Chapter 428. Yasenia's first Alchemy Pills.

Yasenia sunk her mind into her spatial ring and went to the Alchemy section. There were plenty of cupboards with different colors and labels.

Each color represented a level, and the labels were for the general characteristics of the herbs stored in those cabinets.

Yasenia knew what she needed after looking at the recipe and began searching for the ingredients. She muttered in her mind. "The main ingredient I need is [Bone Body Grass]. This white grass has metal and darkness properties, so it should be here… Yes, there it is. I need three stalks. Do I have so many?"

Yasenia searched and nodded. "I have thirty-six stalks. It is more than enough. And as long as I have a single stalk, it means that I can grow them in my garden. However, some herbs need too much time to mature, even with the acceleration formations I have. How much time does Bone Body Grass need?"

Yasenia remembered that a single stalk of Bone Body Grass needed up to a year to mature. Regardless, the acceleration in her ring would reduce the time to a day.

It may look like much, but when you realize that there were herbs that needed thousands of years to mature, the feeling of one year to one day became slow.

The high-quality pills that can affect Tatyana's main body would be at least a hundred thousand years old. Therefore, you can imagine that the acceleration of one day to one year is not so much.

The [Five Realms Spatial Ring] Yasenia had was not specialized in herb growing and maintenance, so the formations weren't actually too high level.

Yasenia took the white grass with solid white leaves and kept looking for other ingredients.

Explaining it was long, but, in truth, Yasenia took out all the necessary ingredients in less than ten seconds.

Kali looked and nodded. "Remember that you'll need a bit more of the [Fire Spitting Grass] and the [Quenching Water Grass] to make the core reaction."

Yasenia nodded and continued her sentence. "Also, since they are water and fire attributed, I'll need other neutral herbs to make their reaction softer, right?"

Kali nodded with a smile. "Yes. Which one do you think is best?"

Yasenia looked at the recipe and commented. "Although the recipe says [Mountain Hanging Bush] is best, I think that [Spiral Flower Stalk] is a better choice."

Kali nodded and then shook her head. "You are right. However, you must remember that [Mountain Hanging Bush] also helps the [Bone Body Grass] dissolve quicker and mend easier. Therefore, the recipe is right to tell you the [Mountain Hanging Bush]."

Yasenia blinked and laughed. "Right, I forgot to take into account the reaction with other herbs, such a silly mistake. I should trust the recipe more."

Kali shook her head. "You shouldn't. Your way of thinking is good; always look at recipes critically. Many times, recipes are written by inexperienced alchemists and passed down because the effect is good enough. Therefore, you also should investigate profoundly if you want to change a recipe. There are sometimes hidden reactions you aren't taking into account."

Yasenia nodded and turned her attention toward the tools. "So, to begin the mixture that will then be poured into the cauldron, I need to mince the Bone Body Grass. However, to not lose its medical properties, it must be minced in a mix of [Fiber Stalk] and [Rock Petal Sand]."

Yasenia took the yellow corn-like plant and used a mallet to smash it slowly. The energy followed the user's will and gradually refined the herbs.

When Yasenia saw the brown-colored mixture, she used a unique colander to let the impure parts of the mix fall out.

Then, Yasenia placed the Bone Grass on it and used one hand on the stalks and another on the bowl to slowly mince the herb.

Kali was going to remind her of another step when she saw the long tail moving and grabbing a vial, placing it in a holder, and opening the fire.

The tail tip's agility and precision made Kali feel somewhat hot when it wasn't really doing anything strange.

However, that was what she was about to remind her, so she stayed silent. Kali's mind wandered for a moment. 'Yasenia's tail agility can also be used this way… Bah! What am I thinking? Keep watching!'

Yasenia began by mincing the bone body grass. Then, she put it in the preheated vial and lighted a small fire below it to heat it.

The fire and water grass were complementary ingredients, so they had to be purified completely.

Therefore, she used the herb refiner to squeeze out their essence while the bone grass heated up.

The residual liquid left was transparent, and Yasenia separated it into two bowls.

One with the fire grass liquid and the other with the water grass.

Then, she took out another batch of spirit plants that went directly into the cauldron.

When the white-and-brown mix containing the bone grass turned orange, she picked the heated vial with pincers and poured the grass inside the cauldron.

Together with it, she threw ten different raw herbs without any refinement inside.

Yasenia placed the lid and waved her hand, and a powerful fire lit up below the Alchemy Cauldron.

The orange flame engulfed half the cauldron, and the heat inside skyrocketed.

With the alchemy technique, her eyes could see how the elements inside reacted. Then, with surgical control, she moved the heat around and also allowed the herbs to be slowly burned or melted.

The first five herbs became pure smoke, and Yasenia began rotating everything clockwise.

When she saw the last herb melt and become pure medical powder, Yasenia opened the lid for a second to throw the fire grass essence inside.

Kali flinched but didn't say anything and observed from the side.

Yasenia used her energy and connected with the cauldron's interior. Then, the temperature inside soared when the Fire essence met with the mixture.

Yasenia didn't lose focus and controlled the temperature inside not to destroy the herbs' essence.

Once the temperature reached the point of vaporizing the bone grass, Yasenia opened the cauldron again, using her energy to create a film to block gasses from escaping, and poured the water grass inside.

After closing it again, the temperature plummeted, and the gasses inside began condensing.

Yasenia increased the temperature of the flames around the cauldron to slow down the condensing time.

Kali's eyes flashed with understanding and nodded in appreciation. 'Not bad. At first, I thought that if she didn't mix the two essences at one, it would heat up and cool down too fast. Yet, I underestimated her temperature control. If I were to rate her Alchemy Flame control, I would rate it on par with me. Maybe it is because she has the Sun attribute and she is a dragon?'

Kali thought about the words of that Nature Dragon Princess. 'Dragons are natural when dealing with fire.'

Valeria answered her doubts. 'You are right, Kali. Yasenia's control over fire is because of that.'

Kali nodded and smiled. 'How do you see Yasenia's alchemy for the moment?'

Valeria commented. 'Not bad, to be honest. This should be the first pill she ever creates. Nevertheless, her control is honestly excellent. It is a shame Yasenia doesn't focus on any profession. She would be absolutely extraordinary.'

Kali chuckled. 'Well, she is very passionate about cooking.'

Valeria smiled. 'Right. She is passionate in everything related to pampering her dears.'

Kali lifted an eyebrow. 'How are the night baths? After she took human form, did you bathe with her?'

Valeria said happily. 'Yes. She allowed me to bathe both of you yesterday night. I was surprised at how soft and tender is Yasenia's body. Truly mysterious when her body strength is so high.'

Kali was surprised. 'Hoh?'

Valeria commented. 'Usually, even females with high body strength would eventually have their muscles strengthened to a point where their body loses a bit of softness. Yet, Yasenia feels boneless.'

Kali nodded. 'Right. My hand sinks into her flesh no matter where I touch. Her hug is like a laying on a water bed. Not to mention leaning on her breasts feels super comfortable. Even then, it doesn't feel like fat because there is a limit to how much you can sink. It feels like touching soft muscle but also very tender flesh. Truly magical.'

Valeria nodded. 'Not a bad description.'

As they talked, they saw the alchemy fire spin around the cauldron as it sucked energy.

Kali smiled. 'Hoh? She is already in the completion step! Now she has to form the alchemy pills with centrifugal force and use energy attraction as a nucleus. How many do you think she can create on the first try?'

Valeria hummed. 'Maybe three at once? That would be quite an achievement, to be honest.'

Kali nodded. 'I can create fifteen at once, but further increasing that number seems tough.'

Valeria chuckled. 'Don't worry, Kali. With your talent, you'll be able to create thousands at once eventually.'

Kali smiled. 'I hope so. I want to be useful for my dragoness in the future, even if I can't keep up cultivation-wise.'

Valeria reassured her. 'Don't worry. You are only some days away from awakening your third tail and assimilating the Weather Stone. You'll see how much your talent grows as the tails increase. You won't feel insecure once you unlock all nine tails.'

Kali nodded.

As Yasenia spun everything inside the cauldron, she used her energy control to isolate impure fumes from fusing with the pill.

Simultaneously, she had to apply pressure and create various pills by isolating spinning material in different spots.

The control needed was very high and delicate.

A single misstep could cause the balance in the cauldron to be bothered and explode in a violent chain reaction. Those reactions were too fast to stop once they occurred, even for highly accomplished masters.

Therefore, if it happened, it was the same as failure.

Ten minutes later. The fire below the cauldron disappeared, and Yasenia took a deep breath.

Kali and Valeria waited with interest to see if Yasenia was successful or not.

Although the pill was relatively low ranked, the concentration needed was not low.

Kali honestly expected Yasenia to fail on her first try. No matter how much confidence she had in her lover, her thoughts were always realistic.

Kali approached with a smile and encouraged her. "Open it. Let's see if you managed to create them."

Yasenia nodded, and with a nervous heart, she opened the lid.

Light grey fumes rose from it, and at the same time, Yasenia beckoned the pills inside to land on her hand.

Yasenia saw four dark orange-colored pills and frowned. "I thought this pill was light orange."

Kali chuckled, "It is light orange. However, the more impurities inside, the darker it is. Look."

Yasenia saw a perfectly spherical light orange pill appear on Kali's hand and blinked twice.

The pills on Yasenia's hand were a bit uneven and very dark. Meanwhile, the one on Kali's hand was like a beautifully carved marvel that emitted a soft glow and light fragrance.

Comparing both of them was like looking at a delicious-looking candy and a candy left on the counter for a week after falling to the ground.

Yasenia pouted. "I failed the pill…"

Kali found Yasenia too cute, so she tiptoed and kissed her chin. 'My dear is too tall~. Well, I like her like that the most.'

Yasenia looked at Kali and pouted again. However, those golden eyes were bright and clearly asking for kisses.

Kali laughed aloud and wound her arms around Yasenia's neck to kiss her lips.

After a short time for intimacy, Kali began evaluating the pill.