Chapter 424. Evelyn's pampering mood and desire to be dominated. (R-18)

After Evelyn's orgasm ended, Evelyn and Yasenia hugged without a piece of cloth.

Evelyn was limp between Yasenia's arms while Yasenia was leaning on the headboard and helping Evelyn's body rest on her.

She used her shoulder as a pillow for Evelyn, and her hand caressed her blue hair.

Evelyn squinted and felt her heart throb because the hard nipples and dick were shouting for attention while every other part of Yasenia gave her a feeling of tenderness.

Her hands moved down and grabbed the throbbing penis.

Yasenia smiled softly and lifted Evelyn's chin.

As the little hand moved up and down on her rod, Yasenia slowly tasted Evelyn's lips.

One of the dragoness's hands gently kept Evelyn's chin up, and the other fondled her butt.

Then, the hand on Evelyn's chin lowered to give the dragoness more support and lifted Evelyn's waist.

Strangely, after that world-shaking orgasm, Evelyn felt relaxed and soothed without losing her eagerness to have intercourse with Yasenia. However, although Evelyn didn't have any trouble asking for the strangest things, she was shy when asking for regular and calming sex.

Yasenia hugged her closely and smiled. "Dear, how do you feel."

Evelyn blushed and opened her mouth to ask for it. However, she just bit her lips, her heart beating fast.

Yasenia finally made contact with Evelyn's lower mouth and smirked. "Oh dear, you are soaking down there. I can feel liquid dripping on my penis."

Evelyn flushed and said bashfully. "I-I want you inside, mistress."

Yasenia heard Evelyn's voice softer than usual and instantly knew what Evelyn wanted. She was about to drop Evelyn on her rod to give her a forceful and electrifying penetration. However, she changed her mind.

Yasenia's voice was filled with pampering as she tasted Evelyn's lips slowly. "Of course, dear. You've been such a good girl. Today I'll pamper you, okay?"

Evelyn felt her heart fluttering and nodded with shining violet eyes.

She really loved the crazy pleasure Yasenia gave her when fucking her roughly, but today she wanted to be pampered, and Yasenia took the hint even without her speaking.

Then, Yasenia slowly lowered the flat girl, and her wide penis head widened the vaginal entrance and pushed inside.

The feeling of slow penetration as she looked at a tenderly smiling dragoness was unmatched.

Yasenia then spoke with a smile as she saw Evelyn biting her lips in pleasure. "However, dear. It would be best if you gave me a hint earlier. I was about to drop you forcefully and penetrate you roughly like you like."

Evelyn's heart leaped, and her cheeks reddened.

Yasenia felt the fleshy walls clamping on her, telling her the feelings her sentence provoked. Yasenia chuckled and finally rested Evelyn's butt on her thighs again, fully penetrated.

Evelyn had to take a deep breath because Yasenia's large rod was directly pushing against her womb, and the sensation of pleasure was like a constant stream, making her body feel hot.

Evelyn kissed the skin of the gorgeous woman digging deep inside her. "I love you. I love you."

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow. 'Today's dear is acting a bit like Angel. Hmm, has it been too long since I treated her tenderly?'

Either way, the dragoness secured Evelyn and slowly leaned forward together with Evelyn.

Their bodies, still connected, lowered simultaneously and landed on the bed.

Evelyn's legs opened in an M shape as Yasenia rested her soft and bouncy body on her.

The sight of the large breasts resting on her flat chest and being deformed by it was something Evelyn loved to bits.

Then, Yasenia lifted her waist, slowly scraping her insides, and pushed forward not long after.

With a rhythmic waist movement, she began making love with Evelyn.

Yasenia felt Evelyn's legs bouncing limply, and her arms were limp at the side. Evelyn's mouth released moans sporadically as her violet eyes looked at her with a moist sheen.

Yasenia kissed her cheeks and ear and asked with a deep and sensual voice. "Do you like it, dear?"

"Mmm~, I love it. Ah. Ah. Mmn~."

Yasenia lifted her upper body with her arms and continued moving. This gave her big breasts more room to move, and with her waist movements, they began bouncing up and down.

Having a big-breasted woman fucking your holes while those soft bundles bounced right in front of your face was a sensation every person should try at least once.

The visual stimulation accompanied the pleasurable stimulus below, making you feel closer and closer to orgasm.

The genitals rubbed together, igniting their nerves and creating pleasure waves. The fluids got mixed into one. And their voices leaked.

Yasenia's undulating waist movements were delightful as the penis didn't just go in and out but also moved around, massaging the love tunnel's every spot.

Evelyn's eyes rolled about as moans escaped her throat. The way Yasenia fucked her felt like the work of a goddess.

Evelyn's eyes locked onto the bouncing breasts and saw a white liquid dropping. She licked her lips and Yasenia felt Evelyn's scorching gaze.

With a seductive smile, she used her soft thighs to push her legs into the mating press position, allowing her breasts to land on Evelyn's face.

Yasenia moaned as she felt Evelyn biting the nipple and sucking vigorously.

The pleasure was constant for both of them, and the feelings exchanged in their movement could outweigh any extreme pleasure Evelyn could ever feel. 'Although I would've been squirting like a broken faucet by now if Yasenia was rough. This kind of full of feelings and slow sex is truly exceptional. It makes me feel pleasure on a deeper level that I can think about even after the fact.'

Evelyn heard Yasenia grunt in pleasure and looked up at her. Those golden-pink eyes were dilating, and Evelyn knew that an orgasm was incoming.

Yasenia grunted as the slippery cave tightened and spasmed, pleasuring her rod delightfully.

Shortly after, Yasenia moved down, freeing her breast from Evelyn's mouth, and kissed Evelyn deeply. Then, she spoke between kisses without stopping her waist. "Dear, your pussy feels too good. I'm going to cum. Prepare yourself."

Yasenia's words seemed like a trigger that made Evelyn clench like a vice. Her whole body wanted the semen of this extraordinary woman.

Yasenia moaned at Evelyn's reactive clenching, making her divine voice echo in the large room and forcing Evelyn's abdomen to contract. 'How can such a sensual moan exist? Oh fuck, I'm also cumming!!'

Yasenia kept pounding Evelyn only to feel the insides spasming violently and her navel being sprayed by Evelyn's squirt.

She looked at Evelyn's eyes and saw them rolling as she bit her reddened lips, and drool fell from the side of her mouth.

She bit down Evelyn's neck and pushed as much as possible to fill Evelyn's deepest part directly.

Then, the white, thick liquid burst from Yasenia's penis and stained Evelyn's insides.



Both of them moaned as lightning coursed their bodied. Evelyn's feet tensed, her nails dug into Yasenia's back, and her back arched as the hot white nectar stained her insides white.

No matter how many times, Yasenia cumming inside was always the best feeling in the World.

The way Yasenia's penis throbbed, and with each throb, a spurt of cum released, made Evelyn's core squeeze and tremble in delight.

Yasenia sighed with squinted eyes and licked the bite mark she made while biting Evelyn's neck. "Sorry, dear. Your pussy felt too good today. I came before you."

Yasenia removed her penis with a pop, making a white stream trickle out of Evelyn's hole and stain the butt hole.

Then, she lifted her face and looked at Evelyn's expression. Yasenia instantly burst into laughter.

'So cute.'

Evelyn looked love-struck as she hugged, kissed, and sniffed the seductive woman that had just sent her to heaven.

Yasenia smiled and gently made love with Evelyn until she came inside three more times.

Evelyn was soft and limp, hugging the dragoness with clear dependence, her cheeks stained with a beautiful red color and her eyes shy and tender.

"Do you want to continue, dear? Or do you want to relish in the aftertaste a bit longer? You should be a bit overfilled, after all." Yasenia smiled tenderly and kissed Evelyn's cheek.

Evelyn blinked foolishly as she looked at the person hugging her securely. "Yasenia. It feels so good~."

"I'm delighted to hear that, dear."

Yasenia sat up and cradled Evelyn, placing her head at her breast level. "Drink, dear. Let's pamper you more. This time, I'll use my tail. I know you love it."

Evelyn opened her mouth and pushed her face against the soft flesh. Then, she spread her legs, ignoring the dripping semen between her legs.

Yasenia then moved her tail while maintaining that position and slowly penetrated Evelyn's vagina again.

The previous creampies made it slippery and easy to penetrate.

In that position, Yasenia could use the arm that wasn't supporting Evelyn's upper body to slowly caress Evelyn's clitoris as the tail fucked her.

Yasenia saw how Evelyn's labia separated to welcome her tail and used her index and middle finger to squish those reddish lower lips.

Her fingers slowly caressed the outer lips of the vulva and then made their way up to play with the swollen bell.

Evelyn moaned and gulped the sweet-tasting breast milk as her pussy was massaged by Yasenia's long and dexterous fingers. At that moment, Evelyn felt that those fingers were enough to make a woman submit.

Evelyn's desire to be dominated by Yasenia had ignited the moment Yasenia flooded her insides the first time and further amplified while being treated as she was.

By now, Evelyn wanted to finish the night in a crazy pleasure firework.

Therefore, she separated her mouth from the pink nipple and looked up at Yasenia.

Yasenia moved her gaze from Evelyn's genitals to Evelyn's face and smiled, her hand not stopping. "What's wrong, dear?"

Evelyn asked while moaning. "I want to, Aahn! Scream myself hoarse, Yasenia."

Yasenia lifted her beautiful straight eyebrow. "Hoh~? No more pampering mood? Even when I do this?"

Yasenia's hand moved faster as the tail rotated horizontally while penetrating Evelyn. This way, Evelyn felt her sensitivity increasing, and her moans were louder. "Oh, Yes! More, I want to be filled with your cum in every hole!"

Yasenia realized that Evelyn really wanted to be fucked silly. She nodded and chuckled. "Then, prepare your heart, dear. No amount of pleading can stop me now."

Yasenia placed Evelyn on all fours and went behind her. Then, she thrust forward, piercing deeply, and her tail followed suit, opening the wet asshole carefully.

The double penetration ignited Evelyn's core in what followed a crazy fucking in many positions.

Her tiny body was rocked back and forth in waves as her moans filled the room.

To finish, Yasenia used Evelyn's mouth as her tail flooded the uterus again.

Evelyn gulped everything with evident delight as her tongue licked the dick passionately.

Not long after, Evelyn fell asleep from mental exhaustion while licking the dragoness's dick like candy.

Yasenia looked at the head resting on her thigh as the tiny pink tongue unconsciously licked her and giggled. 'So cute, like a lazy cat~.'

"Evelyn dear, I must go now."

Reacting to her voice, Evelyn buried her head deeper into Yasenia's crotch to the point that she was almost kissing her lower lips.

Yasenia didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she felt a tongue slowly tasting her down there.

She sighed and decided to wait a bit more. It appeared that Evelyn really wanted to stay in this strange position a bit more.

'My dear is sometimes weird even in her sleep.'

After some minutes, Yasenia bathed and carried Evelyn to the shared room.

Then, she visited all her dears one by one.

Yasenia's waist got to work as usual and finally dominated all her dears and filled them with her nourishing Yang energy.

Yasenia saw all of them leaning on the bed limp and smirked. Well, all of them besides two were still awake.

Yasenia looked at Tatyana and Cecile and smirked wryly. "It seems I can't put every dear to sleep as I did before. Cecile, my love, you are truly getting stronger quickly."

Cecile laughed and patted the bed. "So silly. Come to sleep. Dealing with all of us must be exhausting."

Yasenia dove between Tatyana and Cecile and moved Angel to rest on her. It seems that sleeping without Angel's weight on top of her had become more challenging. 'I wanted my baby to become addicted, but it looks like their influence on me is no less.'

Then, surrounded by Tatyana, Cecile, and Angel, with her other dears a bit further but close enough to hear their breathing, Yasenia's eyes closed, and she went to sleep.