
"Come onze we're already late," said Ana while tidying up her books

"Wait i think you're the first, I'm really desperate for this"

"Ha!why are you like that?"

"Well it's not like that, I've been really desperate for this since you were first, I'll follow later"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, hasanah, Ya Allah I'm already there so I can go to the toilet too"

"Yes, I'll go first, don't take too long Assalamualaiqum"

"Wa'alaiqumussalam" aza and zei parted at the door with ana to the back garden of campus and zei who went to the toilet first

They have been here for almost an hour accompanying Aza's sparring. Well, Aza is one of the core members of Pencak Silat on campus, so it's only natural that they are always called upon to participate in sparring and even competitions.

after aza finished with his sparring he walked over to his two brothers on the right

"ZAAAA AZA WE ARE HERE" shouted Ana while waving her hand

"Oh, ana, don't shout, oh my voice, it's also genitals for us women," said Zei.

"hehe sorry ze"

"huft assalamu'alaikum" said aza who had just arrived and was directly between the two

"Here drink first"

"How did I look?"

"Maa sya Allah, it's really cool, just when you cut it, Beuh it's cool," said Zahra

"Hahaha thanks but it's not that much huh"

"It's great to be trained again and the point is don't _"


"Well, you know, let's go back in a moment at noon"The three immediately rushed to the campus mosque, not forgetting to change their clothes before going to the mosque

when they arrived in front of the mosque they took off their shoes and socks, accompanied by jokes from aza ana and zei who sometimes joined in

when they are laughing, they are surprised by the arrival of someone

"Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah finally there was a zei," the three suddenly looked at each other

"Why tar?" asked Aza

"Well, Zei can you help me?"

"What help, in sha Allah, if I can help I will help"

"This Zei fills in the material briefly in the study after the midday prayer"

"here? you mean in this mosque?"

"Yes, this mosque can help, zei"

"What's the material?"

"any material is free of zei, the point is there is material"

"Oh yes I helped"

"Alhamdulillah thank you Zei"

"yes, you're welcome, I've been there first," then walked away leaving aza zei and ana

"Ze, can you really do this?" asked Ana to make sure

"In sha Allah can the material is also free"

"but suddenly you are ze"

"Yeah, just believe in Allah, in sha Allah you can"

"Yes, let's do wudhu, already the call to prayer"

after finishing with 4 rak'ahs of the midday prayer, continued with dhikr, don't forget to pray to the throne

Now everyone has gathered to form a circle

Thank God this study is only for fellow sisters, so Zei and others are more free to have opinions or provide material

After the study was opened by a moderator, one of the campus students continued the prayer and then continued to the content of the study

Zei, who coincided with the moderator, began to give a study

"Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh all my sisters"

"wa'alaiqumussalam warohmatulohi wabarokatuh" everyone answered in unison

"Innal hamdalilah wasolatu wasalamu ala rosulillah syaidina Muhammad ibni abdilah waalaalihi wahbihi wamawalah (amma ba'du)

Praise and gratitude we pray for those who have given health and opportunities so that at this time we can all gather in this simple place in good health, Alhamdulillah.

Don't forget to send our sholawat and greetings to our great prophet, the Prophet RASULULLAH SAW and his companions.

Maybe I should introduce myself first, because the saying goes, I don't know it, I don't love it, so we should get acquainted first

I am Zeira Adiba Humayrah, one of the students on this campus with the Department of Islamic Religion

OK, let's go back to the topic at our meeting today I will bring a study with the theme


Most people pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give him a long life. Very few or maybe even no one wants a short life

generally people will pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give him a long life, very few and even rarely do people want a short life

In general, their reason is because they want to have sufficient good deeds that are sufficient during their lifetime as provisions for eternal life in the hereafter, this does have a strong basis as confirmed in the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salaam as follows:

يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ مَنْ خَيْرُ النَّاسِ قَالَ : مَنْ طَالَ عُمُرُهُ وَحَسُنَ عَمَلُهُ

which means: O Messenger of Allah, who is the best of people? " he replied " people who live a long life and good morals " (HR. TIRIMIDZI)

This hadith has inspired many people to always pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give him a long life

They have believed that one of the best signs of a person is when a person lives long and his life is full of good deeds. Those whose lives are long but whose good deeds are very few are not among the best people, in fact they are classified as losers.

The question that arises then is what about those who are short-lived? Are they by themselves not among the best?

the explanation of Allamah Sayyid Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad in his book entitled Sabîlul Iddikâr wal I'tibâr bimâ Yamurru bil Insân wa Yanqadli Lahu minal A'mâr (Dar Al-Hawi, Cet. II, 1998, p. 47) as follows:

الْعُمُرِ: التَّوْفيْقُ لِلْأَعْمَالِ الصَّالِحَةِ، الْخَيْرَاتِ الْخَاصَّةِ الْعَامَّةِ

Meaning: "The best age is that which is blessed by Allah subhanu wata'la, whom He has given taufiq to do righteous deeds and other virtues, both specific and general."

from this hadith it can be explained that the best age is the one blessed by Allah subhanu wata'la, whom He gives guidance to do various piety and virtues.

Sayyid Abdullah Al-Haddad also mentions several examples of pious people who do not live long but whose good deeds are very numerous and can be felt by the wider community, including:

Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Idris Asy-Shafi'i, or better known as Imam Shafi'i. He died at the age of 54 years. Although his age was not long, but during his lifetime he was able to produce many good works such as works that are very important for Muslims.

Among the great works of Imam Shafi'i are the first: Kitab Ar-Risalah which is a book about Usul Fiqh. Second, the Book of Al-Umm which is a book about the school of jurisprudence. Third, the Book of Ikhtilaf al-Hadith which is a book about hadith. Fourth, the Book of Tafsir Al-Imam Asy-Shafi'i which is a book about the interpretation of the Qur'an, and so on.

From what is explained and exemplified by Sayyid Abdullah Al-Haddad above, it is very clear that the literal understanding of a good life is that a long life filled with goodness still has shortcomings. This understanding isn't wrong, it's just not accommodating to the fact that many pious people don't live long

Therefore, once again, the best age is the age that is blessed by Allah subhanu wa ta'ala

Limitations of longevity among Muslims, there is no specific standard that is mutually agreed upon. Only most Muslims make the age of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam which reaches 63 years as the standard

This means that those who reach the age of 63 years are believed to have received an age bonus from Allah subhanu wata'la. Meanwhile, those who do not reach the age of 63 years, such as 50-55 years, or less like Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz who died at the age of less than 40 years, are short-lived as explained by Sayyid Abdullah Al-Haddad in the book mentioned above.

May we all be among those who have an age that is blessed by Allah subhanu wata'la. Amen O 'Lord of the Worlds

So much for my study material this time, the right one came from God, the wrong one came from myself and in essence I am also still in the learning process so if there are errors or deficiencies in the material I bring, please remind and understand

so wassalamualaiqum warohmatulohi wabarokatuh"he said at the same time closing the lecture he brought