis] is on par with the [Twilight] currently its more powerful compare to [Twilight].

Twilight might be strong, but currently it is too strong to control, the unique skill has too many limitations and side effects that isn't too good for the current Kent.

Furthermore, the common grade double edge sword he used to behead the unique goblin immediately shattered just from a single swing enhanced with both [Twilight] and [Bloodlust].

Common grade weapons couldn't withstand the excess overwhelming power of [Twilight] resulting for the weapon's durability to instantly drop empty.

Losing one's weapon in a fight after using [Twilight] is a great pain in the ass, instead of helping him win the fight it might end up to his lost.

[Congratulations, for successfully subduing a unique creature you'll receive 5 instant levels up]

[You have level up]

[You have reached level 6]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

[Experience points 3,200/3,200]

[You have level up]

[You have reached level 7]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

[Experience points 6,400/6,400]

[You have level up]

[You have reached level 8]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

[Experience points 12,800/12,800]

[You have level up]

[You have reached level 9]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

[Experience points 25,600/25,600]

[You have level up]

[You have reached level 10]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

[Experience points 51,200/51,200]

[Experience points required to reached level 11 – 1,800/102,400]

[Congratulations, for successfully subduing a unique creature you have been given the chance to pick one of the three random fated future skills, trait, abilities, etc. the unique creature failed to obtain]

[Please wait… randomizing… randomizing successful…]

[Please choose one of the three random powers]

1. Ultra Speed Regeneration [Trait]

Ultra Speed Regeneration, allows the user to freely convert mana point to recover the lost health point 5 times the amount of converted mana.

User's regenerative speed is increased and boost multiple time instantly healing lost limbs or any other injuries in a matter of a few seconds.

2. Absolute Severance [Unique Skill]

Absolute Severance allows the user to thoroughly ignore any form of defensive powers.

User's attack power and penetrative power is enhanced multiple time, the unique skill also the increased the user's penetrative critical strikes.

3. Destructive Stump [Unique Skill]

Destructive Stump, is a powerful offensive attack that has based penetrative damage of 2.5 times that of the user's strength.

Hit enemies that been hit by the destructive wave will be stunned for 1.5 seconds, no matter how strong they are.

Destructive Stump can only be used in the ground.

Reading the descriptions of the three shown choices, in surprised Kent's had his eyes bulge out almost jumping out from their sockets.

He only needed to pick one of the three choices, yet Kent couldn't just decide, seeing how helpful and power each one of the three choices.

Kent thought for a while, forming possible scenarios in his brain, trying to discern which of the three choices is the most beneficial one out of the three.

A minute or so passed Kent finally decided, he picked the [Absolute Severance] finding the unique skill being more beneficial compare to the other three choices.

Ultra Speed Regeneration, Kent thought he could just gain that one in later time.

Destructive Stump on the other hand is a strong offensive and control skill that allows him to stun any enemies, regardless of what level they are.

Unfortunately, the limitations of the skill being only possible to be used in ground is a goner.

The stronger he becomes, the stronger his enemies he needs to face, and in that times most fight would be an aerial battle, so the unique skill wouldn't be much of used against enemies that fly.

As most enemies in later stages preferred fighting in aerial battles.

So, all in all, the [Absolute Severance] is the best choice, a unique skill that allows him to thoroughly ignore any form of defensive powers.

Unbelievable increase in attack power and penetrative power theirs also the increased in penetrative critical strikes, such powerful offensive unique skill is the best one to pick.

[For being the first to have achieved level 10 in the entire world, you'll receive an additional reward of 4 more free attribute points]

[Successfully reaching level 10 user will receive an additional 1 attribute points in ever stats]

The higher one's level is, the harder is it to level up, Kent gaining 5 instant level ups' just from killing a single goblin didn't expect such outcome.

"This is unexpected, I didn't expect for things to turned out this way, either way it's good."

Kent satisfied opened up his status window.


Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 45.8%]

Title: [Novelty Seeker] [Slaughterer] [Conquer Of Fate]

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 10 ★

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 102/132

Mana – 22/22

Stamina – 100/120

Twilight – 102/110

Bloodlust – 102/110

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [0]

Strength – 21, Agility – 25, Vitality – 15, Intelligence – 11

★ Unique Skills ★

[Twilight] [Perfect Meditation] [Supreme Sense] [Slaughter] [Fate Stasis] [Absolute Severance]


Strength – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Health

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 6 Health

Intelligence – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Mana

Agility – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina
