Chapter 430. More Plans for the Auction.

However, to put her mind at rest, Yasenia decided to contact Ghana.

The others saw Yasenia taking out a communication device and activating it. "Ghana, can you hear me?"

On the other side, Ghana was meeting with a group of five harpies and speaking about their future steps when she felt the communication device on her vibrate. "Wait a moment. I need to answer this."

The other five naked women looked at her curiously, only to hear a mellow and charming voice through the device. "Ghana, can you hear me?"

Their eyes widened for a second, and their interest was piqued. "Yes, Matriarch. Do you need anything from me?"

Yasenia commented. "No, I was calling just to make sure you are safe. Did anything happen?"

Ghana smiled and answered. "Nothing is wrong, Matriarch. I'm speaking with my Harpy sisters to meet with the Matriarch soon."

Yasenia's voice entered their ears again. "I see. Remember not to force people. More workforce is convenient but not necessary."

Ghana looked at the curious harpies and suddenly thought. 'Maybe the visual impact is better to convince them. I should ask.'

"Matriarch, I want to show them one of the portraits miss Evelyn shared with me. Is it possible?"

Yasenia agreed. "Sure, go ahead. We'll see each other if they accept either way."

Ghana smiled and was about to thank her when Yasenia suddenly exclaimed. "Wait!"

"Is there something wrong?"

Then, Yasenia asked something that made the harpies' imagination run. "Are the photos sexual or of my naked body? Even if I don't really mind. I would prefer if you show the common photos."

Ghana imagined the naked dragoness and blushed. Then, she coughed to keep her voice steady. "I didn't receive any erotic portraits, Matriarch."

"You didn't? Hmm, since you said Evelyn, I totally thought she gave one to you. She likes to brag about my body, after all. Either way, keep up the good work."

"U-Understood. Have a good night."


Then, Yasenia cut the communication.

Ghana sighed only to feel five intense eyes on her. She turned around and saw those eyes burning with curiosity. Ghana coughed. "Are you more willing to listen now?"



"Sister Ghana, how could you hide a beauty and not share it with your sisters?"

"That big sister's voice is so nice~. I want her to whisper to me at night~."

Ghana sighed. 'I should have tried this approach earlier. This horniness from deep within our bones can't be avoided.'

On Yasenia's side, Evelyn received strange glances. Andrea asked. "Did you really share her naked figure?"

Evelyn nodded and shook her head. "I only did so with the high priests of Yasenia's cult. I mean, with the fan leaders of Yasenia's fan club."

Yasenia blinked. 'Why do I feel that the first sentence is quite dangerous?'

Tatyana spoke. "It was something like a reward. Don't worry. The most important parts are blurred."

They looked at Tatyana, and their eyes became even more confused. Angel directly asked. "How did mommy Tatyana know?"

Evelyn said proudly. "Of course, the cult leader-"


After blowing Evelyn away with a flick to her forehead, Tatyana smiled and spoke. "She asked for my permission first. By the way, little treasure. What do you intend to present in the Auction?"

Yasenia was distracted and commented. "Well, we should auction Heaven-ranked items we can replicate and batches of interesting pills and herbs we can't find in the shops."

Cecile asked. "Why only items we can replicate?"

Yasenia explained. "If we sell items we can't do ourselves, we won't show strength but wealth. We want people to come to our shops and see items similar to those in the auction. Moreover, if we sell items we can't replicate, we are losing them together."

Yasenia continued. "Not to mention, if we show wealth instead of strength. Eventually, a bad-intentioned group could target us for our riches. High-ranked professional masters are well-respected, so they'll be careful when dealing with us if we can replicate what we sell."

Andrea agreed. "Yes. We want to make our name known and at the same time gain a strong reputation. Even if this reputation is ghost-like, we will be able to avoid scrutiny for a while. By the time someone can discover our faults, we will already be an indispensable part, and we can ask our future allies for help."

Kali added. "Our strength may also increase enough by then not to fear those powers."

Cecile nodded. "I understand."

Kaleina squeaked. Yasenia caressed the small creature slithering around her body and asked. "By the way, how much will Kaleina take to mature?"

Valeria answered. "Many years. If it follows a normal dragon's aging process, she will need at least fifty years to reach a mature form. Not to mention, dragons don't have growth limits, so it is hard to say when a dragon becomes mature."

"Usually, dragons are considered mature when they can transform into their humanoid form."

Angel looked at the little violet dragon and asked. "Yasenia, is Kaleina beautiful?"

Kaleina heard her name and lifted her head from Yasenia's comfortable caresses. "Squeak?"

Yasenia looked at Kaleina and smiled. "She is the most beautiful."

The others sighed. 'I see. Our Yasenia has a daughter complex. She will call beautiful as long as it is her child.'

Tatyana knew the aesthetic standards of dragons, and she answered. "Kaleina is still too young to call beautiful or not. However, she is adorable even from a dragon point of view."

Yasenia continued with the previous subject. "I've made an inventory to know how many complete items that we don't need we have. There are three peak-level, seventeen high-level, thirty-one mid-level, and one hundred and thirteen low-level treasures in the heaven rank we can sell."

Yasenia followed it up. "Between them. We can probably recreate all the low-level and mid-level Heaven-ranked items. However, the high-level ones are much more complicated, not to mention the three peak-level ones."

Evelyn asked. "Did you count cultivation, alchemy, and other methods?"

Yasenia shook her head. "I've excluded the cultivation methods, raw materials, and cultivation techniques. I've also excluded anything that has to do with any profession."

Kali smiled, amused. "Then what did you count, Yasenia?"

Yasenia said. "Well, weapons, armors, accessories, robes, one formation core, one cauldron, one blacksmithing hammer, and [Soul Nourishing Pills]. The cauldron and such are in the low level."

Angel turned her head and looked at Yasenia. "Did you include the ones in Long Baidi's ring?"

Yasenia blinked twice and pecked her baby. With the face that close, it was hard to resist. Then, she answered neatly. "No, I didn't."

They couldn't help but laugh.

They were sure that their treasures in the Heaven rank were in the high hundreds. They've hunted thousands of people in the Secret Realm, and one out of every five would have at least one Heaven-ranked treasure.

Hearing that Yasenia chose less than two hundred of them could only be for one reason. Their dragoness was reluctant to part with her treasures!

Yasenia knew they had seen through her, but she shamelessly stuck to her choice. "Hmph, the other treasures may be useful in the future."

Evelyn teased. "Sure, they'll do perfect decorations. Right, love?"

Yasenia blushed a bit. "Either way, selling a hundred Heaven-ranked treasures is enough to make us extremely rich. I would've sliced that number to a dozen if it weren't because mom told me they were too little."

'A dozen? She is such a miser.'

Yasenia saw their judging eyes, and her lips twitched while the tip of her ears reddened.

Cecile and the others found her reaction too cute, so they teased her.

Kali began. "Hmm. A hundred are very few, love. We should sell all of them."

Yasenia's eyes widened as she looked at Kali. Cecile said coolly. "They will just gather dust in your ring, after all."

Yasenia saw the direction this was going and became nervous. "Dust? How could that be? My ring keeps them very clean even if they stay there for a thousand years!"

Andrea sighed. "But, my love. Shouldn't we be prepared for unknown times? Selling the most we can before something happens will give us more capital to work around."

Yasenia stuttered. "W-Well, you are right. However, I'm confident in making everything go very well. Believe in me, darling."

Yasenia's arms tightened around Angel's waist as she continued. "Not to mention, we may need the treasures if we leave this place! Money is not Universal, while treasures are!"

Angel laughed and said. "Silly Yasenia. They are teasing you!"

Yasenia blinked and finally saw the amusement dancing in their eyes.

"You, you, you…" Yasenia's lips raised in a smile that wasn't a smile as she said. "Very good, very good, haha. Your wings have hardened, right, dears? Tonight, I can go all out then, right, dears?"

They all felt a chill rushing up their spines, carrying a mixture of emotions that made their core tighten and squeeze.

Angel felt something hard and hot hardening between her buttocks, slowly pushing up the fabric, and exclaimed with a red face. "Y-Yasenia!"

The others saw Angel's stiffness and red face, and out of a pure instinctive desire to survive, they changed subjects with extreme coordination.

Andrea hastily spoke. "Have you girls prepared the pills for the sects and the City Lord?"

Kali answered. "I'm almost there. Yasenia's alchemy is also very clean and well done. She will be able to be considered an Earth-rank master in a while."

Cecile praised with a smile. "My love is very talented, as expected of her."

Yasenia snorted, and Angel felt the rising danger slowly soften. After seeing the small girl sigh in relief and become soft again, they all internally exhaled.

Yasenia leaned back lazily, allowing Angel to use her breasts as a pillow, and said. "Honey has been working on the pills while teaching me. She will have them prepared for the auction. How are the Earth-level treasures coming along?"

Andrea sighed. "While you worked with Kali, we were trying to figure out the Transmutation Cauldron. However, it is much harder than I expected."

Evelyn nodded. "We can't use the transmutation property for complete objects yet, so Andrea has been mass-producing weapons and armors of that level."

Andrea confirmed her words. "Today, I focused on creating the production chain. During the next five days, I'll probably be able to produce everything."

Yasenia smiled and used her tail to caress her leg. "Darling is so mighty~. Tomorrow I'll work with you."

Andrea caught the misbehaving tail tip and squeezed a bit hard, making Yasenia hum. "I can't wait to teach my dragoness how to forge treasures."

Yasenia's eyes became coquettish, and Angel stiffened again while her face blushed. 'S-So big.'

They talked for an hour, deciding where to place their shop and more details to ask Ghana later, and finally went to bed.

Well, Yasenia carried them to bed and put them to sleep with a melody of moans and passionate shouting.

Andre was the one to "suffer" the most tonight as she felt her balls shriveling while the dragoness almost sucked her soul out.

Andrea could swear that she could feel the squeezing and sucking even after Yasenia finally allowed her member to rest for a bit.

Andrea's thoughts before losing consciousness while a certain dragoness coiled around her like a soft snake were the following. 'Heavens, will I be able to produce more 'milk' in the future? She has really sucked me dry.'

However, Andrea's night was bound to be a bit longer as Yasenia had her switch flipped by the handsome and toned Andrea. "Darling~, more! You look so good while you fuck me."

Andrea felt blood rush down at the soft call of her dragoness and used her last drops of strength to pound her one more time.

Yasenia's body bounced as Andrea's waist moved back and forth. The image of that feminine body filled with lean and strong muscles as she pounded her core was truly a treat for the eyes.

The dragoness screamed in delight as her hands traced the perfectly sculpted female body fucking her.

Her hands caressed the back muscles, biceps, and marked abdominal muscles as her mouth bit Andrea's neck while her golden eyes rolled in delight.

After Andrea's body tensed one last time and filled her insides, Yasenia caught Andrea's body and looked at the tanned woman's closed eyes with a hint of obsession. 'My darling's member truly fits my preferences, and her milk is really delicious~. Ahn~, I want more. But I need to allow her to rest and recharge so that she can feed me~.'

"Goodnight, darling! I love you."

However, Andrea was too tired to answer and deeply sleeping, feeling completely relaxed in the tender and soft embrace of the dragoness.