The First Plan Starts...

We spent the next hour or so going over my powers and then coming up with a general gameplan for some of the first changes that we were going to make. The very first mission was a two-part one. I was going to be sent out with Lincoln and Indra to meet up with Clarke and Anya at the dropship. I had to then convince Clarke come with Indra, Lincoln, and me to race to the village and prevent Finn from attacking it. If we were late and Finn attacked the village, there was no way that we could prevent the Grounders from demanding his death, even with Lexa on my side.

Before then though, I would be doing something else that never happened in the show. Lexa asked that I healed a few of the Grounders that were sick in camp. I was a little hesitant to show off my powers so blatantly, but she assured me that this would be an excellent way to smooth things over with Trikru while also sending a message to all of the other Twelve Clans that the Sky People are stronger than they think.

When the two of us walked upstairs, Lincoln had been restrained and was face down in the dirt with a sword at his neck. Lexa ordered something in the Grounder Language and the guard on top of Lincoln moved his sword. He helped Lincoln to his feet as I hobbled over to him, looking at the fresh cut over his eye.

"I told you to not resist," I said with concern then looked over at Lexa questioningly.

She gave me a nod while Lincoln's hands were cut free. The first thing that he did was hug me and I sighed because I knew that he must have been worried about me.

"Sit down. I'm going to do something about that cut," I said.

"I'm fine as long as you are," he replied quietly.

"Do as she says, Lincoln. Our people need to see the power of Skaikru," Lexa ordered.

Lincoln gave me a worried look, but I just smiled bitterly and explained, "I wanted to show you before, but... I've been hiding them from everyone my entire life."

He placed a hand on my cheek then sat down on a nearby box. Indra walked a little closer while the man who had collected us took his place at Lexa's side. I placed a hand over the wound and closed my eyes while I focused on my healing. There were more than a few gasps in the crowd, but I kept working until I felt some feedback for the first time. When I pulled my hand back, the wound on his forehead had completely healed, but Lincoln was looking back at me with fear instead of happiness. Indra had drawn her sword and there were a handful of men were aiming their bows.

"Hold your weapons. Octavia kom Skaikru, it is time," Lexa said.

I nodded my head and walked over to her. The man at her side raised his sword, but Lexa placed a hand on his arm, and I dropped to my knees with a groan since my leg was still not healed.

"To atone for the crimes of my people, I swear to bring down the Mountain and rescue those who have been trapped inside without spilling anymore of your people's blood. I ask for no aid from you, only that you send me with someone who can witness my penance. If my task is not completed within thirty days, my life will be forfeit to you, Heda," I said then placed my head to on the dirt.

Indra was the first to speak out when I had finished, but I remained in the same position. Even the man by Lexa spoke out, but after a moment, they both fell silent. Still, it had given me enough time to channel much of my mana into the ground around me.

"Octavia kom Skaikru, show us why I have given you this chance," Lexa ordered.

"Yes, Heda," I said, only sitting up now. I raised my hands and all dirt around me, except what was directly below me, in the range of my Earth Domain flew upwards. I directed everything to over to one side that was empty and said loudly, "The Mountain Men have hidden under the ground for too long because they believe they are safe, but I will turn the ground against them! If you will spare my people after I have completed my task, my life will belong to you, Heda!"

Now, it was Lexa's turn to play her part. She turned to the crowd and started speaking to them in their language. Whatever she was saying, I could tell that it was working as the looks of fear slowly turned into expressions of astonishment. We had decided that we would use the Will of the Commanders as an excuse for how she learned of my existence and that I would crush their greatest enemy. Before I knew it, someone in the crowd started chanting, 'Heda!' over and over as more people started joining them until the entire camp was calling out her title. There were only three people who did not, the man next to Lexa, Indra, and Lincoln.

This continued for several minutes before Lexa turned back around to face me and raised her hand, silencing the crowd. "Fix my land, Octavia kom Skaikru."

"Yes, Heda," I replied.

I had yet to fully release the mana that I had infused into the soil, so it was not too difficult for me to move it back, but I was pushing myself to my current limits. By the time that I had brought all of the dirt back into place, my head was pounding from the strain, but I did my best to hide my discomfort.

"Gustus, Indra, follow me with Octavia and Lincoln," Lexa said as she headed back down into the underground train station.

Indra looked at me for a moment then followed Lexa down the stairs. I started to push myself up but struggled until a set of hands picked me up from behind. It was Lincoln, which made me feel a little better, but his complicated expression kept me from being happy. Gustus still had not put away his sword and his eyes had not left me as well.

"If you ever do anything against her..." Gustus threatened while pointing his sword at me.

"Death will be a luxury that I will beg you for," I said in a hushed voice, pushing his blade aside. "The armies of the Twelve Clans will descend upon my people, killing all but those closest to me. I will be forced to watch as your people torture them to death, and the only reason why I will be granted death is because containing me could prove too difficult and dangerous. Oh yes, Lexa has assured me that any action against her will be met by the strongest force, but there is one, stronger reason why she has true confidence that I will keep my word."

He allowed us to pass as he sheathed his sword. Lincoln helped me down the stairs and Gustus was right behind us. Lexa was already sitting in a chair with Indra standing off to the side. We walked over so that we were standing before her while Gustus took his position next to Lexa.

"Before I listen to your complaints and doubts about what I have already decided, allow me to reveal one thing to you all," Lexa said as she rested her arms on the chair and crossed her fingers in front of her.

While it appeared that she was just sitting there, I could sense energy gathering around her. In the next moment, her skin turned jet black and then in the next, she was gone. Instantly, Gustus and Indra drew their swords and pointed them at me, blaming me for Lexa's sudden disappearance.

"Stay your blades!" Lexa snapped from the shadows behind Lincoln and me as she walked into the light. "Although my power is greater than hers, I cannot move the earth beneath us. Without her help, the Mountain may never fall, but with it, our brothers and sisters will be returned to us. With the aid of Skaikru, we may even be able to turn Reapers back into Men."

"There are more like her?" Gustus asked.

"I don't know. I was kept hidden for most of my life because my birth as a second child was a crime," I replied.

"We can sense the energy inside of each other when she entered the village, so it can be discovered in the future," Lexa said as she walked back to her chair and sat down. "For now, though, I intend to put her to the test and see if she truly can destroy the Mountain as she claims. If she fails, then Skaikru will die."

Both Gustus and Indra finally sheathed their weapons and took their appropriate places in relation to Lexa.

"Good, now that you understand, you will have my orders. Octavia will remain here for the next two days healing our sickest members, and herself if no one is willing to try. I will force no one. After that, Indra, you and five of your warriors will ride out with her and Lincoln so that she can carry a message to her people and tell them of their small chance to live," Lexa said.

"And why would they listen to the words of a child?" Indra asked.

"Aside from it being the only way that they can survive, the Mountain Men also have their children. Clarke kom Skaikru and... Anya will escape the Mountain in two days' time. You shall wait for them at their Dropship but stay hidden as to not frighten Clarke while Octavia and Lincoln greet them and explain the new situation. Clarke's mother is one of the leaders of their people and she is the one that led the first group down, so if she cannot convince her, we will have our answer. Clarke will be captured, and our army will blockade their city. Octavia will start her attack on the Mountain under guard while Lincoln will be sent back here to ensure her cooperation. If she remains loyal to me, I have promised to forgive Lincoln's crimes and give Octavia a place among our people, otherwise she will join her people in death."

"How do you know these things?" Gustus asked.

"Because the Commanders truly did give me a vision of the future, and it came with a warning of a second Praimfaya. Without the aid of Skaikru, it will be much more difficult for our people to survive, but I will secure us a path forward, one way or another," Lexa replied. "Indra, find somewhere for Octavia and Lincoln to stay that is not a cell; I will be able to sense if she tries to leave. After that, we will continue our conversation."

"Yes, Heda," Indra said then turned to us.

Although Lexa sounded harsh, it was how we had decided to ensure that we did not appear too close. If anyone thought that my powers could influence Lexa, she would be killed. If anyone thought that she was being weak, she would be killed. I may have had it rough as Octavia in the beginning, but Katye was having to be Lexa who was a ruthless, yet fair leader and had already survived an assassination attempt since she had been here. Most of the hard decisions will have to be made by her in the future while my hands will be the ones to get bloody. I may never hold the titles of Skairipa or Blodreina, but I was bound to get something before the end.

Lincoln and I followed Indra in silence to a small shack below a guard post that looked over the walls. Indra said something in their language then left us. Lincoln did not explain right away and helped me into the room. It had weapons and arrows on the walls surprisingly, and pelts on the ground against the back wall.

"An armory?" I asked.

"Yes," he said quietly as he helped me sit down on the pelts.

"And a lookout above us. Indra does not take any risks... smart," I said with a sigh since I could tell things had changed between us. "So, what were her parting words?"

"She warned me to not attempt to escape."

"That was a lot of words for such a short message," I retorted then sighed, "I know that I kept these powers hidden from you, but if you can't see the reason why then I can't explain it to you."

Lincoln was silent for a while then said simply, "I do understand."

"Then what is it? Why won't you look at me?" I demanded.

"I fear what you will become. The Heda will use you as a weapon against the Mountain, but it won't end there. Your presence could destabilize the Coalition if you show anything but the most faithful servant of the Heda," Lincoln replied.

"I know, but it is a burden that willing carry for you and my people," I said then remembered one of Clarke's famous lines. "I bare it, so they don't have to."

He sighed and sat down next to me without saying anything else. I took it as a good sign and laid my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head against mine and we sat like that for a few hours in silence. Eventually, my headache eased, and I took the chance to work on healing my leg. It was not fully healed when I finished, but the pain had eased significantly. Like always, it left me exhausted, so I slept with my head on Lincoln's lap.

The next day, Indra woke us up, saying that Lexa had summoned us. It was a little after dawn when we walked out, and she led us through the camp to the center. Lexa, Gustus, Nyko, and a sickly-looking woman who was laying on a makeshift cot were already there with an empty cot to the side.

"Octavia, good. You said that the sunlight strengthens your healing, so I arranged for you to work out here which will also allow my people to see you work. This is Kana, who has been sick for months and there is nothing left that Nyko can do for her. Her family has given you permission to heal her," Lexa explained as we walked up.

"That's starting off easy to you?" I asked mockingly.

"She is the only one to step forward for your healing. My hope that this will inspire others to try."

"And if the Mountain is watching?"

"They won't be. I have over half of Trikru's warriors patrolling the area, checking every inch of the lands in a mile radius around Tondc. This will draw more attention to us, but it should keep them back long enough before you leave."

I nodded my head and sighed, "Then I will do as you command, Heda. Nyko, what can you tell me of her illness? Tell me the worst symptoms to the most minor."

I spent the day with Nyko, Lincoln, and half a dozen guards watching over us as I tried to heal the woman. I would channel my power into her, focusing on the lungs first, until I nearly pass out then Lincoln would help me over to the empty cot. When I woke up a few hours later, there was food and water waiting for me which I devoured before returning my attention to healing the woman.

I did this three times before the day gave away to the night, but being so focused on her, there was a noticeable change. Her pale, almost yellow skin had taken on a rosier color and her breathing sounded clear. She had not woken up yet, but from what I knew of the spell, it took a lot out of people, so I imagined that she would sleep through the night, if not the next day too.

I did not sleep much throughout the night because I had slept so much during the day. Instead, while Lincoln slept, I practiced my fire magic and was surprised to see that it was even easier than my earth magic, but that was not necessarily a good thing. Based on the logic of my brother's story where my powers originated from, every person would specialize in a specific element based off their personality.

Earth was steady, yet stubborn like the stone that they controlled. Water meant that a person was caring and empathic. The people who were stronger with Wind were wild and carefree. The rare individuals that specialized in Space were seen as cold and detached. And Fire... those people were passionate, fierce, and intense, yet that intenseness could turn into something dark when hatred infected their hearts.

The next day was spent much like the first, except that I had a new patient to work on. It was an old man that complained of constant pain from an old battle wound. The scar ran across his back from his right shoulder to his left hip and was two to three inches wide. When I saw it, I had no idea how he had survived the wound in the first place, but I kept those thoughts to myself and focused on my job.

On the day that I was going to leave Tondc, there were actually a few happy faces in the crowd that saw me off. The old man and the daughter of the woman I had healed on the first day. Both had shown signs of recovering, so it was the first step to not being feared. Lincoln, Indra, five of her warriors, and I rode out on horses to head to the dropship and wait for Clarke to return.