Chapter 168. More progress with Kali~. (R-18)

Kali took a deep breath and then opened the door.

On the other side, the dragoness stood tall, with a skimpy black nightgown that didn't make any effort to hide her enormous breasts. Moreover, it hugged her slim waist, accentuating her body figure even more.

Kali's eyes couldn't help but wander across Yasenia's body. She found her utterly alluring, especially so when the nightgown was semitransparent!

When she looked up to her face again, her verdant green eyes met with the charming golden-slit eyes of the dragoness. Yasenia sashayed toward her and put her arms over her shoulders, pressing their bodies and foreheads together. Then she said in a seductive voice. "Are you surprised by my early arrival, honey~? I hope you are delighted~."

Kali swallowed and felt her nether regions heating up. However, she didn't dislike this feeling, in turn, it made her ecstatic.

The fact that she could feel aroused by Yasenia's seductiveness without feeling uncomfortable was proof that Yasenia's care broke down little by little her fears and replaced them with love and more love toward the dragoness.

Kali smiled and moved forward to peck Yasenia. Then, she looked sideways and said shyly, "S-Surprised. W-why did you come so early?"

Kali stuttered slightly every time they were together alone, mainly because of nervousness or excitement. She has also taken the habit of looking sideways instead of down because looking down would always place those two melons in her sight, increasing her fidgeting.

While she thought about this slight stutter and new habit she had taken, she felt a pair of soft lips pressing on her forehead, followed by Yasenia's voice caressing her hearing sense. "I wanted to do something special with you tonight. Let's go inside and lay down comfortably."

Kali looked up at Yasenia with a slight blush and nodded. These gentle actions, combined with her seductiveness, were truly deadly. They never failed to make Kali's heartbeat slightly faster.

They moved toward the bed and lay down side by side. Yasenia gathered Kali in a hug, and after giving her some kisses and feeling Kali's body soften in her embrace, she spoke. "I wanted to begin a simple dual cultivation with you…."

After hearing Yasenia, Kali directly tensed. However, she didn't do anything more and began thinking about it.

Kali was able to tell her about all of this because of how supportive Yasenia was always with her. Kali had the security that Yasenia would listen to her sincere opinions and try to do her best to accommodate them. Therefore, Kali didn't lie and tried to tell Yasenia about her honest feelings.

However, even with all the efforts from the dragoness and herself, it was still hard for Kali to speak about certain topics, especially if they were related to her traumatic experience. "I-I don't want to show you my… Not that I d-don't want for you to see… Umm, that's also wrong…."

Yasenia caressed her back and tightened the hug, letting Kali feel her soft and supple body. Kali felt herself sink into a world of softness as Yasenia said with a calming and slightly deep voice. "Take your time, honey. You don't have to answer immediately."

Kali nodded and buried her head between Yasenia's breasts. After the first time she did this, she understood why Angel loved doing this. It wrapped her head in warmth, softness, and a silky feeling. Moreover, her scent was stronger in her cleavage, which relaxed her body and also gave it a slight but pleasant tingling.

After a short time of thinking, Kali lifted her head and looked at Yasenia, "I-I'm still uncomfortable showing you my body… I fear you will h-hate it…."

Yasenia smiled, "You know I won't hate it, honey. Can't you feel how much love I give to the scars on your face? If you want to, I can give your body's scars the same love I give these ones~."

Yasenia licked the scar that went through her lips, making Kali half-close her eyes with comfort. The feeling of Yasenia's tongue was heavenly.

After that lick, Yasenia said, "But I can wait all you want. Of course, I also expected you to be against showing each other's bodies. Therefore, I had something else in mind to increase our intimacy levels… Let me rephrase what I want to do with you."

Kali nodded, and Yasenia said, "You have seen how effective dual cultivating with me is, right? Angel and Evelyn are catching up to you, and Cecile and Andrea are gaining distance from you strength-wise. Moreover, all of this is happening quite fast."

Kali nodded. Their group's cultivation speed was extremely abnormal compared to the rest of the people. It was like seeing someone in a sprinting race using a car. Kali always felt anxious because of this.

Yasenia said, "You should also know that their speed is possible because they dual-cultivate with me daily, right?"

Kali nodded again and felt even worse about not being able to do so herself. It felt like she was rejecting Yasenia, even when Yasenia put a lot of effort into getting close to her. Kali felt Yasenia pecking her lips, making her attention shift toward her again. "Don't worry, honey. I completely understand your difficulties, so don't you dare think you are a nuisance! Am I clear?"

Kali blushed and asked, "A-am I so e-easy to read? I t-though I had quite a good of an emotionless face..."

Yasenia lifted her straight eyebrow. "You think you can hide your discomfort from this dragoness? Not in a million years!"

Kali chuckled, and Yasenia smiled with her. Yasenia said, "You remember these last days we've been trying for you to touch my tail as rehabilitation, right?"

Kali nodded, and Yasenia continued, "We have been doing this to implement a certain solution I've come with… With this solution, you will cultivate my energy. However, we won't do it through a complete dual-cultivation method. I will send my Yang energy inside of you, and you will cultivate it without intercourse or sharing of energy."

Kali opened her eyes and asked, "I-Is there such a good thing?"

Yasenia nodded and then said, "There is, but there is also a catch to this…."

Kali listened as Yasenia said, "You see, I can release my Yang energy from my tail as if it was… Well, a normal male organ. So, what I was thinking of is for you to drink my Yang energy through it and then cultivate it."

Yasenia looked at the frozen Kali and almost burst into laughter. 'She looks so cute~.'

Yasenia waited patiently and suddenly saw Kali's face made myriad facial expressions, from blushing to doubtful; from confused to excited; from happy to worried.

Yasenia was thankful that she didn't see repulsion or a similar emotion. She had confusion, worry, and excitement in general.

After giving it a lot of spins in her head, Kali asked with a worried face, "Umm, so if it works similar to male organs… It should also need to be pleasured to release the substance, right?"

Yasenia nodded, and Kali asked. "H-how could you feel pleasure from me?"

Yasenia was completely confused, "Why wouldn't I be able to feel pleasure from you, honey?"

Right after asking that, she saw Kali's hand going up to her own face, tracing the scars, "W-won't my face be a problem? I don't think you can get aroused with this face...."

Yasenia looked at Kali and sighed. Instead of answering with words, Yasenia dove down and captured her lips. Then she began a passionate kissing session. Kali was completely overwhelmed by the loving and aggressive dragoness. She could only answer as Yasenia's long tongue messed the insides of her mouth and coiled around her tongue, making Kali let out small moans.

Kali's heart sped up with happiness the longer the kiss lasted. They tasted each other saliva and battled with their tongues. Yasenia pressed their breasts together and stimulated Kali without touching any sensitive place, massaging her earlobes, pressing her fingers on her lower back, or rubbing her soft body on hers.

Kali moaned with comfort as Yasenia made her melt in her arms.

Five minutes later, Yasenia separated with one last kiss. Kali was breathing roughly and looking at Yasenia with her moist, half-closed, verdant green eyes. Yasenia caressed her chestnut-colored hair and spoke. Her voice had a slightly hoarse and charming tone, making Kali whimper, "Do you still think you can't arouse me, honey?"

Kali was too entranced to answer, so Yasenia smiled seductively and guided her hand toward her privates. With care to not reveal the fully erect big weapon she had below, Yasenia pressed Kali's fingers on her soft, plump, warm, and now moist lower lips.

Yasenia neared Kali's ear and licked her earlobe, whispering with a deep tone, "Do you feel it, Kali? I'm soaking wet from you."

Meanwhile, Kali felt like lightning hit her the moment her fingers pressed on Yasenia's lower lips. Yasenia's sexes passively released Yang and Yin energies when she was aroused, and Kali was feeling her pleasure senses lit up just from touching it. Kali had a battle in her subconscious mind, a part of her afraid of continuing, and a part of her wanting to feel more of the soft flesh her fingers were touching.

Yasenia saw that Kali was completely turned on, but still struggling, so she took the chance and moved her golden tail tip before Kali's face. She was also using one hand to move Kali's hand in circles on her labia.

'Thankfully, I don't have testicles, or doing this would have been impossible.' Thought Yasenia.

When Kali saw the golden phallus before her eyes, she had no adverse reaction to it. Instead, she looked a little excited at the transparent, thick, and heavenly-smelling liquid dripping from the tip. The feeling on her hand that was caressing the soft, warm, and moist place below, coupled with the strong musky, sweet scent from Yasenia's tail-tip, was sending her mind in a loop of pleasure and arousal.

Yasenia guided Kali's other hand and approached it toward her tail tip. Yasenia embraced Kali and placed their cheeks together, looking at her tail. Then, she said seductively, "Grab it, honey."

Kali breathed heavily, filling her senses with Yasenia's strong sweet scent. Her arousal was extremely high as she obeyed Yasenia's words and grabbed the squishy and soft tail. Yasenia let a bone-softening moan escape her mouth, "Aahn~."

Kali pressed her thighs together after hearing that moan; she had felt a little bit of liquid squirting. 'D-D-Did I just cum a little?'

Yasenia whispered sensually again, making Kali whimper. "Good girl~. Now pump it, honey. Up and down. As I told you before."

Kali had a red face as she followed Yasenia's instructions. Kali moved both her hands, pleasuring Yasenia's both intimate spots as she followed Yasenia's instructions. Yasenia started moaning and kissing Kali's cheek and neck, spreading heat in Kali's loins and making Kali also moan.

As Kali heard more and more of Yasenia's moans, she got more and more excited and placed more effort into her movements.

Making Yasenia feel good with her hand was more exhilarating than she thought, especially hearing Yasenia's moans; she felt that she was reaching something just from this.

Yasenia licked Kali's ear as she warned with a seductive and deep tone, "Honey~ when you drink my release, it will be very~ very~ pleasurable, more than anything we have ever felt together. Are you ready?"

Kali continued her hand movements as she turned her head and nodded. Yasenia invaded her mouth and complimented her. "Such a brave girl~ Ah~. You are doing great."

Yasenia didn't want to let Kali feel too much pleasure, so she thought about doing something to help regulate the pleasure.

When she felt the orgasm coming, instead of separating her mouth from Kali's, she placed the tail tip between their lips. 'I will cum in my own mouth and regulate the amount of intake she has with my tongue. I don't want anything bad happening.'

"You are making me cum, honey~. I'm reaching it!" said Yasenia, making Kali feel more accomplished. Then, Kali felt the tail tip in her hand inflate and warm up.

Yasenia opened both their mouths with her lips and placed the tip on the side. Then, she released her sweet nectar.