Chapter 1: Author's love

"Iona! wanna come with us?" A chubby young man wearing a school uniform invites the person beside him.

"You should come!"

"Yeah, that's right!"

"It's been a long time since we've all been together"

The people behind the chubby young man exclaimed as they also tried to persuade the young man to come along.

The chubby guy then tries to wrap his arms around the young man's shoulder but ends up almost falling as the young man dodge by ducking.

The young man then stood straight and continue walking as if nothing happened.

"I'm not in the mood right now fatty, let's just talk next time." He coldly stated as his feet didn't plan to slow down.

"What's wrong with him?" One of their friends asked in confusion noticing the cold expression glued on their friend's face.

"Let's just let him alone first." Fatty also noticed the strangeness in his bestfriend's behavior and was sensible enough to give him time to calm down.

The other was still confused but didn't plan to ask as they continue on their way, to the basketball court!

The young man on the other hand silently walks to his apartment but his mind seems lost and was enveloped in sadness.

His thoughts were messy and chaotic which affects his behavior and attitude which he was aware of.

'Sigh...I need to get myself together or else it'll affect my life.' He thought foreshadowing the effect of his behavior in his life.

On his way, he meets a bunch of other people who knew him as he learn from his mistakes and kindly greeted them.

Nonetheless, he finally arrived at his apartment as he opens the light and simply put down his bag on the table.

The apartment wasn't large but wide enough for a single person to stay, it was located on the 4th floor of an apartment building in Asilo, Pasig City, which was not far from his school.

And just after he could remove his school uniform polo, his phone rings.

He picked it up and got annoyed seeing who was the one calling him.

But he still answers the phones and didn't dare to show his annoyance as the one who was calling is his boss.

Unknown to many people, he was living a double life, one as Lucius Iona, a normal teenager in his twenties.

And the other is Sweet&Spicy, an author of one of the famous novels, "The return of the loser.", A story that helps him to pay for his tuition and daily expenses.

Lucius was left by his parents since he was a baby in the orphanage where he would live for 12 years before running away and decided to fend for himself due to the harsh abuse he experienced at the hands of the Matron and other employees.

Thankfully he was smart and come across a novel artist which taught him how to write a story adopt him for a few months but he immediately moves away after getting his first wage.

"The return of the loser" was also the only novel Lucius had written so he develop unique feelings for it.

Through his novel, he made a living and managed to rent an apartment and pay for tuition as he was taught that knowledge is power.

The rest is history.

But all things come to an end, after 8 years of writing "The return of the loser" was finally reaching its end which was the reason why Lucius was sad.

In those 8 years, he builds an affection for his readers, co-workers such as editors, etc.

and most important of all, for the characters in the story.

Yes, he might be able to write something much greater story but that doesn't mean it could replace "The return of the loser" place in his heart.

Lucius put aside the bitterness in his heart and unwillingly click 'answer' on his phone.

"Hello?" A rough and manly voice said coming from the other line of the call.

"Hello, boss, what do you need?" Lucius spoke in the most pleasing tone he could not provoke his boss.

"Lucius, how long are you gonna make us wait before writing the last chapter of "TROTL", many of the readers are going impatient!" An angry and irritated voice could be heard coming from the phone.

{TROTL: An abbreviation fans made for "The return of the loser"}

'This piece of sh*t, it's only been three days! how dare he complain when all he does is sit in his chair and wait for the money to enter his bank account.' Lucius couldn't help but curse his boss but didn't dare to say it out.

"I'm extremely sorry for the trouble, don't worry, I'll finish it tonight." Lucius kindly said and didn't bother arguing to his braindead boss.

"Hmph! Good!" That was the only thing his boss replied before hanging up the phone.

"Arghh! I want to skin him alive!" Lucius angrily stated as he was annoyed at his boss's attitude.

Even though they have been working for 7 years now, he still couldn't tolerate his boss's shitty behavior to the point where he thought of changing to another publishing company.

Nonetheless, he didn't let his boss continue ruining his mood as he gently put down his phone and opened an instant noodle, and pour hot water from it which was stored in a thermos bottle.

While waiting, Lucius decided to read comments from "TROTL" in his webnovel account.

This is one of the main sources of his income and was also the one where he was most famous.

He browses into the newest chapter and heads straight into the comment section.


Peach_In_Georgia897: @Sweet&Spicy when would the next chapter get released?

I_Am_Not_A_Simp123: Author-san! please release the last chapter!!!

Marin_For_Life777: Marin for life!!!

DaoCultivator5817: Next Chapter!!!!

EmojiWarriors🤑: 😈😤🤜😭

ProudRacist666: First


Lucius couldn't help but smile seeing various comments asking for a new chapter while some express their sadness seeing that the story was finally coming to an end.

His mood was lifted as he continue reading some new comments and reviews while silently eating his noodles who were finally cooked.

'Looks like im, not the only one who was sad that you're finally ending.' Lucius silently thought while reading the title of his proudest work.

"The return of the loser."

Looks like I have no choice, I can't keep these people waiting.' He thought as he put aside the now empty cup noodles and concentrate on his laptop.

(In computer screen)

"It's your turn to pay for all the sin you had made, Azaktan! I have come to decapitate your head and make it as a payment for all of the innocent people you had killed!"

Eligor yelled while facing the final boss of the game, Mendalla, the one who was responsible for it all, the creator.

"Make me pay?! What a joke! MUAHAHAHA" Azaktan didn't take what Eligor said seriously and just laughed like a madman.

He, the creator, after all still has his pride, how could he take seriously a mere mortal's threat to him.

Eligor could help but lose his cool as he almost charge straight into Azaktan, thankfully his guildmates stopped him.

"Don't be fooled by him, Elli, he was just trying to provoke you!" The heavenly Saint, Sora reminded him as he slowly calm down.

After a few seconds, Eligor finally calmed down as he was released from the clutch of his guildmates.

"That's right, I'm sorry." Eligor stated as he looked at the perso-, no, he no longer regards Azaktan as a person but a monster who would kill for his pleasure.

"Come on everyone!

For our comrade who perished on the way!

For the innocent lives that have been lost!

For the innocent children who had lost their future and family!

We! the SpongeCake Guild would end all of the sufferings this monster did to our people!


Since Eligor had finally calmed down, he gave a motivational speech showing the characteristics of a leader, a king!

"Charge!!" "For the innocent people!!" "This is for you Lana!!"

Each of his guildmates gave their battle cry as they are ready to die just to get revenge for the loss of their loved ones.

The other guilds soon also joined the battle and slowly but surely, cornered the force of the mighty creator.

After more than three days, the army of Azaktan was annihilated.

Only he remained, but that won't last long.

The loss of the player camp on the other hand wasn't as serious but still, many have died without regret knowing that they are fighting for the justice of innocent lives.

(On the Real-world | Lucius' apartment)

Lucius couldn't help but smile seeing what he had written but just when he was about to continue, a survey popped out of nowhere, blocking his screen, and no matter how he tries to delete it, it just keeps coming back.

"Argh fuck it!" Lucius couldn't help but get angry as he slam his fist on the table.

That, however, doesn't do anything as the survey was still there.

He has no but to compromise and earnestly answer the survey.


If you're getting reincarnated in, "The return of the loser", then what talent do you want to possess?

1. [None]

2. [None]

3. [None]
