Chapter 227. Killing Thousands.

As Yasenia roared, her aura swelled, and the air around her exploded, creating a whirlwind around her. The people from the fortress shouted, answering her deep and resounding dragon roar. "UOOO!!!"

The powerful aura explosion intimidated the approaching army, but the voice of their Commander maintained everything in order. "Remember what we are fighting for! We are the first wave, bound to die for the future of our country!"

The fearful soldiers steeled their will and shouted, "For our country!"

"I will come back alive and confess to the woman I like!"

"I will marry my husband when I go back!"

Yasenia looked at them indifferently. For Yasenia, these people weren't real. Even so, were they real, Yasenia would also not feel anything but little empathy for them.

They were on a battlefield, and Yasenia had experienced firsthand how brutal a battlefield could be. War wasn't a place for mercy, only killing until one side surrenders or is completely annihilated. And even then, you must keep up your guard, fearing an ambush or something similar after you drop your guard.

The dragoness took out [Draconic Heart], used [Starry Sky], [Celestial Coat], and [Moonless Night]. Her silvery domain spread in the surroundings, lowering the temperature enough to make the weakest of them shiver. Then, she leaned forward and pushed against the ground with the tip of her feet. The hard rock under her feet exploded backward as her body accelerated toward the 1 000 men and women army.

The Commander of the enemy army shouted, "Prepare the shields! Aim the Spears!"

The shield bearers activated a battle formation, and their defense soared. Thanks to this, they would be able to defend against attacks much stronger than they normally would by themselves. Moreover, the spears that protruded from the side of the shields glowed, becoming extremely sharp. Not even the tough hide of a beast would be able to resist.

But Yasenia wasn't your typical beast. She was a Dragon!

Yasenia and the shield line came extremely close. The sharp spears just before Yasenia. However, our dragoness continued advancing as if they weren't there. The spears broke when they entered in contact with her skin, leaving nothing but small scratches on it. The soldiers behind the shields opened their eyes wide with despair as they saw the spears break. Then, Yasenia and the shields collided.


Before the tyrannical dragoness, the shields were no different than paper. The soldiers flew away with their armor badly sunk, internal organs turned to mush, and generally dead.

It was as if a bomb had blasted the shield line!

Yasenia didn't stop. She continued charging forward through the army with her golden slit eyes locked onto the Commander as if he was her prey. Like a rampaging beast between mortals, they were blown away every time a soldier came into contact with her.

Everyone at the scene opened their eyes wide, cursing at the heavens for placing such a creature against them. The Commander knew who Yasenia was aiming for, so he shouted anxiously, "Stop her!"

However, how could they stop the dragoness? It was not possible.

Yasenia pointed at the Commander with [Draconic Heart] and chanted. "[Moon Charge]."

A chilling breath wrapped around the length of the sword, and Yasenia's aura turned Silver. Then, when Yasenia stomped on the ground, the nearby area around Yasenia froze as she shot forward, shattering the recently created Ice surface!

The Commander didn't even know what happened when a silver meteor smashed on him with overwhelming might, annihilating him and the horse, together with every single soldier aligned with the dragoness charge.

Yasenia directly pierced the 1 000 men army and appeared on their back. She had left a canal in the army formation, dividing it into two with brute force alone.

Yasenia wasn't done yet; she used her powerful legs, tail, and energy to make a 180 turn, leaving a deep trench in the ground. Her muscles cried in protest at the strain, but they didn't tear like they would've before, showing immense physical improvements. Then, she charged back into the army without stopping the [Moon Charge].

When the silver meteor did this turn, everyone present could see a white whirlwind spinning around it and its aura multiplying. Then, Yasenia's voice echoed in the canyon as if her voice carried judgment to her enemies. "[Moon Reaching Star Charge]."

The combination charge exploded with might as Yasenia's body became a destructive silver meteor surrounded by a white whirlwind of destruction. The violent zone of the skill widened from five to twenty-five meters.

Yasenia stomped the ground and zoomed across the army. Her charge minced everything in her way, creating a red blood mist in her wake. Cries of agony and fear came from the troops as Yasenia decimated them.

Yasenia stopped her skills and stopped herself from crashing back into the fortress, leaving another trench in the ground. Her body stopped perfectly before the 200-meter tall wall.

Yasenia turned around, and seeing the amount of destruction, she nodded, satisfied. "400 dead, 600 to go."

Her tranquil statement made every enemy almost piss their pants in fear, and there were even some allies that thought her strength was just too much. What followed was not a battle but a one-sided massacre. One versus One thousand? It wasn't a problem for the Celestial dragoness!

Ten minutes later, all the 1 000 soldiers had died. The people in the fortress didn't even have the chance to participate!

The general saw that the people had started fearing Yasenia, so he shouted, "Praise the hero! The first wave of attackers was exterminated singlehandedly by her!"

Yasenia tried to elevate the morale by raising her sword and shouting, "This war will be our absolute victory!"

"UOO!!!" The previous nervous soldiers felt a rush of motivation and shouted to answer Yasenia.

Meanwhile, Yasenia was thinking. 'I've used 10% of my energy, but with my energy regeneration. I shouldn't have a problem with later waves. The problem is… How many waves are there?'

Meanwhile, in another identical place, the canyon was filled with vegetation, and different plants were overwhelming the 1 000 men army. Behind all of the plants, a single fox woman was looking at everything calmly with a three-meter-tall voluptuous lady wearing a floral dress beside her. Kali's tail swished as she looked at the plants multiplying as they ate the humans.

The cries for mercy didn't even move her heart, and her verdant green eyes were as serene as a lake. She waved her hand and buffed her summons further. Then, she spoke to the [Golden Crown]. "Although I have used 30% of my energy, the maintenance cost will lower a lot now that everything is summoned. Moreover, with the plants' natural regeneration, they will easily heal without a need for my energy unless a powerful enemy appears. I think we will have enough energy if we use our resources right. Don't you think so? Valeria?"

Valeria was the name Kali gave to the [Golden Crown]. Valeria looked at Kali and didn't do anything more. She was still developing intelligence and couldn't understand what Kali was saying; the only things she could understand were battle commands. But she still knew that Kali, her dear mistress, was speaking to her, so she smiled gently as an answer. Kali looked at her smile and also smiled under her veil. "I hope you become smarter soon, Valeria. I want to thank you for your company in my harsher times. Without you and Yasenia, I wouldn't be here today."

On another canyon, Angel was hopping around the place, placing different [Glass nodes] in different positions. The 1 000 people army was being mauled by 50 [Glass Golems] and lasers that shot from time to time from other formations Angel placed.

The 200-meter tall wall was covered by a layer of extremely durable glass, adding to the defenses. Moreover, this glass could reflect the sun that shone onto it, transforming it into deadly lasers. It was an extremely beautiful land of glass in the middle of a terrible massacre.

She had used almost forty percent of her energy to summon all of this, but now her consumption was so small that she was regenerating energy. Angel looked at the dwindling army with a happy smile. "My golems are so resistant that they can't even damage them~. Oops, that guy's spear broke. Oh… Now he is a meat patty! Go, golems, go! Kill all the baddies!"

Angel was a complete nightmare in wide-ranged battles. Her enemies wanted to cry, and her allies didn't know whether to laugh or cry! 'She is so strong that it is unfair!'

On the other hand, Sarah was extremely pale and surrounded by corpses. She had used the Earth attribute to fight since the location was practically done for that attribute. However, smashing so many people with rocks and other projectiles made her stomach sick.

[Host. You are doing okay. You will get used to killing shortly, don't worry.]

Sarah saw another person exploding because of a rock that fell on them, and her face turned green. She kept in the rising bile and continued fighting. 'Getting used to this? I don't know if I want to get used to this….'

The second wave arrived at the same time for all of them.

Yasenia observed them. '1 000 people again. This time. they are stronger and have people that appear like cultivators between the ranks. However, there are only 5 in the Mental nourishing realm, four in the first level, and the Commander in the second level.'

Yasenia decided to use ranged attacks this time. She pointed at the army, and her voice echoed around, "[Starfall]."

The 360+ small stars around her ballooned to a one-meter-wide star, creating a terrifying sight. Then, the stars zoomed forward and fell in the army like rain.


Each star took at least three lives, killing almost 800 people in the army and injuring others. Then, she slashed her sword in a horizontal motion. "[Crescent Moon Barrage]."

A 100 meters wide silver crescent shot forward, and Yasenia let herself spin with the help of the sword's weight. Then, her tail flashed, releasing another silver crescent, and the cycle repeated. With just five rotations, a total of ten [Crescent Moon] attacks shot forward.

Her attacks cut through the army ranks like a heated knife cutting butter. Each crescent killed at least 30 people. After a while, no one remained alive. Yasenia stopped and pierced the sword into the ground beside her, waiting for the next wave. She didn't even move!

"Clean and easy."

The people on the wall didn't know why they were there anymore. They hadn't fired a single round of their artillery weapons yet!

The other three also didn't have any problems with this wave, and their energies were similarly at seventy percent. Yasenia was still at ninety percent, thanks to her regeneration.

The third wave appeared, the strong enemies increasing to 10, with the strongest at the third level. This round continued being unbothersome, and the four of them could overcome it easily.

Then, the fourth wave arrived, with 15 strong enemies, with the strongest at the fourth level and the others in the second and third levels of the Mental Nourishing Realm. This wave was slightly more difficult, but all of them managed to kill everyone without letting them approach the wall.

The fifth wave and sixth waves were where problems began arising. In Angel's case, the strong cultivators could finally start damaging her golems, so she had to control the formations around to focus on them, making her spend more energy.

Kali was generally fine since she joined the battle herself together with Valeria. The number of strong cultivators was slightly bothersome, but to the voluptuous but gentle-looking [Golden Crown], they only lasted three to five staff swings.

Sarah was beginning to have problems since the people didn't die as easily, making her half-assed mentality become worse. The main reason was that killing someone directly or seeing someone struggling for their life was very different. The furious eyes, grief-filled eyes, and maddened eyes all left a shadow in Sarah's heart.