Chapter 525. Back At Home.

After two hours of full-speed flight, Yasenia's sharp eyes saw the outline of the city in the distance, and she warned. "Dears, we are about to arrive."

They all stopped talking and laid back down on Yasenia's back.

Andrea commented. "Lying in your back and seeing the clouds pass by is quite the experience, love. I like it."

Yasenia smiled happily. "I'm glad you like it. If any of you want, we can have nocturne flights together."

Before Yasenia could cross the walls, a few cultivators wearing the same armor appeared before her.

'Guards of Koran City.'

"State your identity! Flying over Koran City is prohibited if you are not a resident."

Yasenia fetched the ownership document of the mansion and Astral Sky Shop and spread it before herself.

Then, she spoke commandingly and sternly. "I'm the Matriarch of the Astral Sky Clan. We've had an ambush, and my followers are injured and need medical treatment. I would appreciate it if the respected guards allowed me to fly toward my house quickly."

The guard captain rode a four-winged eagle. He heard her words and looked at the document. After confirming the authenticity, they let Yasenia fly inside.

The authentication lasted not longer than a minute. To make sure they weren't deceived, they used a tool that analyzed the signature aura mark left in all of Koran City's official documents. The only person who knew the aura was the City Lord, and they had a seal to imprint the aura on the papers.

Yasenia didn't give them a second look and flapped her wings to continue her flight.

Once she left, the guards released the breath they were holding. '

A female guard commented. 'I didn't know the Matriarch of the Astral Sky Clan was a full-fledged dragon. I thought she was a dragon woman.'

'It also surprised me.'

The captain nodded. 'I had once the pleasure of being in Lady Yasenia's presence. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.'

A guard that has never seen Yasenia asked. 'Is it really like the rumors say? That she is as beautiful and unreachable as the constellations hanging in the night sky?'

The guard captain nodded with a reminiscent look.

Another person pointed. 'She looked injured. I saw a few injuries around her body.'

The guard captain said. 'Remember to report it. We don't know what happened, but the City Lord should be made aware, just in case.'


Meanwhile, the people around Koran City saw the giant dragon with a Moon and a Sun on each wing flying over them. The majestic and fantastical creature looked like a patch of the night sky that had taken a dragon's shape, leaving many in awe and exclaiming in admiration.

The gorgeous creature that spanned almost a hundred meters was beautiful to a surreal point.

Yasenia felt a few powerful gazes locking her and following her along her path. One of those felt familiar.

'Five Shadow Fangs? Well, it doesn't matter.'

Our dragoness ignored everything and flew across the city, leaving a blue trail behind her.

By now, Yasenia could feel her lovely Phoenix's joy and happiness at her return. Even though they separated for only a day, the longing and tenderness pouring through their [Interlocked Souls] bathed Yasenia's existence with an enchanting love.

'My love, I missed you.'

Yasenia heard her words and smiled softly. 'I missed you too, sweetheart. We must take care of a few things right when we arrive.'

'Hm. You had me worried.'

'Did you feel the times I got injured through our connection?'

Cecile spoke sadly. 'I did. Are you okay?'

'I look a bit mangled, but don't worry too much when you see me, okay, sweetheart? Listen to me.'


Yasenia and Cecile's communication lasted an instant for the outside world. Thanks to the no-barriers connection between their soul, exchanging ideas and explaining things was as easy as breathing.

Cecile's and Yasenia's connection was profound, and that's why Cecile usually stayed silent and had such a dim presence.

When important things happened, Cecile would only interrupt when she thought Yasenia's plans had flaws.

After hearing what happened in detail, Cecile quickly understood what to do.

Yasenia spotted her mansion in the distance and slowly descended on the middle area.

The harpies knew Yasenia could transform because there was a training room to practice transformation.

Therefore, one of the harpies that looked up and saw Yasenia screamed in delight.

"The Matriarch has returned! Ahh! She is so beautiful in her dragon form!"

A new member exclaimed. "The Matriarch is a dragon!?"

A female from a reptilian race was placing a hand on her palpitating heart as she muttered with an entranced and watery gaze. "Oh, my heavens… I did not know she could transform into such a charming creature."

A male from another reptilian gaze almost released a mating call but quickly held himself back because he didn't want to get killed.

A high-ranking harpy exclaimed. "She is huge! It looks like she is a big woman no matter what shape she takes."

Another harpy exclaimed shamelessly. "As expected of the Matriarch. It doesn't matter if she is a Dragon or a woman. I want her to bed me either way!"

"Sister. This time, I'm afraid I have to disagree. You would die!"

"It's worth it!"

Yasenia was amused by the unhinged comments of the harpies and the exclamation of awe from the other members.

However, once Yasenia was close enough, their cheers subsided as their eyes widened.

Yasenia's scales were mangled in a few places on her body, and one of her beautiful golden horns had cracks.

There were other minor wounds all around Yasenia's body.

There were bloodstains in a few other places around her body.

The giant dragon landed, making the earth tremble because of her weight for a split second.

Yasenia's ethereal voice spread around as she ordered solemnly. "Cecile, Ghana, come quickly and help me carry them."

They saw Yasenia tilting her body and using her wing as a slope together with her energy to slowly move down five bloodied people.

Ghana recognized them and was horrified. She quickly used her energy to amplify her voice and command in an urgent and low voice. "ALCHEMISTS, DOCTORS, GATHER UP!"

Cecile approached and asked with rare concern that no one in the clan had ever seen before. "What happened? Why are you so injured?"

Yasenia didn't answer and ordered. "We'll talk later. Carry them quickly toward our rest area. Ghana, you are allowed to accompany Cecile."

Cecile and Ghana quickly approached and carried the five of them toward the private infirmary room with the aid of energy to make them float.

The dragoness looked at the approaching medical practitioners and shook her dragon head. "No need to look at them. I've already given them first aid and Heaven-ranked recovery pills. Kali is awake and can heal them. However, be sure to be on standby in case anything goes wrong."

The Doctors and Alchemists that appeared nodded solemnly. "Understood!"

They didn't say anything and took the five injured girls away.

Yasenia looked around and ordered. "Stand back. I need space to transform back."

Her commanding voice sounded imperial, and they all took a few steps away.

Then, Yasenia began transforming back into a human.

She needed as much energy to change back into her human form as she did to change into it, creating quite the spectacle for all those watching.

Her proficiency constantly increased, making her speed faster each time she transformed.

Still, Yasenia took a bit longer than two minutes to transform back into her humanoid form.

The whirlwind of energies left everyone with trembling hearts, making them look on with awe when Yasenia emerged from her transformation event.

The giant neck gear on her neck fell onto the ground, denting the slabs below it, and Yasenia waved her hand to make Kaleina float from it into her bosom.

Kaleina blinked one eye and then the other groggily, showing that she was sleeping.

The body scent of Mama Dragon tickled her sharp olfactory senses and made her squeal in delight as she used her two arms to hug Yasenia's face and lick her lovingly.

Everyone present was unprepared for an attack with such a level of cuteness right after the awe-inspiring sight of their Matriarch's transformation.

One of them muttered as he crouched while clutching his heart. "Thankfully, the doctors are here."

However, a female alchemist answered. "Sorry, but her cuteness is universal."

Then, she fell backward with blood flowing down her nose.

Yasenia kissed Kaleina's face, and before Kaleina woke up completely and realized that her mommy was injured, she placed her between her breasts.

Kaleina felt her serpentine body squished between Yasenia's comfortable breasts, her eyelids closed again, and she fell asleep right after. 'Mommy's warmth is the best~. So comfy~.'

Yasenia lifted her face after ensuring Kaleina was sleeping. Her expression was frosty and aloof as she looked around. "Am I an attraction for all of you to see? Why are you still here? Go back to work!"

Yasenia's body was bruised, and the long tail behind her back had a few scratches and dents. There was also a cut on her forehead.

However, even in this state, her presence was not hindered in the slightest. On the contrary, she looked like a female general who just returned from a victorious battle, increasing her charisma and coercion.

Everyone's back immediately straightened and dispersed from the area at their quickest speeds.

Yasenia turned around, her long skirt flowing with her movements and her tail swishing behind her elegantly.

Her steps were neither hurried nor low, but her motions gave a feeling of majesty.

Even after they left, they couldn't help but discuss it.

"What do you think that happened?" Asked a man with lion traits.

Hanna, one of the oldest and most influential harpies, used voice-amplifying skills to spread an extra message around. "If the Matriarch wants to explain, she will. If not, this event must never be talked about again! Gossiping about the Matriarch or creating rumors about her is punishable by Death!"

The harpies had successfully established themselves as seniors, so the newer batches of clan members listened to them.

Hanna's order worked like a charm, and although they all wanted to speak a lot about it, they stopped the discussions and continued with their day.

The harpies were very worried and curious, but they waited patiently.

They were hopeful that Yasenia would explain it so they could help her.


Angel: Oh my gosh, Yasenia was so beautiful back then. KYA!

Yasenia: Oh? Does my baby like my domineering self~.

Angel (blushing): I love it~.

Tatyana: I see that all of you girls are more relaxed already.

Andrea: Floating in space feels nice. This place is filled with stars and cosmic lights and is quite beautiful.

Author: Well, it is called [Celestial Theater] for something, right?

Evelyn: Does this place exists?

Author: Naturally not. Evelyn, this is a small segment without relation to the story! It is for those who want to laugh or relax after reading the chapter~.

Andrea: Oh? So there are people who skip it?

Author: It doesn't matter~. This is an extra. I'm satisfied if I can make one of my little lurkers smile once with these segments!

The girls: Clap, clap, calp.

Author (shy): Cough. Either way, I summon you!

Arfa42: Yo!

Tatyana: Oh? Another new little dear?

Author: The segment was more popular than I thought it would be. There are already more than ten questions pending!

Tatyana: I see. Remember to give priority to those who have never asked so that there is a lot of new participation~.

Author: I will. Either way, Arfa42, ask away~.

Arfa42: I'm on it!

Arfa42: I've had this in my mind for a while, so I wanted to ask. Yasenia, you always speak about an exception that may join your harem as if there is a condition to open your supposedly closed heart. However, didn't Tatyana only allow you to get five lovers?

Yasenia: A really good question!

Tatyana (Yandere): Yes, yes~. A really good one. Say, little treasure, who is the one?

Yasenia (sweating): Mom! Stop! Let me explain! Aaahn~.

Everyone: ….

Author: I didn't expect to see Tatyana taming the dragoness.

Arfa42: Oy, I didn't ask for this.

Angel: Then, why are you looking so intently?

Arfa42: Who wouldn't?

After a while…

Yasenia Dragon Blob: Grrrr~.

Tatyana: As you can see, Arfa42, there are no plans for my little treasure to add a new member. She says that because she knows that anything can happen down the line and doesn't want to close that hypothetical scenario with a promise.

Yasenia Dragon Blob: Grrr~. *Lick* *Lick*

Tatyana: Oh my~, you are so cute.

The girls: Agreed~.

Tatyana: Anyway, remember how much importance a dragon's promise has. Therefore, just in case, to not make her heart falter in any possible scenario, she doesn't completely close that door.

Tatyana (smiling): But you don't have to worry. Author knows that all of you are very fond of the closed group of our dears.

Arfa42: I see. That's good to know.

Author: An unexpected dragon taming with a wholesome answer? What a treat~. See you tomorrow!

The girls: See you tomorrow~.

Yasenia Dragon Blob: Shee yho tomorroh~.