Some shimmering items and coins dropped after killing the fourteen fang monkeys.

"What a waste." Kent thought, lamenting for a second before increasing his speed, leaving behind the loots and panicking fang monkeys.

Loud noises of something crushing from the back can be heard clearly, Kent looked back for a moment only to see two terrifyingly humongous black snakes destroying everything that blocked their path, their eyes glued onto him.

"How persistent can these beasts be?" Gritting his teeth, Kent speed up, what followed were loud screams of horror as the two beast slaughtered the fang monkeys.

It was as if a giant truck is closely following him desperately, like that of a maniac angry driver, chasing after him right on his tail ignoring the consequences.

If he stopped he could be pancaked at any given time or worse could be hit-and-run dying a miserable death.

Imagining this type of scenarios in his mind it was not a pleasant feeling.

Kent badly wanted to erase this lingering unpleasant feeling by cutting down the two beast into pieces then cook them to satisfy his quite unstable emotions.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do so for now, the difference in power is too huge, clearly showing the gap scaling the fact that he didn't stand a chance.

So, for now, Kent followed the most optimistic and logical way when encountering unknown ferociously strong opponents, and it is to run.

Kent speeded up more and more, pouring all his strength onto his feet and legs passing from tree to tree, ignoring the mobs that were in the path.

Others might think that running is a shameless act all in all but for Kent who would do everything to achieve his goals except for some unpleasant things, being shameless isn't something to be ashamed of.

Pride yes he is a prideful person but in a quite moderate way.

Not to say the unpleasant feeling lingering affecting his emotions is his pride having been shame by two lowly beasts.

The soul of the future and the current uniting cause an unstable phenomenal reaction, having both egos become one two different beliefs and attitude begun contradicting as the unity has yet to be complete.

Kent's undergoing an unbearable pain was about to fall down, but Kent held strong and continued running, giving his all to escape and survive.

This determination isn't due to some comical inspiration he had or something else, the determination came to be due to his prideful will of not wanting to die.




[User's internal body structure is in a critical state, any further actions could result in temporary physical damage]

Seeing the series of prompt messages, Kent couldn't help but be irritated, his expression already too pale becoming paler.

He already knew such outcomes of possible temporary physical damages is applicable if he used any other high-grade techniques, but compare to losing a percentage of soul strength such outcome can be put as a fair trade.

Temporary physical damages can be fixed in due time but dying and losing a percentage of soul power is something he wanted to avoid at all cost.

Earlier the time he's in a dire situation deflecting and dodging the rain of powerful projectiles Kent vaguely remembered a crucial factor he must avoid at all cost, and that is losing a soul power.

He recalled a thing about losing a portion of soul power when one died in game before the Apocalypse Genesis descended.

He didn't pay too much attention in this information as the thing wasn't confirmed and was left to dust nothing but a mere assumed theory.

Currently there's no analyzing skills, items, or method to measure a persons soul power, so the theory of losing a percentage of soul power when dying in New Genesis didn't come trouble him.

Moreover, Kent being prideful to his own capabilities and brilliance didn't bother thinking about the consequences of dying.

But now experiencing an almost near death scenario too early in the game, reminded him on how vicious and terrifying the New Genesis is the thoughts and theories he ignored come to mind terrorizing him.

So, in the end Kent slightly believe those assumptions running desperately trying to survive not wanting to gamble whether the said assumptions were either a bluff or a fact.

Kent rushing and jumping from obstacles to obstacles halted on a top of a relatively large rock, a brilliant idea popping out in his mind.

He then began to gathered most of his strength onto his foot and leg, pushing hard, using the large rock as a stepping stone to sprung his body.

Boom! Swoosh…

A small explosion occurred, Kent's body shoot off like that of a cannon, he reached the top of the forest trees.

In the top Kent begun fluttering slowly descending back but for a moment time seemed to slow down looking at the marvelous view of beautiful clouds, forest structure and the sun starting to settle down mesmerizing him.

"Beautiful…" Kent muttered in a low voice, praising the elegant spectacle.

Snapping out from his stupor Kent quickly analyze the surrounding geography memorizing them virtualizing the place looking at the possible paths ahead he could choose.

In less than 5 seconds at top of the sky Kent was able to quickly scan and visualize the surrounding geography granting him a bit of information he could use that might allow him to escape his current problematic situation.

Kent started descending from the sky dropping back to the ground, he immediately looked around him and grab onto the nearest tick tree vines decreasing the momentum of his descend.

He started maneuvering in the tree vines like a monkey, because of this Kent was able to reach the ground safe and sound, he then quickly run fast after hearing the loud sound of crushing trees nearing him.

He didn't need to look back to recognize what's coming, the previously loud screams of agony and terror subsided.

"How useless, those weak beast die far too fast." Kent thought.

The group of fang monkeys didn't even buy him enough time for to widen the distance, as a clear sound of something huge in a relatively fast speed slithering closer is on his tail.

Kent, purposely choose the path where the chances of encountering more beasts and monsters were high.

The group fang monkeys were just an unlucky bunch for trying to ambush him, becoming collateral damage in the snake beasts and human play.

Kent plan is to divert the agro of the two humongous snakes by entering another creatures' territory in order to shake them off his tail.

Unfortunately, the first test against fang monkeys failed miserably, resulting for the unlucky group to be wiped out in a matter of a few seconds.

"I need to find a more power beast or a stronger group to shook off these annoying bastards."

Kent thought, recalling the almost perfect visualize map in his mind.

Swoosh… Swoosh…

Kent trying to figure and sketch another plan, notice something coming, he quickly reacted moving to the side dodging several projectiles that were shot aiming to end him.

Pluck… Thud…

Unfortunately, while Kent was able to react fast he wasn't able to dodge every single attack, one of the projectiles managed to hit his left shoulder bursting it into smithereens.