Chapter 281. Truth Saint, Fu Jing Jing.

Angel was surprised, "You've been trapped here since this Secret Realm was created? How many years have you been here? It should be very boring..."

The woman's gentle laugh echoed in the crystal cave. "Don't worry, little girl. I'm half asleep until someone worthy appears here. So time goes on quite quickly."

Angel snorted and said, "W-Who is worried? I was just asking."

Angel heard the woman's gentle laughter again, making her fair cheeks blush. The woman said with a cheeky tone, "Moreover, I'm not so young to be bothered by time one or two hundreds of thousands of years." Angel choked on her saliva and entered a coughing fit.

As Angel coughed, the energy in the surroundings spun and rushed toward the mattress. Then, that whirlpool of energy slowly took shape. The voice of the woman was heard while these events happened. "I can only materialize myself two more times, but I think you are worthy to inherit my powers. Especially because of the peculiarities in your heart."

Angel gathered her bearings and observed the energy converging and taking the shape of an extremely beautiful woman. Even before she formed, Angel's eyes began to widen.

Her skin was as fair and glossy as pure marble, but it also gave a supple feeling. The word perfect skin could be applied to her, and no one would say it was exaggerated.

Her hair, as black as a moonless night, reached below her knees in a waterfall of glossy darkness. It waved even without air, giving her an ethereal feeling. Her long white robe fluttered about, following and seemingly coordinating with her hair in a surreal spectacle of feminine beauty.

Her aura was infinitely profound. For Angel, it felt boundless, something that not even Tatyana's aura made her feel.

This woman was clearly many levels above Tatyana cultivation-wise, even higher than the two Gods from Yasenia's inheritance.

Her facial features seemed the representation of gentleness. She had gently curved eyes and brows, a soft smile that could melt anyone's heart, and an oval face that gave tender feelings.

However, her eyes were somewhat creepy.

The iris and pupils were crystal white, you could differentiate them from the sclera, but it gave a strange feeling of discomfort. Her white eyes appeared as if they could see through everything past, present, and future.

An unmatched senior. That is what this woman was.

Angel was in awe as she looked at the woman. Yet, when she looked at those eyes, strangely, she didn't feel fear. Even the aura this senior gave felt like a refreshing breeze for her.

Curious about her white eyes, Angel asked, tilting her head. "Are your eyes okay? Did you hurt them in the past?"

The woman's smile deepened, making her facial features even more gentle than they already were. "They are fine, child. They've been like this since I had a memory. Thank you for caring about me."

Angel was flustered again, "Who would worry about a stranger!? I was just curious."

The woman laughed again and said, "Can you tell me your name, child? I'm named Fu Jing Jing, but the World knows me as one of the five Saints, the [Heaven's Truth Saint]."

Angel's entire being froze for a second as her eyes opened to the limits. Right, after, she fell to her knees and stuttered. "Venerable One! I'm deeply sorry for being disrespectful!!"

Angel reacted so exaggeratedly because the title of "Saint" wasn't gained lightly. Especially saying that "The world knows me as Saint" is something that can't be said without facing punishment from the Heavens.

Only those who did something revolutionary for the whole cultivation world could gain that title. A title that the Heavens themselves gave a cultivator for their unmatched merits, strength, or wisdom.

If someone dared to call themselves Saint that way, Heaven would strike that person until they are completely erased from existence. It was one of the few rules that the Heavens didn't allow to be breached.

That was a Saint. An individual recognized by the World.

Fu Jing Jing said with a gentle tone, "You can stand up. No need to be so formal. What is your name, cute child?"

Angel timidly got up and blushed slightly at her compliment. However, she answered honestly and nervously, "I'm Angel Glassheart, daughter of a Viscount from the Star Empire in the Sky Continent. It is an absolute honor to meet you, Venerable One."

Fu Jing Jing smiled and said, "A very appropriate name. Now I ask, do you want to receive my inheritance, Angel Glassheart?"

Angel instantly struggled. Even if this was a once-in-a-lifetime, no, a one in all lifetimes opportunity, she was still hesitant.

Yasenia had always told her that nothing was free in this World if it came from a stranger, and this was not a random stranger but a Saint! The price to pay must be enormous.

She decided to be honest with Fu Jing Jing and laid her worries in the open. "I-I don't know if I want to accept. Saint Fu Jing Jing is too powerful. I'm sure that after receiving your inheritance, something dangerous will happen to me and all those around me. I don't know if I can overcome it…."

Full Jing Jing was honestly surprised. Not because of what she denied her offer but because her denial was honest.

Very, very few would be able to resist the temptation of gaining the inheritance of a real Saint. It was like a ticket to becoming one of the strongest in the World.

Many hurdles and trouble would indeed come their way, but they would also gain strength to overcome those trials, so it wasn't as difficult.

Moreover, once those trials ended, becoming one of the strongest under the Heavens was guaranteed. All in existence would respect them.

Until now, only one person could honestly deny her offer, but that was more than 300,000 years ago. At that time, Fu Jing insisted because he was extremely talented, but the man turned around and left.

Besides that one person who denied her, the rest of the people couldn't overcome her trial and sadly perished.

Fu Jing Jing thought for a second and said, "Normally, my trial would be indeed extremely hard. Until now, no one was able to keep their life after challenging it. However, it should be much easier for you, Angel."

Fu Jing Jing sighed, "However, I won't insist if you don't want to do it. I respect people that are true to themselves."

Angel asked, confused, "Why would it be easier for me? I'm not that talented…."

Full Jing Jing nodded, "That's true. The method you used for raising your cultivation is not the natural way. However, the effects of it are even better than naturally cultivating. Your Dao Companion is a very interesting individual that can challenge this small truth of the cultivation world."

Angel puffed her chest with absolute pride, 'Even Saints praise Yasenia! Well, it is natural since she is the best~.'

Full Jing Jing read her mind and almost laughed aloud. She found Angel very cute. Then she said, "The reason you would have an easier time is because of your second constitution. What do you say, Angel? Do you want to try trusting me once?"

Angel looked at those white eyes and struggled. 'Second constitution, what is that?'

However, she had felt attracted to this place since the beginning, as if an instinct guided her. Therefore, she made up her mind and nodded. "I-I will accept, Saint Fu Jing Jing! I want to become strong too!"

Fu Jing Jing smiled gently and floated up above the mattress. "Good. Come, Angel. Sit on the [Heaven Refining Crystal Mattress]."

Angel walked forward with steady steps and, guided by Fu Jing Jing, sat cross-legged, her long ankle-length blonde hair scattering on the ground around her.

Above the precious item, Angel looked like a beautiful doll.

Fu Jing Jing landed in front of Angel and spoke, her tone changing to a formal one. "Now, I'm going to pass on to you my cultivation method, Angel Glassheart. Do you accept?"

Angel looked at her and nodded with resolute eyes. "I do!"

Fu Jing Jing commented, "The trial has two steps. The first one will force you to face your ugliest side. You have to accept it, Angel. But not everything it says is true. They are deceptive and can make you question truths about yourself. To complete the trial, you must accept your bad sides while knowing your strengths."

Fu Jing Jing warned, "However, never fight it. The use of strength in this trial will just make it harder. Although it is your ugliest side, it carries strength on par with your perfect self."

Angel nodded again. She wasn't suicidal enough to fight a perfect form of herself.

"Good. Close your eyes, Angel Glassheart."Fu Jing Jing commanded, and Angel followed.

Then, Fu Jing Jing took a step forward and pressed their foreheads together. When she opened her mouth, her voice was heavy as if it carried the truths of the World. "Face your demons, face your weakness, face your true self. [Heavens Mirror: Truth]."

Angel felt something blasting her body, and her soul flew away from her body, entering another place.

The feeling of losing her physical body was terrifying since her connection with the living was momentarily cut. It felt like dying after a blow. However, she regained her bearings rapidly as normal sensations returned toward her soul body.

Angel opened her eyes and looked around her. The place she appeared in was fantastic, to say the least. In this place, the Earth didn't exist.

It was as if the whole World was made by just the heavens.

However, below her feet, there was something solid.

When she looked down, she saw her reflection.

Angel frowned for a second until realization hit her. Her heart almost stopped when she understood what was below her feet.

She was standing on a mirror so big she couldn't see the end nor the beginning of it. A mirror so big that it could reflect the Heavens, effectively erasing the Earth from the World.

Her reflection suddenly smirked and separated from herself, dumbfounding Angel even more.

Then, as her reflection walked, she tilted out of the mirror and finally stood in front of Angel.

They were exactly the same, but their dispositions were the polar opposite.

Unlike the cute and sweet Angel, the other Angel was arrogant and despondent. Her face was mocking and filled with disdain. "Ready to hear about your true self? How ugly you really are under your cute shell?"

Angel snorted, "Bring it on!"