Disclaimer: I in no way own Naruto or any of its Characters, they are the property of Masashi Kishimoto.
(A.N) Hey guy's I'm afraid I've got some bad news or maybe good news depending on how you look at it. After careful consideration I've decided to rewrite The True Rinnegan. My reasons for this are many, but the main ones are these.
I've made Naruto WAY to OP. To put it bluntly, there are very few who could have given Naruto a good challenge.
When I started writing The True Rinnegan, I was still very new at writing. And because of that I've made way too many plot holes. Plot holes I intend to close in the rewrite.
Due too recent events in the Manga I believe I can come up with a better all around story.
And lastly if you go back and read my first few chapters and compare them to my last, you will see that my writing has improved greatly. So it is my hope that this rewrite will be much better.
Now I won't be taking down The True Rinnegan until I've got the first five or six chapters of the rewrite written. But I wanted all my readers to know that I am sorry, but this is something that must be done. But I also wanted to let everyone know that if any of you want to take this story idea and make your own, you are more then welcome to do so. In fact just let me know and I would read it.
Well I guess that's all for now I'll see you with the rewrite. Which might be Rated M, for blood and gore
Sincerely: Reddog24485