The Last Stand, part 2

I had not forgotten about Helani after I watched Kali's body dissolve. The Lich had attempted to flee when he realized that he was on the losing side now. Like Suwae, he was not a combatant, focusing on Death, Poisons, and Soul manipulation, so he was hoping to escape like the weasel he was. Instead of dragging him to me, I tore through the Void and appeared in front of him, causing him to change his course, but with a wave of my hand, I locked down the Space around us so that he could not move too far.

"Going to wipe us all out, I see," he said, his voice deep yet raspy.

"Would our fate have been any different if your Pantheon had been the victor?" I retorted, knowing the answer.

Instead of continuing the banter, he summoned his Soul Beast and ordered it to attack me while he tried to break out of my barrier. The beast was a circular mass of black tentacles and a neon green body that could only been seen in flashes as it moved its arms. It was a soul flayer, a creature that could rip the Soul out of anyone below the rank of Lord God, but even before the transformation of my strength, it posed little danger to me.

It shot out a hundred or so tentacles at me, but I simply raised a hand, and they all froze in place. Flexing a bit more of this new power, I released a bit of pure Chaos energy at the creature with no real direction of my own. Chaos was not something that could be controlled, which was exactly what had held me back for so long. My stubborn nature had always tried to influence the element, but it was the act of giving up everything that I held dear which allowed me to cross that final boundary.

What I had not been expecting was the outcome of the creature coming into contact with the Chaos energy. Parts of the creature dissolved, burned, corroded, shined, multiplied, and even separated from the main body. Instantly, I knew that this was not something that I would ever be able to control, and it could unleash unspeakable damage to the Plane that we existed within. My evolution may have granted me incredible power, but without a proper 'check', my power would be able to take over and transform this universe into a Realm of Chaos.

I wrestled back control and ended the creature's life, and what had tried to escape my wrath. Helani coughed up a mouthful of black blood as his Soul Beast was destroyed, but he only intensified his efforts to break free from my Domain. There was a trace of pity in my eyes as I looked at him like a person would a caged beast that was desperate to escape a trap that it had no chance of surviving. His life meant little to me, so I destroyed it without a second thought. There was something more important that I needed to do to ensure the stability of the universe around me...


Minutes dragged on to feel like hours as I defended against the assault of lesser spirits and the wraiths hiding within their ranks. We had whittled away their numbers to only around a hundred lesser spirits, but as they thinned out, the wraiths were able to influence those that remained. They kept the spirits back out of the range of my wind blades and would use a few of them to block whenever I tried to launch an attack at the wraiths themselves.

Katye had used her Arcane Diamonds spell once again, but her mana was running dangerously low, so she had to stop and focus solely on defending us from the wasp's attacks. I was not doing too much better by constantly using the Yang-Fire, and now that they were staying out of my immediate range, the drain on my mana had only grown. They were waiting for us to have no energy left because, even if they depleted the energy that was giving their souls form, the wasp would be able to last much longer.

"Do you have any charges left on that ring of yours?" I asked.

"One, but I can't use any magic, or it will disrupt the cloaking enchantment," Katye replied.

"Use it," I said.

"But I won't be able to shield..."

"We aren't going to last much longer if we don't do something drastic. I'll manage without you and wipe out the spirits," I said, cutting her off.

I knew that she would not like my idea before I had even said it, but we were out of options, and she knew it. She did not argue and activated her ring, vanishing from my senses. With her gone, in a sense, I threw out my hands and the golden ring rushed outwards into the remaining horde.

I charged in right behind the fiery blast, conjuring more of the golden flames to cover my hands. The lesser spirits rushed at me after the ring exploded, but I literally clawed my way through the crowd towards the Water user's wraith, as it was the most difficult one for me to handle. Behind me, the wasp fired one of its projectiles and hit me in the shoulder. Although it hurt and I could feel the Yin-corruption enter my veins, I ignored it and focused on reaching the wraith.

A stream of black water shot through the spirits in front of me, but I ducked under the attack and sent a jet of Yang-Fire back at her. The spirits between us were destroyed and she even took some damage. The wraith's body flickered as the golden fire ate away at the energy that made it up.

My momentary pause allowed the lesser spirits to reach me. Their hands could pass through my body and directly attack my Soul. It was a chilling cold that felt like I was frozen from the inside out and it sapped away my strength.

The same feeling that had influenced me numerous times when my life was in danger, or I needed something desperately, returned. I did not fight it and allowed my instincts to stir what little mana I had left. My body erupted with golden lightning that arced between all of the nearby spirits, destroying them almost instantly.

The Water user's wraith did not escape the attack, despite moving more spirits between us, and she was destroyed as well. Artem's wraith was the closest to me and, just like in life, he charged at me with no hesitation. None of the lesser spirits or wraiths carried any type of weapon, but he did, holding onto a ghostly image of the axe that he always had with him.

He launched a black streak of energy towards me, and I knew that I could not let it touch me. It closed in on me, but then I teleported forward, dodging the attack, and raised a hand. I did not know how I had conjured that golden lightning, but I knew that if I did not fight these instincts, I could use it again. The lightning shot out from my palm, and he tried to intercept with another attack from his axe, but the lightning easily cut through the black energy and struck him in the chest, destroying him as well.

I was hit by another projectile from the wasp, this time on my right shoulder. I dropped to a knee due to the pain and I fought to remain conscious. The last of the lesser spirits rushed towards me along with a jet of black flames. Waiting until the last possible minute, I released another burst of golden lightning in all directions which destroyed nearly all of the remaining spirits and the Fire user's wraith. The success took nearly everything that I had left, and I could not help but cough up a large amount of blood.

There was a voice calling to me, asking me to just shut my eyes. I was so tired, so drained. Could I really keep fighting? I had done so much, but it was still not enough. A break... I just needed a short break...

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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