Sanctum and the Primes

A/N: Ops, sorry guys and gals, I messed up the time!

"Ha!" Joyano shouted while he released a golden streak of pure Yang energy and Sword-Force at Skansi and Entode.

My Chaos Storm infused even more energy into the attack, strengthening it, while I was one with the storm. Entode's mastery over Yin was greater than Joyano's over Yang, so he broke down the Yang properties of the attack as Skansi matched the Sword-Force with Axe-Force. Although they managed to stop Joyano's attack, I materialized behind them and struck out with my swords at their backs.

My skill with the sword was nowhere near Joyano's or Skansi's talent with Warcraft, and while my powerful body could help, I only managed to leave a small scratch on Skansi's armor since he could use his knowledge of Warcraft to bolster his defenses even while fending off Joyano's attack. Entode was not so lucky as a deep slash was left in his breastplate and one of his wings had been severed. I felt no joy in seeing my ancient enemy heavily wounded and melded with the storm once again to avoid Skansi's counterattack.

Just as I dematerialized, Joyano rushed the pair, perfectly in sync with me despite it being a few hundred thousand years since we last fought together. With his shield and hammer, he bashed Entode away, not focusing on harming him as much as throwing him far away. His axe sought to cleave Skansi in half while the tip of his sword was pointed at Skansi's heart, but something strange happened. Instead of Skansi fully mustering his defenses, he released all of that energy at the final moment and even recalled his armor, allowing Joyano's attack to fully land.

Skansi's body was split in half, from head to groin, and his heart was obliterated. Just as his body began to dissolve into motes of crimson lights, a new power, foreign from Skansi or Entode, erupted from his remains. It pushed back my Chaos Storm, yet Joyano was ensnared by the trap as Time froze within the zone, except for Skansi's body which was reversing. His body healed itself under one of the strongest forms of healing magic, Time, but it did not stop at simply restoring his life and body as even his six arms were made whole again.

It seemed that Kali had a breakthrough that none of us had expected. Skansi was their strongest combatant, so I could only hope that whatever technique she had created to accomplish this feat was too costly to also place it on Entode. Since I could not penetrate the trap, I turned my fury on Entode in hopes of ending things between us, once and for all.


Katye tapped in the code on the Anomaly Stone and a large, green fiery portal opened. My head spun with all of the different energies that came with the portal opening until I closed off my sixth sense completely. No one, but Katye, was willing to approach the portal, so she stopped at the edge and looked back.

"This is our only way to Sanctum, unless you plan on backing out," Katye said.

Echo was the first to step forward and followed Katye into the portal. I glanced around before also walking forward, with Raven at my side, and crossed through the energy. Although I had dampened my senses towards mana, I could still feel it surround my body and yank me forward. It only lasted a moment before I stumbled out the other side.

To my surprise, Katye looked a little sick as she leaned against the cave wall. Echo and Raven both seemed fine, so I opened my senses to the mana around me. The still open portal was distracting, but the likely source of her discomfort was like a beacon in the darkness to me. There was something about that chaotic swirling energy that was calling me, but before I could get too lost to the siren call, Kane, Gabriel, and Josephine crossed over.

"Rebecca?" Raven asked, touching my shoulder.

"Sorry," I replied quickly, shutting off my mana sense. "Katye, try to block off your mana sense. I have to do it with the portal, so it's probably the Temporal Anomaly."

"I'm trying, but it's not that easy. It's just so overwhelming and... wrong," Katye said with a hand on her temples.

"What's wrong?" Kane asked with concern.

"I'm guessing it's the Temporal Anomaly, but there is something releasing a lot of mana that fluctuates quickly between types and intensities. I have more practice at blocking out our senses towards mana, so I'm not as badly affected," I explained.

"I believe this cavern runs right under the anomaly, so that might be why it's so intense," Gabriel said.

"That's somewhere to start. Lead on, Gabriel," Katye said, pushing herself away from the wall, though she was still unsteady.

Josephine made a face, but I chose to ignore it as did the few others who noticed her. She had already made her displeasure with the ultimatum that we were giving to Sanctum known, but none of us truly cared. It was a bit of arrogance, true, but there was little that normal people could do to us, and we held the moral high ground in this situation, which made it easier on our conscience. The plan was to offer them a very generous trade agreement, but there was no faltering on the matter of the Mind Drives; they would be gone one way or another before any of us would leave the planet.

Our group made its way out of the cave system and emerged out from a rocky hill. Gabriel led us through the woods and towards Sanctum in silence since there was not a lot for us to talk about, after all. Thankfully, as we moved away from the anomaly, Katye was able to block out the dizzying feeling of the raging mana storm. I could still 'hear' the siren-like call from it, but it was easier to resist with some distance between me and it. It was a little concerning that I was attracted to the anomaly while it made Katye sick, but it was something that we would talk about later in privacy.

Sanctum was not the same Sanctum that was on the show since we were over a hundred years ahead of the original arrival, though there were still similarities. The overall mandala layout of the city's farmland had already taken shape with the true city itself placed in the center surrounded by a few cliffs and a maintained forest. The buildings inside the city were simple and primitive, unlike the colorful metal structures that looked like cargo containers that were in the show, which was more realistic, but the palace had already been built and stood tall over the other buildings.

Since it was not the day of eclipse, thankfully, people were out on the roads working and children were playing. We drew plenty of attention as we walked through the city, but new faces here were just as rare as they were in Eden, so it was not surprising. With Gabriel and Josephine guiding us, no one tried to stop us, and we headed straight to the palace.

"Derrick, go find the other Primes and tell them that we have guests in the Great Hall," Gabriel instructed one of the guards at the main door.

"Yes, sir," the man replied with a nod.

"This way," Gabriel said, holding the door open for us.

Josephine walked in first, followed by Kane, Raven, and Echo while Katye, Gabriel, and I took up the rear. The building was beautiful with tapestries and paintings hung on the walls and potted plants in the corners. The Great Hall was also decorated beautifully and there were finely carved tables, benches, and chairs.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable. Would you like any drinks or food while you wait?" Gabriel offered.

"I would appreciate a drink," Kane replied while the rest of us spread out through the large room.

"I'll go. You can stay with them," Josephine said then walked out another door before anyone could reply.

Gabriel gave a heavy sigh as he watched her walk away angrily.

"We'll stay here if you want to go after her, I promise," Katye said to him.

"Thank you," he replied then followed her out of the room.

I dropped down on a bench and place my bag on the ground while I leaned against the wall. The others slowly drifted over to where I was sitting, and Raven even joined me on the seat.

"Was that a good idea to let them leave?" Kane asked as he sat down across from me.

"It will make things a lot simpler if they are dumb enough to attack us," I replied with a shrug.

Katye chuckled, "You sound more like Indra every day."

"I'll take that as a compliment," I retorted with a smirk.

"Do either of you sense anyone like you?" Echo asked.

"No... just the anomaly, thankfully," Katye replied.

We talked for a while, but as the minutes ticked by, suspicion crept in. Slowly, I infused my Earth Domain through the stone of the palace, covering the entire room and the hallways around it. Katye noticed, of course, but she made no comment of it to the others. At the half hour mark, I sensed feet approaching, but there were far more than thirteen people heading our way which made me give a long, drawn-out sigh.

"Didn't we show them our magic?" I complained as I stood up. "Why are people so stupid?"

"Because we've come here to take away their power in their minds, and would a normal person believe in magic?" Katye replied with a sigh.

"Then I'll leave a lasting impression," I growled as the door cracked open and a couple gas canisters were tossed in.

I walked towards the door as it slammed shut and caught each of them in a 'bubble' Wind mana, preventing any of the smoke from escaping. Not holding back my strength, I kicked open the main doors just after they slammed a brace across them. The wooden brace had no chance, splintering as it broke in half, and the doors flew open. There were around thirty men in the same uniform as the guards at the front door of the palace, all shocked by my flashy appearance.

"You dropped these," I said then threw the canisters back at them, releasing the bubble of protection.

The heavy smoke engulfed the group and I casted a barrier of air to stop any of the knockout gas from coming my way. Although they tried to get away, they were too slow and began to drop one by one. I used my artificial fingers to create several metal balls which I used to break the windows and let the smoke escape outside. I changed the metal back into my fingers and slid it on as I walked back into the Great Hall.

"So, how do you want me to handle this matter?" I asked, looking at Katye.

Katye smirked, shaking her head, and asked, "Do you even know what the current Primes look like?"

"I don't even remember the ones we met aside from Josephine, Gabriel, and Russel... and, I guess Simone's final host since she had taken over Abby at the end. I was just going to look for Josephine and grab those around her," I replied.

"What?!?" Kane exclaimed with a rare bit of anger.

"Peace, Marcus," Katye said, gently. "Bilaik hod in nou Natblida raun disha lote; Abby ste klir. (Your lover is not a Nightblood in this life; Abby is safe.)"

"Sorry," I sighed, realizing that I had said more than I should.

"I've gotten used to it by now," Katye chuckled. "Keep property damage to a minimal as well as the injuries to everyone you cross. We'll stay here and I'll watch over everyone, so don't worry about us, and don't take too long."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied with a mock salute before I retreated into the Shadow Realm.

I looked around for clusters of people throughout the palace and decided to work my way down. Any group larger than ten got a momentary visit from me as I searched for any sign of Josephine or Gabriel. After three tries, I found Josephine with eight other people in a small lounge.

"Finally," I breathed, shifting straight into my Dusa form. "Did you even bother telling them anything about us, Josephine, or did you just call us the 'boogeyman' and send your guards to capture us?"

Everyone paled at my transformation since I did not retract my aura in the slightest, and I was certainly not a 'slumbering beast' at the moment. I ignored them all and kept my eyes focused on Josephine, who stumbled backwards as I approached. There was a younger man in the group that drew a pistol and fire it at me, but it only stung to me as my scales negated the damage.

"Leave my daughter alone, demon!" the young man shouted as he charged at me.

I laughed and easily snatched him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him into the air, as I remarked, "That's rich coming from the man who slit her throat in her first life, Russel. My friends had a better time controlling themselves during the Red Sun than you and they were just a bunch of young adults. Anyways, if any of the rest of you are Primes, these two will be coming with me. I'll give the rest of you an hour before I come looking for you again, but I won't be as nice. I would recommend that you gather your little group and come and meet us in the Great Hall as we had originally asked. We don't like killing, but that doesn't mean we won't if you keep testing our patience."

I tossed Russel over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and placed a hand on Josephine's shoulder. For dramatic effect, I teleported the three of us out of the room and to the floor below despite it using a good chuck of mana. I dropped Russel on the ground then shifted back to my normal appearance.

"Hands," I ordered while I took off my artificial fingers.

"What are you?" Josephine asked as she moved her hands in front of her.

"A tired and cranky person who just wants to lounge around with my loved ones and watch my kid and goddaughter grow up, but instead, I'm forced to be the nanny of the entire human race and discipline fools like you and the Primes," I replied, binding her hands together with half of the metal. "Where do you think you're going, Russel?"

While I talked and bound Josephine's wrists, Russel quietly got to his feet and tried to make his way towards the door. I teleported behind him and yanked him backwards by the collar of his shirt. He fell backwards and I was about to kick him to alleviate some of my anger but stopped at Josephine's request.

"Stop, please. We can't fight you," Josephine pleaded.

I took in a deep breath, smothering my anger, and nodded my head. "You're right; I'm sorry." I picked up Russel and placed him on his feet then bound his hands together just as I had done to Josephine. "Mind leading the way back to the Great Hall, Josephine?"

Josephine sighed but did as I asked and led us out of the room then down the hallway. Russel did not speak throughout the walk back, though he glared at me whenever I pushed him along as he slowed. Thankfully, we did not pass any guards on our way back to the Great Hall, but we did scare a few servants since I had two of their leaders tied up, but I made no move to stop them as they ran away. When we reached the hallway where the guards had collapsed, they all had their hands and feet bound and were lined up along the wall under the windows, yet still unconscious.

"Where is Gabriel?" Katye asked as Josephine, Russel, and I walked in.

"He tried to start a fight with Caleb when Caleb ordered the guards to gas you, so he was taken to the prison," Josephine explained.

"Well, at least he did not lose his mind," Katye replied as she stood up and walked over. "Did you not tell them about us, or did they simply not believe you?"

"Oh, he did, but like you guessed, they didn't believe us," she answered.

"I'm sure they do now," I retorted and headed over to Raven and Echo.

Katye chuckled, shaking her head, and turned to the other person. "We have not been introduced. My name is Katye, and you are?"

Russel refused to talk, so Josephine sighed and answered for him, "Russel Lightbourne, my father."

"Why are you helping them?" Russel growled at Josephine.

"Because there is nothing else that we can do. Rebecca wasn't lying when she said that they would kill us if we don't cooperate, but if we do, they'll leave us alone after they remove the Mind-Drive tech," she replied.

"That's the same as killing us!" Russel snapped.

"I think two lives are enough for one person, especially when you are stealing the body of another. You want to keep ruling Sanctum, fine, but you aren't going to be elevating yourselves to gods in this timeline," Katye said, dismissively, as she walked over to the rest of us.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

A/N: If you would like to support me and get early access to the story, join my Pat reon - Azazii6181?fan_landing=true.