A cat that gives warmth

It was the bloom of spring when I met him.

A cat so quiet yet cheeky makes everyone love him in one look. A purr and a meow a little one command can bring anyone at their knees.

Antoinette Aldine everyone seems to like him. A spectacular man dazzling in his very own spotlight. A prince so unreachable, so dainty and pure in the eyes of his peers.

A black cat is what they would compare him too. He would always be so calm and...just so perfect...

Sometimes I just I wish I were him so love by everyone. His face sparkle just like smooth silk being touched by the sun.

Lips are just the right amount of red and brown. Eyes are like the stars bright hazel almost like gold, so....beautiful. No beautiful would just be an understatement. Hair and eyelashes too is dark like the night sky.

Many gentle folks would gather around the man. Just like birds following a beauty. I mean who wouldn't. A sigh got out of my mouth oh how I wish to be like him.

Yet I would not dare too, he is very much strong if he could handle people finding out who he is.

That feeling of you just being watched is terrifying!

Their heads from left to right lads and lasses will follow each and every step of your foot. A left, and then, the right, a left, then, a right.

I simply would not love "that" kind of attention. But such as a man like him trapped in that glorious cage called popularity....does he think of people looking at him a bother?

Well I just wonder....

Oh now that I think about it I kind of feel bad for him.

Being locked means being watched every single time is the shortened version of it.

Every single thing that they know right now gives them a sense of familiarity. Thinking that this person is now so close to them and will stick with them for a long time like jam and bread.

So close that they would ask many things and if you got out of character, shadows of disgust and anger will fall before you. You will now be looked at that magnificent cage with disgust. Eyes fierce and deadly ready to pounce at any moment. They never knew you...they would feel betrayed.

"How could they say that I thought I know them!"

A turn of the head was done.

"Manipulative b!$#h!"

The whole golden palace trembled giant's filling every window.

"How could you!?"

Drops of the salty ocean crash down the walls.


What a big catastrophe this is...

"I didn't even like her any way"


Words of insults fill the fallen crowns head. It would go in different variations a mocking tone, an annoyed one, a saddened one, and the amused one.

But in the end all of those who would fall in the tiny little cage were just strangers. Strangers that just happens to show little perfection in other peoples eyes.

tsk tsk what a life would that be....


I would always see him at the campus library, A blue pen with gold rings around it perfectly intertwined with his long fingers. His hair droop down like hanging vines, his eyes are like bright amber that shone brightly every time light looks at his way.

Books around him block the beauty giving people a hard time to look his way. Yet I got the best view from here. Down the near west end is where he sits and I slightly from the north got a glimpse of him.

We barely know each other not ones or twice have we ever talked. Just a few glances from here and there nothing more. He would wave I would too, he was like a study companion at that time.

The smell of old books every time I entered became a very nice feeling to me. Just waiting for that companion of mine is a sweet treat.

A moment of warmth it felt like this is the only time I could be with such a prince like him. I guess it is alright to enjoy our company like this. We do not know each other, no questions to ask and no things to judge it is just the two of you bonding nothing more.