Application Successful - Part 1

Jacob Robertson wearily made his way back to the parking lot. It had been a grueling 3 hours as he went from building to building handing in his resume at any place that looked open. Most took his small letter and gave a nonchalant affirmative when he asked them to pass it on to their boss, but he knew deep down that most of them went straight to the trash.

He would just have to go around and do it again in a month or two, also on a different day, hopefully they would have forgotten his face by then and not cause a hassle with him trying again, he had learnt his lesson a while back when one server got extremely angry that he had come back to their restaurant to apply again.

It wasn't his fault though!

The other problem with handing in resumes by hand was the fact that 90% didn't even have the curtesy to send a quick email saying we don't need you, heck by the hundredth letter Jacob would have at least liked a fuck off. Then he knew they had seen it and didn't want him.

Most of the time he had to guess that they didn't have any positions open.

A sigh escaped his lips as he slowly loosened the tie around his neck, him having gone out in a casual suit to give a good impression, that's all that mattered these days when going for a job.

You couldn't look sloppy or your chances go down, your beard had to be nice, or your chances went down, you couldn't have a freaking visible tattoo or your chances went down!

Sometimes he wondered why he spent so much money and time getting his goddamn business degree if no actual company wanted to hire him. It had irked him, but it hadn't gotten him as pissed off till after he lost his job.

With the current pandemic going on and people losing their jobs left, right and centre he had just wanted to keep his head down and keep working at the grocery shop, where he had been part time for the last 10 years, but his luck had run out there.

With the way things were going and no income, Jacob had to get a job soon or he would have to move back in with his parents. It wasn't the end of the world, but he had moved out for a reason, well that reason mainly being able to bring a hot date back, but still a reason.

He didn't want to have to go back now because of some bad luck and a stupid pandemic. Giving a quick glance around the parking lot and seeing his car parked exactly where he left it, Jacob started the small trek over, whipping a bit of sweat off his brow.

It had been a solid 30 degrees celcius the whole day and after getting arm pit stains he'd forced himself to wear the suit throughout his walk.


Stopping for only a second, Jacob wearily reached for his phone in his breast pocket, as he shifted about, having heard and felt it go off. After the day he'd just been through he was hoping for some good news as he turned the phone around.

His imagination ran wild for a second as he imagined an acceptance email, or maybe even just a date and time for a proper interview in his e-mails. Looking down at the screen his eyebrow quirked at the small message.

'New Invitation to Group chat.'

Swiping up and quickly navigating his menu's he dropped into his messages and saw the small invite to a new chat group. Quickly tapping accept as he reached for his keys, he paused as he unlocked the car. Looking in to the chat group there was only one link.

Holding off on the eye roll of what was moist likely spam, he looked to the top of the group chat for the name of the group.

"Reinbeck's Opticology Branches"

Straining his mind for a second Jacob thought back to a week prior when he had put in an application while drunk, though it was a bit fuzzy he thought he recognized the name. Of course being a business major he knew nothing about opticology, but that didn't mean he couldn't manage people from their sites.

With a small growing smile on his face he slid into his seat as he swapped pages for a second to activate his secure VPN, sure the link could be suss, but he did also search up certain videos at night it couldn't….probably wouldn't be worse than that if it was a hoax.

Flipping the VPN on, he flicked back to the chat group and clicked on the link. It was a small download and was over pretty quick, Jacob had only rested his eyes for a short 30 seconds before he felt his phone Vibrate.

Looking back down at his phone he noticed a small new app on his 3 page. Flicking over to it, he eyes the app carefully before pressing on it. The App was called [Consol] and the image was of one of those lounge chairs that people could sit or lay back in, He himself could never see how they were actually comfortable with their shape.

Seeing nothing wrong so far and having the utmost faith in his VPN Jacob pressed on the APP.