The Disciples Appear

Instead of heading straight to the Polis bunker, Shaw landed the ship on the edge of Eden. There was little that we could do at the moment for Bellamy if he had been taken by the Disciples, since we did not know how to use the Anomaly Stone. The most important thing now was to tell the Council about the Disciples and the Final War.

When we landed on the ground and walked out of the ship, the Council was waiting on the edge of the landing platform. I did not waste any time and created a small, temporary building that would only remain for the conversation. They walked in with Raven, Katye, Echo, and I right behind them and I activated my Wind Domain to ensure that no one would be able to eavesdrop on this conversation while Katye lit up the room with a small fireball.

"I take it that you two have an idea of what may have happened," Kane said.

"Unfortunately, we do," Katye agreed. "Over the years, you've heard us mention the Disciples and the Final War, but we've never gone into detail about it because we were hoping to avoid it all together, since there should be no way for them to know about us here on Earth. It seems that whatever allowed Alie to know that I had the Flame also tipped off Cadogan's people and is trying to force us into the same ending as before.

"Shortly after the bombs fell that destroyed the world, Bekka Praimheda finished creating the Nightblood serum and fled to Earth before Polaris was destroyed. She actually knew Bill Cadogan, leader of the Second Dawn Cult, so she knew about his bunker. She landed nearby and was able to meet with the survivors who had fled underground, offering the Nightblood serum to anyone willing to take it. Unfortunately, Cadogan knew that if his people left the bunker, he would lose control over them, so he refused the offer, but she did not stop there and told his people about the chance to walk on the surface again. There was a clear divide among the people, some wanting to follow Bekka while others wanted to remain in the bunker.

"Cadogan killed Bekka Praimheda, but that didn't mean that the problem was gone. His daughter was Kalliope Pramfleimkepa, who led our ancestors before the second Heda was chosen, helped those that wanted to leave the cult escape. The ones who were left behind followed Cadogan after he discovered how to use the Anomaly Stones and traveled to the planet Bardo where they have rebranded themselves as the Disciples, hell-bent on fighting the Final War.

"The problem is, the Final War isn't what they think it is; it's a test of character... for the entire Human Race. Succeed, and every living human will join with the 'Transcendents', never dying, never feeling pain, only true peace. Fail, and every living human will be killed to allow a new race to rise up in time."

No one spoke as they digested Katye's words. While Shaw flew us down to the surface, the four of us discussed exactly how we would explain the 'old' future privately. At long last, the others would get an 'explanation' of how and why we got our powers, even if it was ultimately a lie.

"What happened originally?" Clarke asked.

"The key to the Final War rests within the Flame as Bekka Praimheda was the first to discover it. Originally, Diyoza and I had been transported from Sanctum to a world that Hope named Sky Ring. Time moved far faster there compared to the other worlds we traveled to, so keep that in mind as I explain," I answered. "Diyoza and I lived on Sky Ring for seven years with Hope before I made the mistake that led to us being captured. I spent years trying to get to the Anomaly Stone on Sky Ring which was at the bottom of a very deep lake, but was always unsuccessful, so I wrote a letter to Bellamy, hoping that sinking it would allow it to cross over to him. Unfortunately, it ended up in the hands of the Disciples and they came for us on Sky Ring.

"We didn't know about the time dilation at the time, so we hid Hope then Diyoza and I were captured. They have a method of extracting memories from the conscious mind which they used to learn about all of us and the fact that Madi had the Flame, or did... The only way to take away Blodreina's control over Wonkru was by making a new Heda, and Madi was the only option as a natural born Natblida. You, Clarke, did not want that path for her and I had difficulty letting go of control, so she did not have an easy ascension and we ended up having to remove the Flame from her, or we could have lost her to Sheidheda. Unfortunately, both her time and yours with the Flame made you perfect targets for the Disciples, but you were too well protected, Clarke, and someone we all trusted betrayed you and handed over Madi to the Disciples.

"By the time that they extracted the code for the Final War from her mind, Madi was left as little more than a vegetable. You charged into the middle of Cadogan undergoing the test and killed him. Needless to say, you shocked the 'Transcendents' by doing something that no other had, murdering someone during the test, even if he deserved it. You were ejected from the test, but another stubborn person decided that it wasn't good enough to judge you on that alone, Raven. She entered the test and spoke with the Judge while I and a Disciple, that I was close to, stopped the armies of Wonkru and the Disciples.

"Raven's words and our actions were able to convince the Judge that the Human Race was worthy of joining them... only Clarke was not allowed to ascend because of her actions. You accepted your fate, Clarke, as you discussed everything with the Judge, but she told you something that surprised you which was ascension was a choice. Madi did leave, but Niylah, Raven, Murphy, Emori, Indra, Gaia, Jackson, Miller, Hope, Jordan, Levitt, and I joined you to live for the rest of our lives on Sanctum."

"What happened after that, was that the 'Transcendents' felt a longing and loss that they had not expected. It was their decision to send one from those who had joined and one from those who had not, back in time and granted us the energy that fuels our powers. Although they gave us no commands, it's clear now that they had always meant for us to rejoin them, but as a whole, this time. We should have had another hundred and twenty-four years before we should have reached Sanctum, so we had hoped that we would have time before we had to address them, but Fate is not always so kind and conforming," Katye added with a sigh.

Again, our words were met with silence. No one doubted us at this point, but that did not make the news any easier to take. In one way or another, this was the end of the Human Race, to be condemned to Heaven or Hell.

"What do we do?" Indra asked eventually.

"Aside from protecting Luna and myself, we have no answers. Rebecca and I don't know how to use the Anomaly Stone and, while the Flame could analyze it, we would be placing ourselves in danger since the Disciples have a piece of tech that allows them to draw someone through the anomaly, back to Bardo. It takes a simple touch of it to the person they want transported, and they had access to suits that granted them invisibility even before we appeared. This timeline has adjusted to our presence, so counting on the Disciples to be as simple as they were before would be no different than hoping that Iseto could not have affected the bunkers," Katye replied.

The conversation went on throughout the night with a hard decision made at the end. Bellamy would have to be let go since we could not get him ourselves. The Anomaly Stone would be uncovered and taken to the opposite side of the world then buried even deeper underground. Katye took a full catalog of the symbols and their position on the metal sphere, but it was similar to the runic spells on the cave wall, a final product without any direction or context for her to understand the language more. She would just have to muddle through it like she had been doing with the others.

After the Anomaly Stone was hidden, Echo and I did do a proper search of the Polis bunker and all of the camera footage, but it was all in vain as we discovered nothing. I tried to console Gina, but there was little that I could say other than that I had not given up hope on finding him. The question was that if he did come back, could he be trusted? Originally, he had joined the Disciples after undergoing the Pilgrimage, so would he fall to it yet again? It was those questions that made us finally agree to accept that we had lost him.

Things changed after Bellamy disappeared. Luna was on a twenty-four-hour protection watch while Katye returned to space with Raven and Echo. I decided to stay on the surface and keep watch over Luna, but as the months passed, my dedication began to wane, especially with Luna and other Council Members telling me to take time to relax.

Eventually, I was talked into going up to the space station for a few days while Luna promised to be in a secure, underground location. Surprisingly, nothing happened over the three days that I spent with Raven, Katye, and Echo, so I agreed to take another trip up after another month and then another. Before I knew it, two years had passed since Bellamy had disappeared.

I stood on the observation deck, an addition to Go-Sci that Katye had created for her meditations. The majority of it was made of glass, but there was a metal floor attached to an airlock which allowed it to stick out from the rest of the station. The energy was much richer in this place, but I was not here for meditation.

"You know that you're worrying us, right?" Katye asked as she walked into the small room.

"How long have you been able to relax with my craziness? You should be happy that you were able to have any peaceful time with me," I grumbled without looking at her as I took another drink of Spirit Wine.

"I'm sorry... without the Flame, I can't just crack the code to get us to Bardo," Katye sighed.

"Even if you could, or still had the Flame, things wouldn't be any easier on us. Getting to Bardo is just a small problem since we know that Tori will have more surprises waiting on us. I'm upset that I have been wasting this time to protect Luna instead of growing stronger to fight them," I replied without hiding anything.

Over the past two years, Katye's internal mana had passed mine, and so had her understanding of Yin and Yang. While I did not care that I was behind Katye, it represented that I had been wasting my time on Earth despite my constant meditation. I should have been using my time to stay up here and train, yet I had been stubborn for no good reason.

"So what? You are just going to hole up here and train yourself until Luna is taken?" Katye retorted with a hint of venom.

"No... I was going to ask if we could use your original idea of switching off on Luna duty," I replied, looking back at her.

"Finally willing to admit that I can take care of myself, huh?" Katye snapped.

I sighed since I knew her anger was justified since I had shut her, Raven, and Echo out after Bellamy disappeared. "I'm the strong one, Katye. I'm the one who is supposed to charge into whatever fight, headfirst, while you use your head to figure out the proper plan of attack... I get it. I've fucked up things with you and Raven and, hell, even Echo... but what am I supposed to do?!? I don't understand those runes that you use for your spells, so I can't decode the Anomaly Stone. All I can do is watch over Luna, but that means that I'm limited on what I can train, and I see myself falling behind. What if both of us were supposed to be training up here the whole time; what if choosing to focus on myself leads to you or Luna being captured? I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't."

"You aren't the only person in this position even if you have tried to force me into my place up here with the others. I am willing to give you a little room to talk with Raven and Echo, but everything that the two of us have gone through is because of me. I don't need you to protect me from every boogeyman that pops up," Katye chided.

I sighed and looked back out into space. "I don't want to protect you from every boogeyman, just the one that could take you from me. We barely survived Iseto and I'm not on the edge of some major breakthrough this time."

"And this is why you should have listened to me from the beginning. Yes, there is a danger to me, but that's a part of this life to become goddesses or whatever. You can't protect me from everything and trying to do so only weakens both of us," Katye said as she walked up from behind me and slid her arms around my waist.

I leaned back against her, enjoying the moment, then sighed, "Fine, you're right... the next time I stop listening to you, slap me upside the head."

"Oh, I will," she chuckled in my ear.

I turned around and cupped her cheek before I kissed her. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now, give me that and meditate. I'll come get you for dinner," Katye said, taking my bottle away.

"Yes ma'am," I chuckled.

"Good answer," she smirked. "Keep it up and my next order will be to spend the night with the three of us before Echo and I go down to the surface tomorrow."

Although she was hiding it by teasing me, I still caught that she was heading down to the surface, so I nodded my head and replied with a strained sigh, "Yes, ma'am."

"I'm a big girl, Becca, and your partner through all of this. We are supposed to support each other."

"I know... and I'll get better."

"I know you will," she said and then kissed me on the cheek, before walking out of the small room.

I sat down in the center of the room where a plush cushion was placed. Settling my mind had become a difficult task over the past two years, since I would often worry about the Disciples. Since Bellamy had been taken, they would know about Katye's and my powers to some extent while we knew nothing about theirs. All of the unknowns had been plaguing me, making meditation hard and causing me to make up excuses to push away my family. I just needed to grow up and get over it.

Eventually, I slipped into a true meditative state and my mind turned inwards towards my Soul Realm. The days of the dragon just flying through an endless black void were gone as hundreds of stars twinkled in the distance. There was also a change to the darkness which gave it more substance than just appearing empty, like true outer space. Slowly but surely, meditating in space was turning the backdrop of my Soul Realm into a galaxy.

While I was lost in my inner world, the outer one still went on, even though I was oblivious to everything. On the space station, we were safe, since there was only a single way to get to and from the planet, which was why it was one of the only places where I could drop my guard. Up here, we could relax a little, or so we thought.

I was awoken from my meditation by the sound of an explosion. Before I knew what was happening, I was hit by the blast wave and thrown back through the glass wall, but it did not stop there. The entire dome shattered, and I was sucked into space…

A/N: Special double release coming in minutes! Don't hate me for the cliffhanger 🤣

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