Chapter 35: Typhoon

We've met up with Eden at the airport so we could go to Hawaii. "Ein! I'm right here!" Eden waved and shouted to the group.

Everybody went to Eden and got in a group hug. "Eden, I've missed you! We've been terribly busy for a few months so we couldn't have a getaway with you." Elysia hugged her tight.

Eden pinched her cheeks "And you seduced Ein with your time too, you little gremlin." She then looked at Himeko.

Himeko scratched her cheeks and smiled wryly "Well, it just happened you know? It was out of our control." She shrugged.

Su then had a confused look on his face "Uh, what's happening right now?" He looked at Elysia.

Elysia puffed her chest out "Hehe~ Me and Himeko are Ein's lovers too Su!" She jumped and made a peace sign.

Su froze. "Aren't you going out with Eden. Ein?" He squinted his eyes at him.

Ein shrugged and slapped him on the back. "It is what it is. Eden knows, and she trusts Elysia and Himeko to keep me off of others at work." He grinned.

Kevin patted Su's shoulders. " 'Tis the fate of those who are above and beyond us mortals Su. Don't question it or you'll be thrown in a loop of unending riddles." He nodded sagely.

Mei rolled her eyes "Shut up Kevin, let's go. We need to board our plane. Su, just accept it too, nobody's being oppressed or something anyway." She then walked to the direction of their gate.

Everybody followed and boarded their planes.


After a few hours of flight, they received a notification from their captain that they will arrive in 15 minutes.

Eden, Himeko, Elysia, and Ein are at a private cabin and the others are right next door. "Nee~ Ein, what do you guys want to do when we arrive? We have tons of options! How about visiting the mountains after the beach!?" Elysia asked, giddy with excitement.

Eden swirled a glass of wine "Ohh! We could see good sceneries at the mountains too. Well, we've got plenty of time. We can see them all." She smiled and leaned on Ein.

Himeko pondered "Aren't they famous for active volcanoes too that we can visit? I think they'll be a spectacle to see."

Elysia and Eden gave her a look "Himeko... I think just seeing them from afar is enough?" Eden gave a strained smile.

"That's right! Volcanoes aren't beautiful up close Himeko. We can just look at it from somewhere, not go near it." Elysia made an x with her arms.

As they were about to argue more turbulence hit the plane, and an announcement was heard. "Dear passengers, this is your captain speaking. We're near the landing strip, but we're experiencing some sudden turbulence. Please wait patiently as we will circle around and try to land."

Elysia started to get nervous "We won't crash right? This is normal right?" She said with a shaky voice.

Himeko shrugged "Turbulence won't make our plane crash Elysia. We just wait and we'll land after a few minutes at most."

Eden nodded "This is just a small hiccup Ellie. Don't worry about it." Eden patted her on the back.

The plane was getting hit by turbulence frequently as they waited patiently on their seats. "This sure is something, the plane's jerking a lot. How long will this take?" Ein wondered about the extensive turbulence.

Eden was holding Elysia's hand "It is strange, there are no storms or anything reported that is near. Maybe it's just really strong wind or something."

They waited for a few more minutes, the plane jerking often. An announcement was heard again "This is your captain speaking, we're experiencing some strong gusts of winds, we might need to wait for at least 30 minutes. Thank you for your patience."

"Hah, this is such a drag. I'll buy my own private jet next time Eden, you get one too so we'll have two and we can travel faster." Ein, annoyed by the long wait.

The plane then steadied and didn't jerk anymore. "Please sit down and make sure your seatbelts are on. We will now land." As the voice ended the plane lost control and was in a crash course against the sea.

Elysia screamed bloody murder as they went spiraling down. "Stay in your seats! Don't move!" He then took of his seat belt as he got tossed around the cabin.

He floated out and went to the hatch, ripped it open and closed it shut after he went out. Fuck I need to be quick!. He observed quickly and one wing of the plane was torn in half.

He quickly followed the plane and went under it, he tried to stabilize it with his telekinesis and make it land on the water easier.

Shit! The plane is too heavy! He strained with all his might, even his eyes showed honkai corruption. The plane wasn't slowing down, though it lifted a bit so the nose won't hit the water.

It was slowly getting more lift but the momentum would kill a lot of people inside. Strong winds were battering him as he got an idea.

He redirected it on the front of the plane to make it have more lift. "The wing is still there even though it's in half. Please make it!" He moved at the front and looked inside the cockpit, the pilots are still trying to control the plane.

He then took out a piece of rubber from the previous insulation for Mobius and Mei, he shaped it in a circle and gestured for the pilots to prepare for landing.

The pilots fortunately understood after a few seconds, seeing that they'll make it to the landing strip. The landing gear in the undercarriage were now set as Ein held on for a few minutes more with everything he's got.

His eyes turned bloodshot, the blood vessels popping, blood flowing out of his ears and nose as his body strained from the massive amounts of honkai energy he's using.

His vision turning blurry, warning him of unconsciousness. "Just... A few more seconds!" He grit his teeth and the plane landed on the tarmac as he went limp and fell to the ground.

The plane landed violently and slipped a bit, but ultimately stopped safely with a few people having some concussions and scratches.

Eden massaged her temples, dizzy from the aftermath. "Elysia, Himeko, are you guys alright?" She looked at her surroundings.

"Ugh, that was a bit too much for a bumpy ride. I probably won't ride a plane for a looong time." Himeko said with fatigue in her voice.

Elysia was frozen, just looking at the front with her eyes wide open. "I-is it over? We're safe right?" Her voice trembling.

Their door then opened, revealing Kevin, Su, and Mei. "You guys alright!?" Kevin shouted and ran to them.

Mei looked around and then she froze. "Where's Ein?" Her mind racing. We were going to crash, no doubt. The other wing was in half and the winds battering the plane were too violent, he didn't!?

Everybody looked around and didn't find him anywhere. "He must be somewhere! Come on, let's go and find him." They immediately went outside.

Winds were strong outside like a typhoon. "Everyone go back! You might get hit by something outside!" Himeko pulled them immediately.

Elysia then had tears on her eyes "He might be out there! We have to find him!" She struggled intensely.

Eden nodded at Himeko and then Himeko knocked out Elysia. "He won't be happy if Elysia gets injured out there. Good work, Himeko." Eden sighed.

Outside a few hundred meters away.

"Hah, hah. I need to get them... Inside somewhere. The plane's already banged up. If it opens up, they can get injured."

His dense body, fortunately wasn't swept up by the strong winds. He then limped as best as he could.

After 30 minutes inside the plane, everyone was starting to get antsy and twitchy. "When will we get out and look for him." Eden said while twiddling her thumbs.

Mei raised her hand "He'll be fine. He's strained himself I'm sure, it was thanks to him we survived after all." She said cryptically.

Himeko raised a brow "What do you mean he helped us survive?"

"I'm quite sure he helped the plane land. He's probably incapacitated, we'll try and find him if these winds calm down a bit." Mei explained while biting her nails in frustration.

They all went silent, processing the information of his superhuman feat. The door to the cabin then opened as they saw him, tattered. Looking like he went through the wringer as his clothes were all ripped and he's almost naked.

Eden choked as she saw his appearance. Pink circuit like lines were glowing intensely all around his body. She looked at his eyes and it was also the same.

Everybody gasped as they observed him carefully. Eden, Himeko, and Elysia instantly went near him and seated him on the couch.

With tears on her eyes and a trembling voice Elysia asked "Where... were you? Why do you look like that guy back then!?"

Su frowned and took a second look at him "That's honkai corruption. What the hell happened to you?"

Himeko's face tightened. "You used honkai energy didn't you?" She held his hand, her tears flowing freely "Thank you. We wouldn't have survived without you."

Mei took a quick picture for future reference "He's suffering from intense honkai corruption, we've never seen someone with that much corruption and not dying or mutating."

Eden frowned "Is he gonna be okay? He won't turn into a zombie or something right?" She asked with urgency.

Su checked his vitals "His vitals aren't abnormal, just a higher heart rate. I hope he'll be fine. We can only wait."

"Shut up... I'm trying to rest a bit." Ein said with a hoarse voice. "After I recover for a bit, everyone's coming with me to a safer place."

Elysia then shouted "You shut up! You'll be resting here and you won't be moving until you get better!"

They then just observed him for at least 30 more minutes. Cars then arrived to evacuate everybody. "Please board quickly and we'll leave to a shelter. This typhoon is getting worse so let's get a move on." They ushered the passengers.

"He's experiencing honkai corruption, we must get him to safety immediately!" Su exclaimed to the rescuers. They then loaded him in an ambulance and went off without them.

Inside the car, they were silent. "Is it okay if we don't go with him?" Eden asked softly.

"We better not, we might get exposed to too much honkai energy and we can get corrupted as well. He'll be fine, I believe in him." Mei explained quickly.

She then took out an ID with an insignia. "Please drive us to the nearest MOTH base, I'm Dr. Mei. We'd like to go there instead." The driver then quickly complied, this girl is a researcher in MOTH after all, who knows what will happen if he refuses.

Elysia then asked Mei "Why didn't we get him to the base with us?"

"He'll be exposed to MOTH, he doesn't want them to know yet that he has honkai energy, but it's probably fine in the near future. We just finished some major research and we'll be indispensable."

They then arrived at the local base. "Dr. Mei, it's a surprise that you're here! We've heard of you from HQ."

"Can I make a call? I need to contact Dr. Mobius about something." She asked quickly.

"Certainly." The staff then ushered the group to different rooms.

"Dr. Mobius, there's a situation we have to clear up. Ein used too much honkai energy to stabilize our plane. And why is there a sudden strong typhoon here anyway? Do you know why?"

"I'll have the data of the nearest hospitals there erased then. And about the weather, it suddenly appeared while the eye of the storm is New Zealand." Mobius decided quickly then explained.

"Then we can assume that this might be?" Mei went silent.

Mobius frowned "Yes, the 4th honkai eruption."


Thanks for reading guys, the 4th herrscher descends in Oceania. I'll be having a lot more time skips, there's a lot of downtime between herrscher appearances after all. ciao