
A Dark-haired man tiredly rubbed his eyes as he stared at the giant screen in front of him. It was unusual for him to get this tiered. With his body in its physical prime, his mind and will trained so that he could work for long hours with only 2-4 hours sleep, Bruce Wayne, better known as 'The Batman', was not usually caught so flat footed.

It had happened 10 hours ago, just before he had scheduled some mandatory sleep, he had already been awake for a 72-hour period and had to look good when he went out to a gala which started in... his eyes flicked to the side for a fraction of a second...6 hours.

It started with a ping from the Bat-computer notifying him of a new addition to his system. Luckily it had been a quite night and he had the time to quickly make his way back to the cave to investigate. Though he couldn't say his system was fool proof, the list of people that could hack in and add anything to his secure servers could be counted on one hand.

When he made it back to the cave, that was when he first saw the new application, [Consol], trying to wipe it from his system proved futile and all backups seemed to be corrupt as each system wipe continued to show the persistent application.

Next was a hard factory reset and wipe, before he took to grabbing an offsite back up that had been locked in one of his secure vaults. He periodically did this incase his system was ever compromised.

When that didn't work, he knew there was a problem. It had taken him just under 2 hours to get to that point when he got a message from his phone. It was Dick of course, not many others had his personal mobile number on hand.

Dick was staying the night over with Wally and knowing them, they would both go on patrol, they might even try to rope Aqualad and Super boy into it. After what happened on Independence Day, the group had become quite restless.

The league had just finalized the creation of the team, with J'onn bringing his niece into the mix, something else he would have to deal with later.

It was when he was closing down the message that he noticed the [Consol] app on his phone. While concerning, it wasn't as concerning as finding the app on all the house computers as well as company ones.

This meant the problem was wider spread than Bruce thought.

That was 3 hours in and also the moment he decided to open the app and investigate specifically what was going on. Isolating the Bat-computer from all other servers and the internet, he opened the app.

At the tope left was his User ID, [Dark knight], followed by a picture of himself crouched down on the ledge of a skyscraper a gargoyle beside him, starring at the Gotham nightlife. Bruce frowned at picture, trying to place when it could have been taken and by who.

Below that a small menu greeted him.


[1 on 1 Appointments]

[Request] (Unavailable right now)

Navigating to the first options he clicked it open and quickly read through the previous chat logs. Any detail or behavior he could pick up on, he categorized and memorized, quickly noting down the other people pulled into this [Multiverse Counseling Group chat], before moving onto [The Counselor] and [The Admin], both the ones likely to have set up whatever this was.

Though if Bruce was reading the logs right [The Counselor], might also have fallen victim to whoever this [Admin] was. Though he did know too much, especially about everyone else in the 'multiverse' chat group.

While the name alone could be considered delusional, it set off small warning bells in Bruce's mind, especially after all the threats the league had faced over the years.

What really caught Bruce's attention though was what [The Counselor], said to him specifically. Though he didn't know it, his eyes stopped and starred menacingly and his fists tightened just a little as he read on.

First whoever they were knew his secret identity, Bruce knew everyone that had an inkling or did in fact know his secret identity, he couldn't work for so many years without some people finding out, but it was a small group and he could tell [The Counselor] wasn't one of them.

Secondly, he implied he knew about a few of his contingencies, though it could be argued that anyone that knew him personally would know he planned for any occasion, [The Counselor] implied he knew more of their intricate details, and with the app appearing on all his servers without warning, it is possible he had been able to get to those files.

The implications weren't good and did have Bruce scrambling to check to see if any of his security features had been trip in each file. That had taken another hour of his time. In the end he Found no trace what so ever of intrusion, but he did determine that he would have to better protect said contingencies, with better programming, security and encryption.

Finally, and most worryingly to Bruce was the implication of multiple protégés. He only had one person he could call a protégé, Dick, and the implication that he could die was something Bruce wouldn't take lying down.

Bruce redoubled his efforts as he moved on to the next menu, [1 on 1 Appointments].

Going inside he was met with a button in the middle of the screen.


Clicking on said button a new screen appeared. At the top the words [1 on 1 Appointment bookings] was printed in bold letters, with a small table of information below, his eyes quickly flicked to the bottom of the screen before he continued.

On the bottom left the was a [Cancel] Button, while on the right there was a [Confirm] Button.

In the middle there was a table with 4 rows. Each row had a heading.

[User ID] [Status] [Time] [Position]

When Bruce entered, he was slightly surprised to see there was already a person booked in.

[1 on 1 Appointment Bookings]

[User ID] [Status] [Time] [Position]

[Phoenix] [Pending] [Pending] [First]

One of the other people 'invited' to the chat group, he stared at the name for a second before moving on and pressing cancel. He did not have a use for the 1 on 1 function yet as he still had no clue where the app came from.

Moving out of the app as he couldn't look at the final menu option Bruce properly started his investigation, tearing his system apart looking for and scrap of information he could find as well as collating the people that could hack into his systems, trying to find any clue on how the app appeared.

It was as he was doing this and about 5 hours in that Alfred had appeared and given him his next biggest clue. Worried about the amount of sleep Bruce had had over the last few days he had suggested a quick nap, or at least some food.

It was as Bruce was gesturing towards the [Consol] app and his newest project and investigation below that Alfred had spoken up, the worry in his eyes deepening.

"Sir I'm afraid I don't understand, you're gesturing towards the home screen, as far as I can tell you are running diagnostics on the main computer systems."

That has stopped Bruce in his tracks as he calmly enlarged the [Consol] app and asked if Alfred could see anything. When that came back in the negative Bruce knew this had moved from the realm of science into possible Magic territory.

Only he could see the application.

Quickly setting out for the Watch tower after this new revelation, Bruce had been able to find 3 different instances of people not being able to see the app on his console or phone. This included, Hawk-man, Wonder Woman and Green lantern.

Finding the app on the Watch tower systems as well, Bruce quickly made his way back to Gotham and the local library to access the public computers. Once he again found the app there his mind whirled into thought.

Specific curses and other types of magic quickly turned to mind as well as specific hallucinogens and any other type of technology or mysticism that could affect the mind.

Calling in two favors Bruce was able to get a checkup from both Zatara and Constantine, but both could find nothing affecting the Dark Knight. His final port of call in the mystic community Kent Nelson or Doctor fate had already retired years ago and he was currently traveling so he couldn't get in touch. Though they were looking to be the only one that might be able to see what was going on if it was a mystical problem.

With that avenue out of the question for now, Bruce quickly turned to checking himself for any unknown chemicals in his system as well as technology. After being checked at the Watch tower, without any of the league knowing, he was finally running out of plausible options.

This final lead to him now as he stared at the screen 10 hours on. Though he couldn't discount the fact that it might be some combination of bio technology or mysticism, the [Consol] app was looking more like the work of a powerful entity.

Never a good sign.

That entity possibly being [The Admin].

The mentions of demons and devil kings in the chat group wasn't a good indicator and the fact it was labeled a [Multiverse counseling group chat], took things to a whole new level. As he stood up and decided to get some sleep, he couldn't miss the upcoming gala for publicity's sake, his mind drifted to [The Counselor].

'Though it looks like he could have been dragged into the group by the admin, his amount of knowledge on each of us is disturbing. If [Consol] is related to multiple universes any and all information could be gleaned from a different universes version of myself.'

He stopped for a second as he got ready and slipped into his bed.

'Though that is not to say he isn't talking about my specific universe, or knows about my specific universe. Everything he writes could pertain to and not pertain to myself, and through what he has written so far, my future and those around me. That alone means [The Counselor] is a powerful entity that can view multiple dimensions.'

He only had one final thought as he drifted to sleep, knowing he would investigate more after the gala.

'This information could be vital and integral depending on what I can discover, but there is always a catch.'