Unfortunately… for the beasts…

Poof… Poof…

A tick black smoke shoot out immediately, spreading fast 120 meters around in a matter of an instant.

This smoke has the hidden special effect that wasn't included in the description called [Confusion].

This [Confusion] is a mental status effects brought to fruition one's a living creature were to inhale the tick pitch-black smoke.

Just like any other items and things in this world, everything seemed to be full of mysteries, nothing in this world is clear and precise.

Kent himself only knew of this hidden effect due to his privilege knowledge of the future.

In this world one need the brain, analytical capabilities, and sometimes luck to discover the hidden things, that isn't shared fully by the world's system.

Followed by…

Boom! Splash… Boom! Splash…

Two powerful perfectly synchronized explosions shook the entirety of the forest, and from this explosion, an icy breeze spread around mostly encompassing the two nearest creatures.


Getting hit, the two snake type beast let out an ear-shattering scream of pain, both beast directly receiving the excessive power of the Frost Grenades.

He couldn't just let this perfect chance slip.

He ignored the annoyingly loud screams the beasts let out.

Kent jump down from his vantage position straight down, standing atop behind the screaming beast back.

Unsheathing the unique grade [Moonlight Double Edge Sword] holding it with a single hand to his right hand followed by the energy of [Twilight] and [Bloodlust] coating the sword in a dangerous crimson blue radiance.

An emotionless cold glint escape Kent's eye, quickly replace by a wide smirk.

Sword Technique, Light Speed Oriental Combo

Light Speed Oriental Combo, is a [Legend] grade sword technique specialized in super speed continuous critical strikes.

He positioned the sword's body in a frontal motion to the left side of his chest, holding it in a strange, improper manner.


Swoosh…! Thud…! Thud…! Thud…! Thud…! Thud…! Thud…! Thud…! Thud…!

Multiple continuous explosive light speed blade thrusts that almost broke through the limit of the world's sound barrier connected.

Kent's sword technique surpassed that of the supposed current agility prowess he should have, resulting in some minor injuries for forcing the release of the technique.

Kent bit his lip in pain resulting to some blood to leak.

The overexertion of using something he shouldn't have performed for his current level resulted in some minor injuries.

Kent's right shoulder's muscle fibers was ruptured.

Ignoring the pain his in, Kent continued to strike speedily than before.

Equipped with [Moonlight Double Edge Sword] at the tenth attack the [Crescent Moon Strike] activated.

First ten successfully inflicted attacks to a single target would trigger a spiritual pain and magic burn damage decreasing the attack individual's combat power by a random factor depends on the target's characteristics.

For each successful inflicted attacks, targets will receive a 50% agility reduction effects that would last for 2 seconds.


The previous scream the beast let out was outshined, the triggered special effect skill of the [Moonlight Double Edge Sword] is far more terrible compare to what the [Frost Grenade] caused.

Not to mention, the strange after effects the [bloodlust] affecting the poor beast mind, and the [Twilight] might increasing the damages of Kent's attack power and personal power when confronting enemies of a higher power standard than that of the user.

In pain the beast seemed to lost its sanity as it begun squirming strangely rampaging all around discriminately attacking anything nearby.

The beast started whipping it's dangerously heavy strong tail completely devastating the entire place.

Already anticipating such outcome beforehand, Kent quickly left the beast's back jumping out of sight, not taking the slightest chance to be smashed flat by those heavy tails.

On the other hand, it's companion the other snake beside it wasn't fast enough or even smart to escape the premises.

The poor beast received the heavy blows multiple times head-on trashing this fellow all-around.

A second later the poor beast that was thrown flying straight as it smashed hard to a big rock 52 meters afar from their position.

Kent atop back in the trees gulping the remaining health potion, and one stamina potion laughed at the scene in utter amusement.

He didn't expect such outcome to happen, his plan all this time is to force one in an unavailable state to do one-on-one confrontation to increase his chances of victory.

This time, however, based in the scenario playing out his plans seemed to need some additional changes.

Kent quickly analyzes the present situation coming up with some calculations factoring every bit and pieces of the puzzle for a perfect plan to be form.

A second later Kent has a wide grin from ear to ear, followed by an ominous contempt cold glint in his eyes that let out an eerie atmosphere.

"It seems like snake meat for the day is on the way."

The trashed beast slowly stood back its ground looking up, glaring at it's rampaging companion.

A surge of great anger almost reaching the stage of rage started bobbling intensely inside this beast.

The in rage snake slithered fast to the direction of its previous companion to confront this rampaging bastard wanting nothing in the world but to devour the fella.

It sent a dozen or so projectiles, far deadlier compared to what it used back then to attack Kent.

The shoot projectiles coated with a strange black green substance clearly poison directly hit the rampaging beast.

"Hahaha… This arrogant beasts… If only they've used that poison coated attack from the start, I should have been in the graveyard long ago."

Kent commented with a bitter smile.

The rampaging gigantic snake, unable to react after losing its sanity due to excessive pain, couldn't have possibly possessed the brain capacity to dodge the incoming attacks.

The rampaging beast received the dozen or so attacks without much of a resistance.


The insane beast regained a bit of its sanity after receiving such attack, it let out another loud ear-shattering scream, it's bloodshot serpentine golden eyes gazed at the attacker that cause more pain to it, it's previous companion that's in rage.