chapter 3: this isn't Jacksonville

Nero and I continued our path to "Knoxville", totally unaware we were heading to the demon territory.

"Are you sure this is the right way," Nero asked questionably.

"honestly I don't even know, I'm like 90 percent we didn't," I said with a shrug.

"so you're telling me we went the wrong way because you got us lost," Nero said

"I was never one to have a good sense of direction," I said.

"next time leave the directions to me so we don't get lost," Nero told me.

"that seems fair," I said as we continued to walk down the path.

I noticed a large castle coming up In the distance. at first, I thought I was imagining it but the closer we got the more I knew it was real.

"We need to leave now," Nero said shaking.

"Why, I see a big castle in the distance. so that means we can ask for directions," I said as I continued walking.

"That's the demon queen's castle, she kills all the humans that enter it," Nero said trying to drag me.

"Trust me, she won't be able to kill us, and besides I never said I was going to fight her," I said as we continued forward.

Nero followed reluctantly behind me as we made our way towards the tower. we entered the tower I noticed the sudden change of air as if we were in danger.

this made me go on high alert so from now on every step I took I was scanning everything around us. the more I looked around the more I noticed that the first room was a trap for greedy people.

I had to say this was very clever for whoever made this, but sadly I wasn't the greedy type. I looked over at Nero and saw her looking at the items here curiously.

"don't grab anything here, it's a trap," I told her.

"how do you know?" she asked.

"This trap was made in mind for people with greed. the greedy people come in here and see these treasures and want to collect all of them and boom they die.

also, do you notice the allure of the items, I would assume they put something it influences your decision. since everybody has a bit of greed in them, it would be a good trap for normal people but not for me," I said proudly.


inside the kingdom of Knoxville, the heroes we're currently huddled inside a room.

"is it true josh," a girl said with tears falling out of her eyes.

Josh tried to play it dumb and tried to avoid the conversation.

"so what weapons did you guys pick out," Josh asked.

the next thing Josh felt was a slap across his face coming from his girlfriend.

Josh got so mad that he accidentally blurted out, "you know what yeah I did, and you know what I enjoyed it."

then his eyes widened and he covered his mouth but not before everyone in his vicinity backed away.

from then on nobody wanted anything to do with him except his sword instructor, and nobody heard from him again.

(meanwhile inside demon HQ)

"your highness a human is getting past all the floors with little to no difficulty alongside her companion," a demon with yellow hair and wings said.

"is it something I have to take care of or with the guardian of floor 95 be able to take care of it," said the demon queen who was drinking wine.

"she is currently on level ninety-three and has already defeated the guardian of the desires and is continuing," she noted.

this got the queen's attention. nobody that has entered the tower has passed the first ten floors. even the king of the humans only got to level twelve.

"you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. is there anything that she has, any artifacts or powers," she asked

"she doesn't appear to have any artifacts, and she hasn't used any powers that she had," she reported.

'This enemy is the strongest human that has ever appeared in this castle,' she thought.

(back to our duo)

climbing the tower was relatively easy. from floors 1-15, it was all about desires, from money to weapons to even women. 16-30 were all about puzzles, from it being escape rooms and sometimes actual puzzles.

31-60 were just fighting monsters and after I killed the first one the rest were easy. I hadn't even had to use my powers.

60-80 were some bigger monsters but they were slow and kinda .... dumb so I just got them to hit each other until it was only one left.

81-93 the guardian of desires as she called herself was a lamia who tries to seduce people into thinking that she needed help and then strangle them.

I would have fallen for it if it weren't for me remembering where I was. I quickly dispatch her and went up to the final levels of the tower.

when we reach level ninety-five I noticed that something was wrong here.

I closed my eyes and began listening to the world around me and noticed that this place was coated with illusion magic.

Nero also seemed to notice this and she put her fingers together and said, "release." and like that we were in front of a yellow-haired demon with wings.

however, I turned to Nero and asked, "how did you get out of the illusion."

"Everyone has mana, even the heroes. they can use any kind of magic," she replied.

I almost felt like laughing at half of my classmates because they wished for something they could have already done.

we turned out attention to the winged demon and we continued to fight. her magic was relatively useless as her illusion was broken apart by Nero and if she cast fire or ice magic I would be there and deflect it.

she seemed to know it was a losing battle but she still held on and I had to admire that.

when we clashed the last time and she expected to be killed but what she wasn't expecting was for me to grab her wings.

"I don't think you should do this at this time, Athena," Nero said awkwardly.

"shhh, you can get your fluff afterward, right now is wing time," I said as I continued to rub.

.... after an unspecified amount of time, we brought the demon with us towards the big door that I assumed held the demon queen.

"Nero," I said.

"yes," she asked looking at me.

"step back," I said as I kicked the door off its hinges with vector manipulation.

"demon queen, I came here for your horns," I yelled only to see said demon queen on a couch watching anime.

"never mind I came here for marriage," I yelled after seeing her watching anime.


hope you enjoyed and I'm going to either update "Naruto and his system" or my new book I'ma release called "the apocalypse done right".

btw how should I make it,

A:the MC has to collect stones from the zombies to level up.

B: every zombie she kills gives her an attitude,

1 zombie = .2 of a level.

(strength, agility, speed, etc)

also can you guys come up with a name for our MC. (FM)

(note: if there are any spelling mistakes I blame Grammarly)