A burden

Anri and Soren were in the same class. They reached before the bell and had chosen seats at the back of the class.

The sorcerer was looking through his routine when he heard a commotion coming from outside the classroom.

"I wonder how long before these people stop acting like idiots when Nova is around," Soren commented in a bored tone. "Yeah, she's hot but do they have to fall over themselves to talk to her?"

The commotion reached the door and Nova breezed in wearing her school uniform. Even Anri had to admit that she made the black uniform look stylish when she wore it. Her silky black hair was cut and braided to regulation length above her shoulder blades.

"Quick, ignore her," Soren told Anri when Nova began searching the classroom. The redhead wasn't keen on dealing with Nova's fanboys who would no doubt follow her all the way to their table if she decided to talk to them.

"It's too late for that," Anri replied. Nova had found them and she was walking straight towards where they were seated. The young woman had a look in her eyes that begged for help.

Her mouth moved to form a word as she reached them. Please. Help.

"Soren, rock paper scissors?" Anri asked the redhead.

Without understanding what he was playing for, the redhead made a rock as Anri played paper.

"You lose," Anri told him. "So you sit with Nova."

"No way! Do you see how they're staring at us?!" The redhead glanced towards the door where a few tough-looking seniors were glaring at them. "I can't handle them alone. Besides, I'm not her knight in shining armour. So either we push our desks together or you sit with Nova."

"I'm sorry," Nova apologised with some embarrassment for causing them trouble. "I'll go somewhere else."

"No," Soren stopped her. "It's not like you have other friends. Come sit here." The redhead wasn't happy to give up his seat next to Anri but Nova needed it more than he did.

"Are you sure?" She asked the redhead. "I can-"

"Sit before I change my mind, woman."

Anri shook his head at Soren's cunning. It was him that lost the game so why was Anri sitting with Nova? Nonetheless, he kept his mouth shut. Nova had twice helped him when he needed it. It was now his turn to return the service.

"Sit," Anri patted the seat Soren had evacuated.

When Nova sat down next to him, he could smell a light floral perfume on her.

"Which camp did you guys join?" She asked the duo.



"Did you decide that together or was it a coincidence?"

Anri and Soren exchanged a glance. "Eh.... well- it was both," Soren said to her. Anri hadn't sent her the message about joining Cygnus but Nova hadn't asked either.

"I see," she replied. "I'm with Lupus."

It wasn't surprising to them considering how well she beat up Loda.

A short soothing melody sounded letting them know classes were starting. The trio ended their conversation and stood up with the rest of the class when their homeroom teacher arrived.


"What do you mean there's a giant spider in your dorm?" Soren asked Anri who was recounting what had happened the previous evening. It was lunchtime and the trio was heading for the mess hall.

"Her name is Sandy..." Anri trailed off when he saw the seniors from before approaching them.

"Looks like we've got trouble," Soren commented. "What are the rules about fighting at school?"

"Not allowed," Nova answered. "But I'm down for whatever punishment they'll give me after I'm done with these stubborn people."

"Oooh!" Soren responded. "You sure you wanna do this, Nova?" The three of them could take the others down easily.

"I've had enough. It's time I set an example to everyone who thinks they have a right to bother me while I'm trying to live my life."

"Hey Nova," one of the biggest seniors walked up to Nova with a grin. "You gonna answer the question I asked you?"

"I won't need your help," she politely told Anri and Soren. "Please wait for me at the mess hall. I'll be there in ten minutes."


Word began to spread like wildfire. Nova was in trouble after initiating a brutal brawl against three seniors from camp Ursa. No one in their wildest imaginations would have thought that the elegant looking Nova could be so violent.

"Yo," Soren greeted the girl when she showed up to class after having been called away for disciplinary actions.

"You okay?" Anri asked her. Nova was sporting a dark bruise at the bottom edge of her otherwise smooth right cheek.

"I know this looks bad," she pointed to her face, "but you should see the condition I left those seniors in."

"I believe you," Anri replied.

That evening, the whole Academy was abuzz with another piece of news that was being announced through every media outlet. Anri tuned in to a random news channel where they were talking about what was happening.

"-so far, seven confirmed cases from across the world. Viewers are cautioned against spreading misinformation about the sickness. Research is being done to understand what is causing this strange-"

The student that had been rushed off to the hospital in a medi-pod had passed away not long after she'd succumbed to the coma. Details of her condition were not made public but there were rumours going on about how she had haemorrhaged to death. There were seven other people who had been afflicted with the same sickness but all seven had nothing in common with each other. What made it more confusing was the fact that four of the victims were located on four different continents and hadn't travelled in the last three months.

"Crazy, right?" Soren said to Anri.

"Crazy," the sorcerer echoed. If the sickness was on a global scale, how was the infection spreading?