chapter 11

"how bloody did she smell," I asked Nero.

"pretty bloody," Nero responded.

"Probably her period. anyways let's go to the village and read books," I marched happily.

"wrong way," vel said tugging on my rope and bringing me back to her.

"oops," I giggled as I followed the trio.

(meanwhile with said paladin)

he was one of the most powerful in the capital, but finding this woman was becoming a hassle.

I asked the residents of this town if they had any information but they just said that she bought a clock and some weapons.

the pope wanted this person alive so that she became the highest bounty ever. we don't even know why but if she was as powerful as her bounty then there was going to be major trouble.

'if only the queen was here she would know what to do,' I thought as I began heading to the other village.

(back to our Yuri)

"so what are we searching for," Conoleth asked as we sat in the wreckage of a library.

"anything about the evil gods, and counters to holy powers," I said picking up the books.

on the bright side, I can read books thrice as fast but I still could help but find nothing about the evil gods.

that was until I picked up a book that looked so old and dusty that it caused me to cough as the dust went into my nostrils.

{the concept of holy magic}

I used time magic to speed up my brain making myself read paragraphs at a time.

{holy magic was given to those that are willing to do what is right, even if it goes against their morals.

there are 9 tiers to this concept of magic but the furthest anyone was able to achieve was 7, and that was in the older days, back when magic was at its peak.

it seems like holy magic would have been useful. no use dwelling on it.

"vel is there a way for me to obtain the holy element," I asked her.

she thought about it for a while before finally responding.

"Since you are a hero you can naturally use all of the elements, however, you need to touch something with the element though," she told me as she went back to reading.

"over here," I heard a faint whisper.

I turned to look and saw nothing. I cautiously pulled out my scythe and walked in the direction of the voice.

"here," I heard to my right.

I turned and saw a trap door that was underneath the house. I didn't feel safe going under there without defending myself so I picked up the dagger from one of the dead bodies and began crawling.

I opened the hatch and saw a ladder that went downwards. I climbed my way down the tunnel and when I arrived at the bottom and I was awestruck.

this place looked like a crystallized cave. like this place was covered in the ice leading to a podium.

"up here," the whisper came again.

I looked at the podium and saw a book I made my way over there and grabbed it.

when I touched it, I felt an unknown power enter me. I looked at the book and the title read.

{the book of magic}

I lost consciousness and when they opened I saw the god that had reincarnated us looking out a window.

"I waited for your arrival, please take a seat," she said turning towards me.

"sorry for making you wait," I said taking a seat.

"I'm not able to contact you as much unless you find the old relics. the book you picked up was a book we had left in the older times. the village was protecting it from the church.

sadly the people there were massacred and no one was able to protect it. that's why I had to contact you. you are the last hero, and the final piece of the puzzle," she told me.

"..the last hero," I asked.

"the heroes were captured by the pope and have already been killed. don't worry though, they were sent to the afterlife and are watching over your journey," she informed me.

"How did they die," I asked.

"the pope had them killed seeing as they were useless. he already had the other heroes and now he needs a necromancer," she said.

"is that why you summoned me? because you knew I could do it," I asked.

"Indeed, the evil one is rising and we need a hero to help us with it. with this book, you will be able to cast all magic types.

however some come at a cost, so be wary about which ones you use. seek out the leader of the fox people. only there can you find the next clue." she said and with a snap, I was back in my body.

I shook my headache off and put the book on my hip and connected it with a chain. after that, I went up the ladder and climbed back out.

after crawling out of the house I made my way back to the group. then I started reading the book of magic.

it began going into detail about the different magic this world had, and some very interesting magic that I wanted to try out.

I was first going to have to train my holy magic because that seems the most useful, and space magic. After all, then I could teleport.

"where have you been," vel asked me.

"I went to check out something, but I came back with some really good treasure," I said hinting at the book.

while talking I began to learn about tier one of holy magic, and it allowed me to sense the presence of people and animals.

however, one presence caught my attention and it put me on alert. it was still half a mile away but it radiated holy energy and I knew it was from the church.

"We need to go," I said as I stomped my foot and collapsed the cave under us, which also destroyed the village more.

vel tied my hand to hers and Nero, Conoleth, vel, and I took off as fast as we could from this place.


let me know if there are any mistakes.