impressive performance

it was darkness all over my soul trembled in fear. i managed to walk somehow through the darkness and finally i saw a light but i don't want to expose myself to light. my insecurities regarding my appearance hindered my feet freezed on the ground not allowing me take any single step towards.

i was dead but why am i dreaming this? is this what it feels to dead, is this a afterlife bridge which i've to cross.

"p-please don't leave me.."

i can hear voices and it was familiar voice. duke was calling for me ,he was crying for me. all this must be my silly imagination or this might be test procedure which is hindering me from crossing the bridge.

i won't stop , i walked towards the light and my body started burning in light. despite of that i ran , i kept running towards the light... enduring the burning sensation.

" are the doctor.."

i heard his voice again. why do i keep hearing his voice? not only his , i started hearing other's voices too.