Confused by the way

"Commander, did you find the princess?"

Xiu and Chu came running, on the way they noticed second prince Yuxan Wei angrily passing by.

By his temper it seems something happened between him , commander and princess. Xiu stormed into the room whose door was reduced to ruins.


Xiu paused instantly when he witnessed something he shouldn't have. He lowered his face in embarrassment and steps out ,but dammit Chu rushed inside.

"No, don't go inside you Unsophisticated woman!"

Xiu pulled her back and closed her mouth to avoid her shouting. Chu crushed between Xiu's strong muscly arms, she struggled but he didn't let her go. His full body concentrated on stopping someone entering that room because his master was having some personal business with his wife which shouldn't be disturbed.

"What are you doing, rude man?" Chu managed to mumble.

"Shuu, keep quiet. They're doing some stuffs inside. Can't you understand?"