Chapter 489. Angel's Formation Making. A short dive into Mirrory's mind.

After hearing the requirements, Angel was stunned for a moment. It was not because it was complicated but because the conditions weren't a complication for her.

Moon and Sun compatibility? That was one of the things she studied the most while creating energy-gathering formations for her dear Yasenia.

Moreover, as they may move around a lot, creating short-lived formations was also something Angel practiced a lot.

Not to mention, Yasenia's energy needs were so high that they compared with an average low-level Epoch Core Body cultivator.

Yasenia was tremendously strong for her level, and at the same level, she was probably near unbeatable. However, this didn't come without a cost.

With the energy quantity Yasenia absorbed, what she needed to increase a level would be equivalent to other people's need to raise three or even four.

Of course, this didn't mean Yasenia was slow at increasing her strength. She had many means to absorb much more energy than others. The powerful energy-gathering formations, her solid and broad meridians, her vast Dantian, her powerful dragon body, and her tail helped with energy absorption.

All of that was then enhanced by the [Primordial Energy Core] inside her Dantian and Yasenia's powerful cultivation techniques, [Celestial Maiden Ascends through the Heavens], and [Convergence of the Celestial Bodies].

All of this multiplied Yasenia's cultivation speed many times over.

Even then, Yasenia's rate of increasing her level was similar to her other dears because, besides Andrea, they all had powerful cultivation techniques to accompany their increase in power.

Angel had a Saint's cultivation technique, Cecile had a Moon-Phoenix-related cultivation technique, Evelyn that the Thunder God's cultivation technique and Kali had a profound cultivation technique given to her by Valeria.

Thankfully, Andrea had Yasenia's help with the dual cultivation technique and also her Natural Treasure, the [Star Born Searing Flame], which helped her cultivate. Her cultivation technique was also powerful enough for their level.

If Andrea didn't have either of those, lagging behind cultivation-wise would be a matter of course.

Either way, when the judge set the "difficult" conditions for Angel, Yasenia and the rest sitting on the stands couldn't hold a chuckle or two from escaping them.

However, this wasn't a lucky coincidence. If you asked across Distancia which energy-gathering formation is the most difficult, they would answer all something similar to what the judge said.

Body Cultivation didn't use attributes like a Spiritual Cultivator did.

The attributes a person is born with are more or less assimilated inside the body as part of themselves via the techniques.

For example, a person with a Water attribute would passively gain its strengths. They would be more flexible while fighting, and their bodies would absorb shock better.

Although it was mighty, which multiplied the strength of attributed abilities for Body Cultivators, there was a big drawback.

Opposite attributes were much more challenging to fit in the body and would react badly much easier.

Hence, Life and Death, or Sun and Moon in the same body, would usually signify an inability to cultivate attributed Body Cultivation techniques. However, this didn't mean they couldn't cultivate at all.

Unlike Spirit Cultivation, where all techniques with adequate strength had an attribute with it, there were plenty of powerful unattributed Body Cultivation techniques.

Gaining one of these was an objective for Yasenia since it could allow anybody close to her struggling to cultivate to reach greater heights.

Also, the existence of these techniques was why there weren't any mortal beast humans, even if there were plenty of weak beast humans with low talent.

On the stage, Angel was already working.

'Angel, slow down the speed while creating it. It would be too strange if you could complete the formation in a few minutes. Try to be one of the last to finish.'

'All right, Mirrory. Thanks!'

Angel searched through the materials on the table and realized a few of them were lacking for a formation of this caliber.

After asking the lamia, she decided to take a few from her ring. She had plenty, and using them to create this wouldn't affect her in any way.

After preparing everything, Angel began to create the [Formation Ink].

She had done this process so often that she could do it while closing her eyes.

She first picked up a [Moon Stone] and pulverized it. The Moon-attributed stone had a much milder nature than the [Sun Stone] she would use later, so she liked to begin with it.

After pulverizing it, she picked a [Profound Ice Water] cup from the table and threw it inside. Then she used her energy while mixing to create a thick fluid.

Angel created [Sun Stone] dust on another recipient and returned to the Moon mix. She added a few auxiliary herbs and minerals to make the combination less violent and increase the [Formation Ink] quality.

Then, when everything was nicely mixed in a grey liquid, she picked the crushed [Sun Stone] and slowly and carefully poured it inside.

Her movements flowed like water and connected seamlessly in a beautiful, constant flow of actions that gradually formed a light-yellow colored ink.

Angel took out her formation pen, which had intricate images across its length and looked luxurious and beautiful.

The lamia and a few senior Formation Masters couldn't help but look at it. 'Such a beautiful pen.'

This was a reward Tatyana gave Angel a while back. It was a high-level Heaven-ranked item.

The ink flowed inside seamlessly, and the previous white pen lit up with silvery and golden accents, making it look extraordinary.

Then, Angel got to paint the formation.

She was highly familiar with it, so she first looked around to see how everyone else was doing.

She saw that the most experienced ones were halfway through their Formation Ink creation.

However, their and Angel's formation were leagues apart difficulty-wise, so Angel's speed in the Ink creation did not make the seniors frown.

The lamia judge looked around and thought. 'At this pace, the first round should end in forty to fifty minutes. Can you create the formation I asked for in this time frame?'

Meanwhile, Angel was speaking with Mirrory. 'How long will they take to create their formations?'

Mirrory shrugged. 'I don't know. I'm not proficient in any professions, Angel.'

'Even when you are so Old- Cough, experienced?'

Mirrory internally chuckled. She actually didn't mind being called old but found it funny when Angel changed the wording mid-sentence. 'Yes. My time is usually spent guiding my Master cultivation-wise. Even though I understand formations and I can create many of them. What I have bothered to remember are very high-level formations you can't even understand the principles of right now. I know little to nothing about basic formations like these. Any of my previous masters could create thousands of formations like these with a single wave of their hand.'

'Didn't they also have to grow like me?'

'No. You are the weakest Master I've ever taken. The following weakest one should be a half-step Transcendence Realm Cultivator.'

Angel was stunned. 'Isn't that the highest cultivator level in our Sky Continent besides Mommy Tatyana?'

Mirrory nodded. 'That I heard.'

Angel couldn't help but feel the weight of Mirrory for the first time. However, she wasn't sad or unmotivated. She was determined to grow to those heights and fight with her Yasenia. 'I see. When I'm strong enough, will you show me those formations?'

'Naturally. As long as we are together, my goal is to make you learn everything I know and surpass me, Angel. I want you to one day stand above everything and decipher the greatest truth of the Universe. That's my wish as the [Primordial Divine Mirror of Eternal Truth].'

'Hm? This is the first time you told me your name!'

'Is it? It doesn't really matter, though.' Mirrory pondered and brushed the matter aside.

Angel chuckled. 'Well, at least I know a little more about you. Also, your name sounds very imposing. I like it!'

Mirrory chuckled and silently materialized outside. She was invisible to everyone except Angel. "Angel, begin the formation. It should be enough if you take about half an hour to make it."

Angel communicated her surprise mentally. 'Half an hour!? I usually create these in two or three minutes.'

Mirrory smiled. 'I know. Remember where we are, silly girl.'

Angel realized.

Without further ado, Angel began creating the formation.

Since the movement was slowed down in something she was proficient in, it looked visually aesthetic.

Her long white dress and long blonde hair moved with her movements and steps as she spun around the area designated by the judge.

The people in the stands slowly shifted their attention and focused on Angel.

Mirrory floated beside her and looked at her with a smile. She really liked this host. Although she was naïve, a little silly, and had many things that she would like Angel to be more independent and more decisive at, it was the truth that her passion, way of treating herself, and her way of living was a breeze of fresh air from all her previous indifferent and cold Masters.

Usually, after getting Mirrory, the previous masters use her to the fullest and begin a crazy round of cultivation. Their attitudes toward the world also change, and they become more aloof, looking down on the world with the powers they receive from her and becoming powerhouses that wander around without a match.

Fu Jing Jing was the most different one, looking at her more like a partner than a tool.

Honestly, Mirrory didn't remember how many times she was on the verge of killing Yasenia the time she tried to interrupt their ritual.

However, as the truth mirror, even in her weakened shape, she felt that not acting on the impulse to kill Yasenia was the correct flow of actions.

She also knew that Fu Jing Jing also felt the same. Hence, they didn't fight back seriously at all.

Even the last trick Yasenia did was preventable by killing them and waiting for another suitable person to appear.

However, what saved Yasenia and Angel was that our dragoness's final intention was not to eliminate Fu Jing Jing but to liberate her from the shackles of Fate while also helping Angel receive the complete inheritance.

When they realized this, they didn't take action. Even now, the slave contract between her and Angel was weakening.

Mirrory calculated that in just ten years, she would be able to break it. Nevertheless, Angel had never ever used or even thought about it, leaving Mirrory surprised.

Mirrory knew that Angel understood what kind of treasure she was, so not taking advantage of a slave contract showed the purity of her heart and her attitude toward herself.

Indirectly, the slave contract closed the distance between Angel and Mirrory much faster than any other method.

While Mirrory thought of these things while softly looking at Angel working, the judge almost forgot to blink as Angel painted a complex and intricate golden-silvery formation with dense runes and lines that looked orderly and aesthetic instead of messy.

'Such beautiful lines and runes. Can I do it better than her?' The judge's attention was stolen mainly by Angel.

Angel finished thirty minutes later, five minutes before the time to stop moving the pen arrived.

The lamia was eager to examine Angel's formation, but she had to follow the procedure and go from earliest to latest.

After the last five minutes, the lamia slithered to the first person who finished and began the evaluation.